Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Slow is a status in Final Fantasy V that the affected's ATB bar take twice as long to fill (monsters' ATB bars are hidden), effectively making one get their turn half as often as normal. Slow and haste cannot coexist on the same target; slow is removed when haste is set and vice versa. Slow doubles countdown timers caused by the Doom spell and Condemn. Slowed party members have a white outline on their battle sprite.


Ability Bindweed (Gaia), Slow Burst (Combine), Slow Cannon (Combine), Slow Shot (Combine)
Spell Slow & Slowga (Time Magic)

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Slimer Inflicts Slow and Sap to one target. Aquathorn, Cray Claw, Devourer, Page 128, Rock Slug, Slug, Unknown (#169 & #170)
Slow Inflicts Slow to one target. Chrono Controller, Omniscient, Ricard Mage, Atomos
Slowga Inflicts Slow to the party. Black Warlock, Chrono Controller, Enuo, Fury, Atomos
Web Inflicts Slow to one target. Byblos, Druid, Gloom Widow, Moss Fungus, Tarantula


Accessory Hermes Sandals


Mix Blessed Kiss, Dragon Defense, Hasty-ade, Remedy
Spell Dispel (White Magic), Haste & Hastega (Time Magic)


The following enemies are immune to slow:
