Sleep Sprout is a special enemy in Final Fantasy X, created in the Species Conquest in Monster Arena after at least five of each Fungus-type fiends have been captured. It uses the same model as the Exoray.

Being rooted to the ground, the Sleep Sprout has 0 Evasion, though it has Auto-Regen and a high chance of ambushing the party. It opens with Goodnight, inflicting magic-based damage and Sleep (by 99 turns), Poison, Berserk, Power Break, and Armor Break. Goodnight will also be used as a counter to all physical attacks. Its attacks consist of the third-level elemental spells, along with Flare and Ultima. It has no elemental affiliation and is weak to Fire.
It drops weapons with status strikes and armor with status proofs, the Sleep versions of these abilities being fixed. Its equipment drops provide a hidden 6% critical hit chance bonus instead of the usual 3% (this is relevant to weapons and armors, but only to attacks that deal physical damage). The weapons are often worth at least triple the entry fee when sold, and so is an effective way to farm gil.
As Sleep Sprout has less than 99,999 HP, a strong party member can kill it in one hit, making killing it the fastest way to farm Dark Matter. The best option is using Celestial Weapons at full power (if available). Auron's Masamune is recommended since it is relatively easy to obtain and does additional damage the lower Auron's HP is; at 1 HP, Auron will be able to do 99,999 damage with it at a much lower level of Strength than any other character. An easy way to get Auron to 1 HP is to attempt this fight and lose on purpose. Afterwards, Auron will be at maximum power, will always go first, and cannot miss. Since he always wins in 1 turn, Sleep Sprout is good for farming gil, Teleport Spheres and Dark Matters, assuming the player does not touch the save sphere between fights.
If the player cannot yet achieve 99,999 damage in one hit, or chooses to fight Sleep Sprout normally, they need to be able to withstand the initial Goodnight. This is most easily done by summoning an aeon. Armor with Ribbon is an alternative, but it will not protect against the Break statuses, which will have to be dispelled afterward. Reflect is useful against most of Sleep Sprout's spells, bar Ultima, both protecting the party and damaging Sleep Sprout at the same time.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Related enemies[]
Final Fantasy X-2[]
Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]
- Big Bully Cap
- Bully Cap
- Mycotoxin