Final Fantasy Wiki

The following is a list of weapons purchasable in Dissidia Final Fantasy.


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Broadsword 1 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
1000 gil
Sun Blade 1 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
1000 gil, Broadsword, Bless Shard, Transmogridust x2
Iron Sword 8 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
2000 gil
Mythril Sword+ 8 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
6050 gil, Mythril Sword, Geranium, Transmogridust x2
Serpent Sword 15 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
3700 gil
Flametongue 15 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
3700 gil, Broadsword, Bless Shard, Transmogridust x4
Mythril Sword 22 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
6050 gil, Iron Sword, Mythril
Icebrand 22 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
6050 gil, Iron Sword, Lithe Shard, Transmogridust x8
Gold Sword+ 22 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
10750 gil, Gold, White Stone, Transmogridust x3
Saber 29 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
8400 gil
Rapier 36 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
10750 gil
Gold Sword 36 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
10750 gil, Saber, Gold
Ancient Sword 36 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
10750 gil, Sun Blade, Black Stone
Diamond Sword+ 36 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
15460 gil, Diamond Sword, Black Stone, Transmogridust x4
Estoc 43 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus

The Emperor Gabranth

13100 gil
Diamond Sword 50 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
15460 gil, Rapier, Diamond
Coral Sword 50 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
15460 gil, Rapier, Spirit Stone, Transmogridust
Rune Blade 57 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
17810 gil, Estoc, Levistone, Mako Stone x2
Crystal Sword 64 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
20160 gil, Diamond Sword, Crystal, Dewdrop Pebble x3
Defender 64 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
20160 gil, Coral Sword, Dewdrop Pebble x3, Transmogridust x4
Enhancer 71 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
22510 gil, Rune Blade, Stone of the Condemner x3, Crimson Powder x4
Falchion 78 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
32310 gil
Dragon Slayer 78 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
24860 gil, Flametongue, Wyrmstone x3, Protect Shard x3
Save the Queen 85 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
27220 gil, Enhancer, Blessed Gem x4, Magnet Shard
Brave Blade 92 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
29570 gil, Icebrand, Goddess's Magicite x5, Red Gem
Excalibur 99 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
31920 gil, Save the Queen, Supreme Gem x5
Excalipoor 99 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
31920 gil, Cancer Recipe, Dragon Seal, Chocograph
Wyrmhero Blade 99 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Cloud Squall Tidus
The Emperor Gabranth
31920 gil, Aquarius Recipe, Crystal Eye, Al Bhed Primer


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Knife 1 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
450 gil
Triton's Dagger 1 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
450 gil, Knife, Power Shard, Transmogridust x2
Dagger 8 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
1450 gil
Khukuri 15 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
3150 gil
Main Gauche 15 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
3150 gil, Knife, Power Shard, Transmogridust x4
Mage Masher 22 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
5500 gil, Dagger, Resilience Shard, Transmogridust x8
Piercing Dagger 36 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
10200 gil
Man-Eater 36 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
10200 gil, Triton's Dagger, Black Tiger Fang
Air Knife 50 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
14910 gil, Piercing Dagger, Great Serpent's Fang, Transmogridust
Assassin's Dagger 64 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
19610 gil, Main Gauche, Mammoth Tusk x3, Transmogridust x4
Orichalcum Dirk 71 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
21960 gil, Air Knife, Mammoth Tusk x6, Orange Gem
Valiant Knife 78 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
29310 gil
Gladius 92 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
29020 gil, Mage Masher, Beastlord Fang x5, Orange Gem
Zwill Crossblade 99 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
31370 gil, Air Knife, Maduin's Fang x5
Adamant Knife 99 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
31370 gil, Orichalcum Dirk, Adamantite
Chicken Knife 99 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Zidane
The Emperor Ultimecia Kuja Gabranth
31370 gil, Libra Recipe, Omega Badge, Sphere


