Final Fantasy Wiki

...Blow in energy! Life's refreshing breeze... Cure!


Sharuru Linkingfeather, also known as Sharu, is a character from Final Fantasy Lost Stranger. She is a white mage who serves as the leader of her party.



Sharuru is a busty young woman with green hair tied into braids but lets it down on occasion. She is often dressed in the robes of a white mage.


Sharuru is an optimistic person who cares about the overall well-being of her party members and those she cares about. She is an impulsive person albeit with good intentions, who is quick to help those she finds to be in dire need. However, she often overlooks the state of her being while caring too deeply about the state of others.


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Early Life[]

Prior to becoming a white mage, Sharuru lived with her mother who cared for her in her youth.

Prelude Rebirth[]

Sharuru appears to Shogo the first time he is transported to another dimension. She gauges his condition and decides to use Cure on him, healing him in the process. However, she deduces that he still needs some more healing and repeatedly blasts Cure on Shogo. After assessing Shogo's condition once more, Sharuru gives him a smile and passes out, with her party members stating that she must have exhausted her MP. Rei carries the unconscious Sharuru back to the nearby town of Nylpo.

Upon arriving at Nylpo's inn, Sharuru wakes up after smelling food and is introduced to Yuko after the group shares a meal together. Sharuru decides to include the siblings in her party, much to Rei's continued reluctance.

After the siblings get acquainted with their new world, the party receives a request to rescue a young girl in the mountains. They encounter the Dawnless White Dragon that has the child trapped. Yuko concocts a plan to save the child and rushes stubbornly to save her. As Yuko retrieves the child and slings her at Shogo, she is fatally bitten by the Dawnless White Dragon. In the aftermath of the battle, Sharuru repeatedly tries to cast Cure on Yuko but to no avail. Shogo tries to reassure himself of the fact that the world is like "FF" so there must be a magic like raise that can help his sister. In tears, Sharuru exclaims to the desperate Shogo that raise is the kind of magic that only exists in fairytales.

Defying Fate[]

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