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The ruffled resident is a picture of worry.

Quest description

Shadow over the Orphanage Shadow over the Orphanage is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.



  • Find the suspicious men in the New Nest.
  • Speak with the rugged fellow.
  • Report to the ruffled resident.


Shadow over the Orphanage Shadow over the Orphanage script
Hwdcitizen03839 You're [Player Name], are you not? The savior of Ishgard? Please, I need your help!
Hwdcitizen03839 As you may know, there is an orphanage here in the New Nest─Rolanberry Field, it's called.
Hwdcitizen03839 Well, of late, I've been seeing suspicious men lurking about the place and throughout the district!
Hwdcitizen03839 I can't bear the thought of something befalling the children. Please, will you not investigate these unsavory individuals?
Hwdcitizen03839 Please, find the suspicious men that have been lurking about. I can't bear the thought of something befalling the children.
Rasequin Uwaaah! Give a man a bloody fright!
Rasequin I-I'm in a hurry, if you don't mind. Need to take this little one back to the orphanage.
Gontrandoix Heh heh heh, the children won't be able to resist these...
Gontrandoix Wh-What? Wh-Why are you staring at me?
Pehainel <gasp>
Gontrandoix You're the woman/man from before...
Pehainel <gasp>
Rasequin You again!? What do you want?
Rasequin Look, we're busy right now. Come back some other time, will you?
Rasequin Fine, suit yourself! Wait over there until we've finished up, all right?
Hwdchilda03839 Rasequin! Gontrandoix! Pehainel! We washed our hands like you told us!
Gontrandoix Good, good. It's just about ready to serve.
Pehainel Don't get too close to the fire, you hear? We don't want you to burn yourselves.
Rasequin Sorry for the wait, but we had to tend to the children first.
Rasequin Right then, you had some business with us?
Rasequin So that's what this is all about... Well, for what it's worth, I don't blame folk for being suspicious. We're not exactly the sort you see working at an orphanage.
Rasequin The three of us, we used to be Temple Knights. We were there when the Horde descended on the Steps of Faith. And we all took wounds that forced us to hang up our shields.
Rasequin We're grateful to still be alive, though. And we have you to thank for it.
Rasequin Nowadays, we help retired soldiers find work and look after orphans. Truth be told, at first we thought it was some bad jest when they said we'd be taking care of children. After all, we were knights and not nursemaids. We didn't feel equal to the task.
Hwdchildb03839 You look after us, play with us, and make tasty food for us! We're grateful to you all!
Rasequin But the children seem happy enough. And here we are.
Rasequin You can assure the concerned citizen that the children are in no danger.
Hwdchildb03839 Awww, are you leaving already? Please come again and play with us!
Hwdcitizen03839 Ah, you're returned! So, were you able to find the suspicious men?
Hwdcitizen03839 What? They care for the orphans? Oh gods, I feel terrible for having assumed the worst of them...
Hwdcitizen03839 I shall go and apologize. Yes, and bring the children some sweets as well. My thanks to you for clearing up the misunderstanding!
Quest complete.