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Longsword 1 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
1830 gil
Hardedge 1 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
1830 gil, Longsword, Gale Shard, Transmogridust x2
Greatsword 8 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
2830 gil
Zweihander 15 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
4520 gil, Longsword, Gale Shard, Transmogridust x4
Flamberge 22 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
6870 gil, Greatsword, Oath Shard, Transmogridust x8
Claymore 29 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
9230 gil
Inferno Sword 36 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
11580 gil, Hardedge, Unknown's Bone
Ogrenix 50 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
16280 gil, Zweihander, Gigas Bone, Transmogridust
Apocalypse 71 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
23340 gil, Flamberge, Wargod Bone x3, Yellow Gem
Royal Swordsman's Blade 78 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
35310 gil
Ragnarok 99 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz Cloud
Garland Golbez Jecht Gabranth
32750 gil, Apocalypse, Hero's Bone x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Katana 1 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
1000 gil
Nodachi 24 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
6050 gil, Katana, Large Horn
Uchigatana 31 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
8400 gil
Kiku-ichimonji 53 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
15460 gil, Uchigatana, Wyvern Horn, Transmogridust
Murasame 60 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
18360 gil, Kiku-ichimonji, Lizard Horn, Taurus Horn x2
Kazekiri 88 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
27220 gil, Murasame, Unicorn Horn x4, Orange Gem
Heaven's Cloud 100 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
31920 gil, Kazekiri, Behemoth Horn x5
Piggy's Stick 100 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
31920 gil, Capricorn Recipe, Tintinabulum, Strategy Guide
Genji Blade 100 Firion Bartz
Garland Sephiroth
31920 gil, Heike's Blade, Behemoth Horn x5, Titan Crystal x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Spear 1 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
1000 gil
Scorpion 2 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
1000 gil, Spear, Magnet Shard, Transmogridust x2
Javelin 9 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
2000 gil
Mythril Spear+ 9 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
6050 gil, Mythril Spear, Bergamot, Transmogridust x2
Heavy Lance 16 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
3700 gil
Flame Lance 16 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
3700 gil, Spear, Magnet Shard, Transmogridust x4
Mythril Spear 23 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
6050 gil, Javelin, Mythril
Ice Lance 23 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
6050 gil, Javelin, Healing Shard, Transmogridust x8
Obelisk 37 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
10750 gil
Wind Spear 37 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
10750 gil, Scorpion, Summoner's Horn
Partisan 44 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
13100 gil
Crystal Lance 65 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
20160 gil, Obelisk, Crystal, Humbaba's Horn x3
Trident 72 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
22510 gil, Partisan, Ixion Horn x3, Blue Gem
Radiant Lance 79 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
32310 gil
Wyvern Lance 79 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
24860 gil, Flame Lance, Wind Drake Horn x3, Recovery Shard
Holy Lance 86 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
27220 gil, Crystal Lance, Unicorn Horn x3, Titan Shard
Gae Bolg 93 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
29570 gil, Ice Lance, Beastlord Horn x5, Yellow Gem
Gungnir 100 Firion Bartz
Garland Golbez Sephiroth
31920 gil, Holy Lance, Behemoth Horn x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Axe 1 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
1000 gil
Slasher 1 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
1000 gil, Axe, Protect Shard, Transmogridust x2
