I will save you in your time of need. You should be grateful.
Max Trust Mastery
Seymour is a summonable vision and optional playable character in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. He serves as a character representative from Final Fantasy X.
Seymour's Trust Master reward is the passive ability Yevon's Wisdom.
4★ - No. 0789:A young Guado who sought to rid Spirans from the suffering of existence by destroying the world. Seymour succeeded his father as a Maester of Yevon after the latter's death. He boasts incredible summoning powers as proven by his quick elimination of the fiends threatening the port city of Luca, which he disposed of by summoning forth the powerful aeon known as Anima. Unbeknownst to the people of Luca, however, this had all been a plan devised by Seymour himself to win their trust by saving their lives.
4★ - No. 0790:A young Guado who sought to rid Spirans from the suffering of existence by destroying the world. Seymour planned to use Yuna to accomplish his goals of destroying Spira, as his twisted mind had led him to believe that "If all life were to end in Spira, all suffering would end." Although in the beginning he pretended to be a well-mannered gentleman by going as far as proposing to Yuna, he eventually turned violent and unapologetic, ultimately trying take possession of her through sheer force.
6★ - No. 0791:A young Guado who sought to rid Spirans from the suffering of existence by destroying the world. Seymour grew up seeing the threat that Sin presented for Spira since childhood, and came to the conclusion that the only way to save Spira was to bring about its destruction by becoming Sin himself. He lost his life after facing Yuna and her guardians in battle, but his strong emotional ties to the world caused him to remain as an unsent, allowing him to continue thwarting Yuna's actions multiple times.
Entries for different versions of Seymour.
Seymour is a 4-6★ Rare Summon, whose job is listed as Maester, and his role is Magic Attacker. He has no innate element or status ailment resistances.
Seymour's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:
Seymour has four ability slots. He also has affinity to two types of magic: Black Magic (Lvl 6-8) and Green Magic (Lvl 1-3).
Rarity 4★ | ||
Ability | Lv. Learned | |
Fira | 1 | |
Blizzara | 1 | |
Darkra | 1 | |
Thundara | 34 | |
Watera | 34 | |
Insane Darkness | 60 | |
Rarity 5★ | ||
Cross Cleave | 26 | |
Firaga | 26 | |
Blizzaga | 26 | |
Waterga | 54 | |
Thundaga | 54 | |
Dark Tenacity | 54 | |
Darkga | 80 |
Rarity 6★ | ||
Ability | Lv. Learned | |
Dual Black Magic | 100 | |
MP +10%* Passive | 1 | |
HP +10%* Passive | 1 | |
MAG +20%* Passive | 32 | |
EVO MAG +20%* Passive | 32 | |
MAG +30%* Passive | 67 | |
EVO MAG +30%* Passive | 67 |
Seymour can equip the following weapon types: daggers, staves and rods.
He can equip the following armor types: light shields, hats, clothes and robes.
He can equip accessories.
Limit Burst[]
Awakening Materials[]
5★ | 6★ |
Mystic Ore x20 Wicked Drop x13 Sacred Crystal x7 Esper's Tear x5 Holy Crystal x5 |
Calamity Gem x20 Calamity Writ x10 Rainbow Bloom x10 Prismatic Horn x5 Divine Crystal x5 |
Rarity | Summoned | Fused | Awoken |
4★ | I vow to fulfill my duties as a maester of Yevon to the best of my abilities. | Must I always endure such praise? | — |
5★ | If all life were to end, all suffering would end. I shall grant you eternal repose. | With death on our side, we will save everyone and release them from their pain. | Feel my pain! Let darkness take you! |
6★ | Now is your time to die. Your meaningless existence ends here. | Let death carry you off into peaceful slumber. | Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal. |