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Sice is a playable character in Final Fantasy Type-0. Sice wields a scythe and has an aggressive hit-and-run battle style characterized by her ability to chain her melee attacks. She can change her attack patterns considerably and easily, but is hard to master. With the Combo Bonus upgrade, her 7-hit normal combo can reach up to 20 hits. Sice also has the quickest movement speed in towns.

Her most unique feature is the ability to absorb the "malice" of dead enemies, causing a dark red aura to surround her scythe that glows gradually brighter as she absorbs more. The aura increases the power of her basic attacks as well as the area-of-effect's size, namely, her Dark Nebula attack, and the brighter the aura is, the stronger she becomes. Every time Sice is hit by an attack, regardless of it staggering or knocking her away or not, the malice is purged out from her. It is vital to keep as much malice as possible to utilize Sice's abilities to its fullest, with upgrades like Moxie and Tenacity to make her a fearsome character.


Despite being a good melee attacker, Sice is average compared to the other melee cadets, such as Eight and Nine. Her attack speed is faster than Nine's, but slower than Eight's, and while her attack power is better than Eight's, her critical hit ratio is inferior to Nine's. Her time latency between each combo is balanced. Her normal attacks consist of various swipes with her scythe, which she moves towards the target in a stride.

Level HP MP Strength Defense Flame Magic Ice Magic Lightning Magic Defense Magic
10 391 233 62 62 53 54 62 58
20 547 268 72 65 58 59 67 63
30 689 302 82 67 63 64 72 68
40 818 336 92 70 68 69 77 73
50 932 371 102 72 73 74 82 78
60 1033 405 112 75 78 79 87 83
70 1120 440 122 77 83 84 92 88
80 1193 474 132 80 88 89 87 83
90 1253 508 142 82 93 94 102 98
99 1295 536 151 84 97 98 106 102
Ranking: 6th 10th 10th 5th 12th 10th 3rd 7th



Sice in battle.

Sice initially knows Dark Nebula, a ranged attack that deals magical damage to enemies along in a narrow, straight line. It has a long range, pierces through any enemy and only dissipates until it is out of range or hits a wall. With more malice absorbed, Dark Nebula gains power and size, allowing it to hit enemies easier. It only works on 0 degree elevation, which means Sice can track the enemy horizontally, but the projectile itself cannot be fired at higher or lower point of location despite locking-on.

Her Mobile Strike allows her to change her method of attacking via tilting the analog stick, which can be advantageous, yet difficult to master. Frontal attack allows her to "pounce" ahead before striking with her scythe, hitting the ground. Consecutive frontal attacks are faster, but have a shorter stride than the first pounce. Tilting the analog stick left or right while attacking makes Sice perform a circular slash in which she will slide to that direction. Consecutive use proves it is barely accurate enough to hit enemies, but considered an escaping attack. The backing away attack allows Sice to instead skip away from the enemy while swinging her scythe around. Performing this consecutively is inefficient due to its long recovery time.


Death Maelstrom.

Sice's Death Maelstrom involves her performing a readying stance, then conjuring a tornado that is a semi-independent object that chases Sice's current target. It deals minor damage over time, travels slowly, and cannot stagger foes. With the Death Maelstrom: Time Up upgrade, the tornado lasts longer. Despite the tornado being formed on the ground, it may ascend at flying enemies or enemies that are on higher ground. The tornado can move through barricades, vehicles and debris, making it convenient, yet it cannot move through thick walls. With more malice absorbed, the size of the tornado increases. A larger Death Maelstrom lasts slightly longer as it gradually decreases in size before dissipating. Since the tornado hits Sice's target over time, it will close the opportunity for Killsight until it dissipates. The Death Maelstrom is useful against any slow to average speed enemies, like Flan and Bombs.


Negative Aura.

The Negative Aura allows Sice to damage enemies within the aura's field. She jumps and strikes the ground with the pole end of her scythe, unleashing the negative aura on the ground. It damages enemies up to two times with good power and stagger rate. With the Negative Aura: +Drain upgrade, Sice may drain damaged enemies' HP within the aura field. The amount of HP drained is proportional to half of the total damage dealt by the Negative Aura. The more malice Sice has absorbed, the wider radius the aura has, but it expends a proportion of malice upon use.

Sice's Toxic Mist has her release a fume of mist with a swipe of her scythe, which may poison enemies. The Toxic Mist's area-of-effect is small, lasts for roughly four seconds and moves forward slowly.

Finally, Sice learns the Grim Reaper, an attack can inflict Killsight on foes. It is reminiscent of Odin's Zantetsuken ability, although it works with different method. Sice will perform a single, strong slash against the target, dealing good damage. With more malice absorbed the chance improves for Sice to deal Instant Death at the target. It is possible to hit multiple enemies.