Light Axe 8 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
2000 gil
Mythril Axe+ 8 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
6050 gil, Mythril Axe, Rosemary, Transmogridust x2
Battle Axe 15 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
3700 gil
Tomahawk 15 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
3700 gil, Axe, Protect Shard, Transmogridust x4
Mythril Axe 22 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
6050 gil, Light Axe, Mythril x2
Dwarven Axe 22 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
6050 gil, Light Axe, Strength Shard, Transmogridust x8
Death Sickle 36 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
10750 gil, Slasher, Unknown's Bone
Francisca 43 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
13100 gil
Rune Axe 57 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
17810 gil, Tomahawk, Ancient Bone, Nue Bone x2
Giant's Axe 85 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
27220 gil, Dwarven Axe, Saint's Bone x4, Cyan Gem
Earthbreaker 99 Warrior of Light Firion Cecil Bartz
Garland Golbez Jecht
31920 gil, Giant's Axe, Hero's Bone x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Rod 1 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
1000 gil
Full Metal Staff 3 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
1000 gil, Rod, Recovery Shard, Transmogridust x2
Guard Stick 10 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
2000 gil
Mythril Rod+ 10 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
6050 gil, Mythril Rod, Tea Tree, Transmogridust x2
Healing Rod 17 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
3700 gil
Flame Rod 17 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
3700 gil, Rod, Recovery Shard, Transmogridust x4
Mythril Rod 24 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
6050 gil, Guard Stick, Mythril
Ice Rod 24 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
6050 gil, Guard Stick, Mana Shard, Transmogridust x8
Rod of Wisdom 31 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
8400 gil
Faerie Rod 38 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
10750 gil, Full Metal Staff, Moonstone
Wizard's Rod 45 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
13100 gil
Crown Scepter 67 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
20160 gil, Flame Rod, Opal x3, Purple Gem
Holy Rod 88 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
27220 gil, Ice Rod, Holystone x4, Purple Gem
Stardust Rod 100 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
31920 gil, Holy Rod, Sky Jewel x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Staff 1 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
1000 gil
Mage's Staff 1 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
1000 gil, Amplification Shard, Transmogridust x2
Oak Staff 8 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
2000 gil
Healing Staff 15 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
3700 gil
Flamescepter 15 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
3700 gil, Staff, Amplification Shard, Transmogridust x4
Power Staff 22 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
6050 gil, Staff, Strength Powder x3
Snowscepter 22 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
6050 gil, Oak Staff, Allure Shard, Transmogridust x8
Golden Staff+ 22 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
10750 gil, Golden Staff, Splinter, Transmogridust x3
Golden Staff 36 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
10750 gil, Oak Staff, Gold
Elder Staff 36 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
10750 gil, Mage's Staff, Lumber
Rune Staff 50 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
15460 gil, Healing Staff, Thorny Lumber, Transmogridust
Judicer's Staff 57 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
17810 gil, Flamescepter, Mistletoe, Quality Lumber x2
Staff of the Magi 71 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
22510 gil, Rune Staff, Spiritwood x3, White Gem
Eight-fluted Pole 78 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
32310 gil
Staff of Light 78 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
24860 gil, Snowscepter, Dragonwood x3, Luck Shard
Zeus Mace 92 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
