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A rare male Shiva. Drives his female counterpart up the wall with lengthy "superhero" monologues. Cannot be defeated with space rocks or the color yellow.
★SUI GENERIS: This unique soul belongs to Shivalry from the main story.

Shivalry★ is a boss in World of Final Fantasy.


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Intervention Quest[]

The Coliseum[]


Location Formation
Intervention Quest - Cold, Hard Justice Shivalry★ *(Battle 1)
The Coliseum - Justice Misserved Shivalry★

Related enemies[]



Chivalry, or the chivalric code, is a code of conduct associated with the medieval institution of knighthood.

Shiva (also spelled Śiva) is a Hindu god. The Hindu Shiva once saved the world by consuming poison, giving him blue skin around the area of the neck and throat. Shiva is a male god, but can merge with his consort Parvati to become Ardhanari, an androgynous Hindu god of duality. Shiva is the god of destruction along with Vishnu, who is the god of preservation, and Brahma, the god of creation. Together they are the three principle deities of the Trimurti (Hindu Triad). It is believed he periodically destroys the world, then recreates it.

Shiva has different human forms, males and females. When he was in his avatar form, he spent most of his times in the Himalayan snow mountain. Shiva in the Final Fantasy series is likely inspired by one of his female avatars.

The Japanese pronunciation "Shiba" could refer to the English word "shiver", which in Japanese would sound like "shi-ba" or "shi-va".
