Final Fantasy Wiki

I'm getting strange readings from within that skeleton statue. If you destroy the statue, you may find treasure—or find yourself knee-deep in skeletons. If you take them on without any sort of plan, you may find yourself in trouble. Proceed carefully.


Skeleton is in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII found in the Dead Dunes' Temple Ruins. Its monster notes can be bought from Ruffian. They are not difficult to defeat, and using wind attacks is especially potent. Some dried up skeletons bar doorways within the temple and can be destroyed with Lightning's weapon on the field; sometimes this yields Unappraised Items, and sometimes it yields encounters with the Skeleton monsters.




A skeleton is a type of physically manifested undead often found in fantasy, gothic and horror fiction, and mythical art. Most are human skeletons, but they can also be from any creature or race found on Earth or in the fantasy world.

Related enemies[]