29570 gil, Staff of the Magi, Revival Tree x5, Green Gem
Nirvana 99 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Terra Shantotto
The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Exdeath Kefka Ultimecia Kuja
31920 gil, Staff of Light, Iifa Tree x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Leather Gloves 1 Firion Bartz Tidus
1550 gil
Mythril Claw+ 8 Firion Bartz Tidus
6600 gil, Mythril Claw, Ylang Ylang, Transmogridust x2
Metal Knuckles 15 Firion Bartz Tidus
4250 gil
Mythril Claw 22 Firion Bartz Tidus
6600 gil, Metal Knuckles, Mythril
Darksteel Claws 22 Firion Bartz Tidus
6600 gil, Metal Knuckles, Iron Carapace
Sonic Knuckles 36 Firion Bartz Tidus
11300 gil
Tigerfangs 57 Firion Bartz Tidus
18360 gil, Sonic Knuckles, Destrier Barding, Wormskin x2
Cat Claws 64 Firion Bartz Tidus
20710 gil, Tigerfangs, Giant Turtleshell x3, Transmogridust x5
Godhand 92 Firion Bartz Tidus
30120 gil, Cat Claws, Aged Turtle Shell x5, Blue Gem
Premium Heart 99 Firion Bartz Tidus
32470 gil, Godhand, Ancient Turtle Shell x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Juji Shuriken 15 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 3700 gil
Boomerang 22 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 6050 gil
Chakram 22 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 6050 gil, Boomerang, Large Fang
Pinwheel 29 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 8400 gil
Moonring Blade 43 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 13100 gil
Rising Sun 57 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 17810 gil, Throat Wolf Fang, Chimera Fang x2
Fuma Shuriken 85 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 27220 gil, Rising Sun, Holy Fang x4, Red Gem
Cleaver 99 Firion Onion Knight Bartz Squall Zidane 31920 gil, Fuma Shuriken, Beastlord Fang x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Diamond Bell 22 Firion Bartz
Kefka Ultimecia
6050 gil
Gaia Bell 22 Firion Bartz
Kefka Ultimecia
6050 gil, Diamond Bell, Quality Branch
Rune Bell 50 Firion Bartz
Kefka Ultimecia
15460 gil, Diamond Bell, Thorny Lumber, Transmogridust
Dream Harp 64 Firion Bartz
Kefka Ultimecia
20160 gil, Rune Bell, Big Tree x3, Transmogridust x5
Lamia Harp 78 Firion Bartz
Kefka Ultimecia
24860 gil, Dream Harp, Dragonwood x3, Amplification Shard
Apollo's Harp 92 Firion Bartz
Kefka Ultimecia
2970 gil, Lamia Harp, Revival Tree x5, Cyan Gem
Loki's Lute 99 Firion Bartz
Kefka Ultimecia
31920 gil, Apollo's Harp, Iifa Tree x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Flame Sword 50 Warrior of Light 15460 gil, Rapier, Spirit Stone x3, Protect Shard x2
Tyrfing 50 Onion Knight 15460 gil, Rapier, Spirit Stone x3, Recovery Shard x2
Mythgraven Blade 50 Cecil 16280 gil, Dark Sword, Gigas Bone x3, Titan Shard x2
Ogrekiller 50 Garland 15460 gil, Francisca, Gigas Bone x3 Strength Shard x2
Calcite Staff 50 Cloud of Darkness 15460 gil, Healing Staff, Thorny Lumber x3, Mana Shard x2
Chocoblade 50 Bartz 15460 gil, Rapier, Spirit Stone x3, Luck Shard x2
Chain Flail 50 Terra 15460 gil, Healing Staff, Thorny Lumber x3, Amplification Shard x2
Force Stealer 50 Cloud 16280 gil, Buster Sword, Gigas Bone x3, Gale Shard x2
Twin Lance 50 Squall 15460 gil, Revolver, Spirit Stone x3, Bless Shard x2
Sargatanas 50 Zidane 14910 gil, Pinwheel, Great Serpent's Fang x3, Power Shard x2
Striker 50 Tidus 15460 gil, Official Ball, Great Serpent's Fang x3, Guts Shard x2
Ghido's Whisker 50 Exdeath 15460 gil, Healing Staff, Thorny Lumber x3, Reflex Shard x2
Lamia's Flute 50 Kefka 15460 gil, Diamond Bell, Thorny Lumber x3, Allure Shard x2
Kaiser Knuckles 50 Jecht 16010 gil, Sonic Knuckles, Great Serpentskin x3, Crimson Shard x2
Jupiter's Staff 50 Shantotto 15460 gil, Healing Staff, Thorny Lumber x3, Quickstrike Shard x2
Demonsbane 50 Gabranth 15460 gil, Rapier, Spirit Stone x3, Time Shard x2
Abel's Lance 51 Firion 15460 gil, Partisan, Wyvern Horn x3, Magnet Shard x2
Diamond Mace 53 The Emperor 15460 gil, Wizard's Rod, Ruby x3, Healing Shard x2
Lilith Rod 53 Golbez 15460 gil, Wizard's Rod, Ruby x3, Destruction Shard x2
Masamune Blade 53 Sephiroth 15460 gil, Uchigatana, Wyvern Horn x3, Oath Shard x2
Valkyrie 53 Ultimecia 15460 gil, Pinwheel, Ruby x3, Lithe Shard x2
Punisher 53 Kuja 15460 gil, Wizard's Rod, Ruby x3, Resilience Shard x2