Ability Effect Obtained AP
(Speed Up (Name in Japanese: スピードアップ))
Increase movement speed. Default 2
(Twin Magic (Name in Japanese: ツインマジック))
Equip two spells at once. Level 20 5
Quick Draw II
(Cancel -ra Magic (Name in Japanese: ラ系キャンセル魔法))
Cast level II finishing magic. Learn Quick Draw. 15
Quick Draw III
(Cancel -ga Magic (Name in Japanese: ガ系キャンセル魔法))
Cast level III finishing magic. Level 48
Learn Quick Draw II.
Triple Slip
(Triple Evasion (Name in Japanese: 三連回避))
Execute up to three dodges in succession. Learn Moxie: Power Up. 2
(Infinite Evasion (Name in Japanese: 無限回避))
Execute any number of dodges in succession. Learn Triple Slip. 3
(Evade Guard (Name in Japanese: 回避ガード))
Window for dodging increases. Learn Slipstream. 5
(Libra (Name in Japanese: ライブラ))
Check status of locked-on targets. Default Default
Combo Bonus
(Enhanced Normal Attack (Name in Japanese: 通常攻撃強化))
Increase the number of hits in a normal attack. Default 2
Combo Bonus II
(Normal Attack Enhancement+ (Name in Japanese: 通常攻撃強化改))
Further increase the number of hits in a normal attack. Learn Moxie: Power Up and Combo Bonus. 2
Combo Bonus III
(Normal Attack Enhancement++ (Name in Japanese: 通常攻撃強化改二))
Drastically increase the number of hits in a normal attack. Learn Moxie: Power Up II and Combo Bonus II. 6
Quick Draw
(Cancel Magic Type-1 (Name in Japanese: キャンセル魔法壱型))
Cast finishing magic after four consecutive normal attacks. Learn Combo Bonus III. 10
Mobile Strike
(Movement Attack (Name in Japanese: 移動攻撃))
Attack while moving with left analog stick + normal attack. Default Default
Advance Cast
(Cancel Magic Type-2 (Name in Japanese: キャンセル魔法弐型))
Cast finishing magic after a forward mobile strike. Learn Tenacity. 6
Slip Cast
(Cancel Magic Type-3 (Name in Japanese: キャンセル魔法参型))
Cast finishing magic after a backward mobile strike. Learn Advance Cast. 8
(Absorb Hatred (Name in Japanese: 怨念吸収))
Increase power by defeating enemies and absorbing their malice. Default Default
Moxie: Power Up
(Absorb Hatred Enhancement (Name in Japanese: 怨念吸収強化))
Absorb more malice. Level 14 12
Moxie: Power Up II
(Absorb Hatred Enhancement+ (Name in Japanese: 怨念吸収強化改))
Absorb even more malice. Level 22
Learn Moxie: Power Up.
(Absorb Hatred+ (Name in Japanese: 怨念吸収改))
Reduce the amount of malice lost when taking damage. Level 28
Learn Moxie: Power Up II.
Dark Nebula Use absorbed malice to attack in a straight line. Default Default
Dark Nebula: +Stop
(DN Effect Addition (Name in Japanese: DN効果追加))
Add Stop effect to Dark Nebula. Default 3
Dark Nebula: AG Down
(DN Reduced AG Cost (Name in Japanese: DN消費AG減))
Reduce AG cost of Dark Nebula. Default 5
Negative Aura
(Dark Zone (Name in Japanese: ダークゾーン))
Use absorbed malice to attack surrounding enemies. Learn Moxie: Power Up II. 5
Negative Aura: +Drain
(DZ Effect Addition (Name in Japanese: DZ効果追加))
Add Drain effect to Negative Aura. Learn Negative Aura. 6
Negative Aura: AG Down
(DZ Reduced AG Cost (Name in Japanese: DZ消費AG減))
Reduce AG cost of Negative Aura. Learn Negative Aura. 8
Grim Reaper
(Dark Nemesis (Name in Japanese: ダークネメシス))
Use absorbed malice to attack enemies and possibly inflict Death. Learn Tenacity. 10
Toxic Mist
(Poison Wall (Name in Japanese: ポイズンウォール))
Attack enemies with a wall of poison. Learn Moxie: Power Up. 4
Toxic Mist: AG Down
(PW Reduced AG Cost (Name in Japanese: PW消費AG減))
Reduce AG cost of Toxic Mist. Learn Toxic Mist. 6
Death Maelstrom
(Psycho Vortex (Name in Japanese: サイコボルテックス))
An air-based tornado attack that follows a locked-on target and causes damage over time. Level 11 3
Death Maelstrom: Power Up
(PV Power Increase (Name in Japanese: PV威力増大))
Increase power of Death Maelstrom. Learn Death Maelstrom. 5
Death Maelstrom: Time Up
(PV Time Extension (Name in Japanese: PV時間延長))
Death Maelstrom remains active for a longer time. Learn Death Maelstrom. 6
Death Maelstrom: AG Down
(PV Reduced Power Cost (Name in Japanese: PV消費AG減))
Reduce AG cost of Death Maelstrom. Learn Death Maelstrom. 8
Black Hole Manipulate gravity to gather enemies in one place. Learn Moxie: Power Up. 6
Black Hole: AG Down
(BH Reduced AG Cost (Name in Japanese: BH消費AG減))
Reduce AG cost of Black Hole. Learn Black Hole. 8


Sice's exclusive accessory is the Bewitching Fragrance, which grants a 20% chance of inflicting Instant Death, a 50% chance of inflicting Burn, and a 50% chance of inflicting Poison to her regular attacks.

Support Personnel[]

Some Support Personnel characters in the HD version appear as Sice: WADY (Yoichi Wada; company president during the development of Final Fantasy Type-0), Atsuko Ishikura (Character Cutscene Planner), Marie Iwanaga (Character Texture Designer), and Aya Izumi (VFX Artist).