Braveheart 92 Warrior of Light 29570 gil, Flame Sword, Goddess's Magicite x5, Protect Crystal x3
Royal Sword 92 Onion Knight 29570 gil, Tyrfing, Goddess's Magicite x5, Recovery Crystal x3
Lustrous Sword 92 Cecil 30390 gil, Mythgraven Blade, Blood-Darkened Bone x5, Titan Crystal x3
Viking Axe 92 Garland 29570 gil, Ogrekiller, Blood-Darkened Bone x5, Strength Crystal x3
Bizarre Staff 92 Cloud of Darkness 29570 gil, Calcite Staff, Revival Tree x5, Mana Crystal x3
Dayspring 92 Bartz 29570 gil, Chocoblade, Goddess's Magicite x5, Luck Crystal x3
Morning Star 92 Terra 29570 gil, Chain Flail, Revival Tree x5, Amplification Crystal x3
Butterfly Edge 92 Cloud 30390 gil, Force Stealer, Blood-Darkened Bone x5, Gale Crystal x3
Punishment 92 Squall 29570 gil, Twin Lance, Goddess's Magicite x5, Bless Crystal x3
The Tower 92 Zidane 29020 gil, Sargatanas, Beastlord Fang x5, Power Crystal x3
Grand Slam 92 Tidus 29570 gil, Striker, Beastlord Fang x5, Guts Crystal x3
Moore Branch 92 Exdeath 29570 gil, Ghido's Whisker, Revival Tree x5, Reflex Crystal x3
Nephilim Flute 92 Kefka 29570 gil, Lamia's Flute, Revival Tree x5, Allure Crystal x3
Sin's Talon 92 Jecht 30120 gil, Kaiser Knuckles, Aged Turtle Shell x5, Crimson Crystal x3
Laevateinn 92 Shantotto 29570 gil, Jupiter's Staff, Revival Tree x5, Quickstrike Crystal x3
Deathbringer 92 Gabranth 29570 gil, Demonsbane, Goddess's Magicite x5, Time Crystal x3
Longinus 93 Firion 29570 gil, Abel's Lance, Beastlord Horn x5, Magnet Crystal x3
Demon's Rod 95 The Emperor 29570 gil, Diamond Mace, Lapis Lazuli x5, Healing Crystal x3
Asura's Rod 95 Golbez 29570 gil, Lilith Rod, Lapis Lazuli x5, Destruction Crystal x3
Masamune 95 Sephiroth 29570 gil, Masamune Blade, Beastlord Horn x5, Oath Crystal x3
Cardinal 95 Ultimecia 29570 gil, Valkyrie, Lapis Lazuli x5, Lithe Crystal x3
Whale Whisker 95 Kuja 29570 gil, Punisher, Lapis Lazuli x5, Resilience Crystal x3
Barbarian's Sword 100 Warrior of Light 31920 gil, Braveheart, Guiding Light x5, Protect Orb x5
Gigant Axe 100 Garland 31920 gil, Viking Axe, Wheel of Darkness x5, Strength Orb x5
Wild Rose 100 Firion 31920 gil, Longinus, The Youth's Dream x5, Magnet Orb x5
Mateus's Malice 100 The Emperor 31920 gil, Demon's Rod, Lust for Power x5, Healing Orb x5
Onion Sword 100 Onion Knight 31920 gil, Royal Sword, Onion x5, Recovery Orb x5
Everdark 100 Cloud of Darkness 31920 gil, Bizarre Staff, Roaming Clouds x5, Mana Orb x5
Lightbringer 100 Cecil 32750 gil, Lustrous Sword, Twin Form x5, Titan Orb x5
Cimmerian Edge 100 Cecil 32750 gil, Lustrous Sword, Twin Form x5, Titan Orb x5
Zeromus Shard 100 Golbez 31920 gil, Asura's Rod, Lone Heart x5, Destruction Orb x5
Dorgann's Blade 100 Bartz 31920 gil, Dayspring, Splendor of the Wind x5, Luck Orb x5
Enuo's Scourge 100 Exdeath 31920 gil, Moore Branch, Power of the Void x5, Reflex Orb x5
Maduin's Horn 100 Terra 31920 gil, Morning Star, Veiled Magic x5, Amplification Orb x5
Dancing Mad 100 Kefka 31920 gil, Nephilim Flute, Fanatic's Leer x5, Allure Orb x5
Fenrir 100 Cloud 32750 gil, Butterfly Edge, True Past x5, Gale Orb x5
One-Winged Angel 100 Sephiroth 31920 gil, Masamune, Life of the Planet x5, Oath Orb x5
Lionheart 100 Squall 31920 gil, Punishment, Unshelled Bullet x5, Bless Orb x5
Shooting Star 100 Ultimecia 31920 gil, Cardinal, Gears of Time x5, Lithe Orb x5
Ozma's Splinter 100 Zidane 31370 gil, The Tower, Theater Ticket x5, Power Orb x5
Terra's Legacy 100 Kuja 31920 gil, Whale Whisker, God of Destruction x5, Resilience Orb x5
World Champion 100 Tidus 31920 gil, Grand Slam, Fayth's Dream x5, Guts Orb x5
Sin's Fang 100 Jecht 32470 gil, Sin's Talon, Medal of Honor x5, Crimson Orb x5
Claustrum 100 Shantotto 31920 gil, Laevateinn, Boiling Blood x5, Quickstrike Orb x5
Chaos Blade 100 Gabranth 31920 gil, Deathbringer, Gates of Judgement x5, Time Orb x5


Name Level Equippable By Cost/Trade
Sexy Cologne 43 Terra Cloud Shantotto

Cloud of Darkness Kefka Ultimecia

13100 gil, Spirit Stone x5, Gale Shard x2
Machine Gun 96 N/A 31920 gil, Mallet, Supreme Gem x5
Ultima Weapon 99 Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Bartz Terra Cloud Squall Zidane Tidus Shantotto

Garland The Emperor Cloud of Darkness Golbez Exdeath Kefka Sephiroth Ultimecia Kuja Jecht Gabranth

31920 gil, Pisces Recipe, Noah's Lute, Whisperweed

See also[]
