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With hope in my heart and my chin held high,
I await the day my ship shall once more rule the sky.

Captain Setzer

The Setzer is the party's personal airship in Final Fantasy Type-0. It is an airship of ancient teknology, found in the Silent Key at the end of the Veill Desolands.

Acquiring the Setzer unlocks the achievement The Ark of Agito, while shooting down fifty enemies with the Setzer unlocks the achievement Master Marksman.


FFT0 Setzer Message

The message from "Captain Setzer".

To obtain the Setzer, the player needs to progress the main scenario to Chapter 7, first free time period and finish all the Expert Trials available at the time, to unlock the level 37 trial "Operation Homecoming".

After clearing "Operation Homecoming", the town of Bazz will fall under Dominion control and the player may enter to accept the Task titled "Rumble in the Ruins", which requests the player to eliminate one of the Iron Giants in the Silent Key.

The player can acquire the Setzer from the last area of the Silent Key. The Setzer carries over to a New Game Plus playthrough.



FFT0 Setzer WM

Calling Setzer on the world map.

The Setzer can be called from anywhere in Orience with Triangle + Circle.

Tilting the left analog stick steers the airship. Triangle boosts and L1 brakes. Holding R1 locks on and pressing Square fires magic shots. Circle lands on accessible terrain.

The airship can fly all over the world, but can only land in areas under Dominion control. It is the only way to reach some normally inaccessible areas.


FFT0 Setzer Minigame

The minigame.

Airborne enemies that engage the Setzer can be downed by firing magic shots or boosting into them. The amount of gil earned increases with each successive takedown while avoiding attacks.

The enemies encountered midair are either Mid-sized Carriers hovering over Militesi territory or otherwise unspecified dragons. When downing a Militesi Carrier, the soldiers' screams from the Japanese dub can be heard.

Gil exploit[]


FF Type-0 Nox Suzaku Max Gil in 60 seconds

When harvesting phantoma in a New Game Plus playthrough, the Nox Suzaku may appear in Orience's atmosphere. It can be engaged and fought directly, or freely attacked from a distance with the Setzer.

From a precise position, it can be fired at and chained indefinitely for 99,999,999 gil, and can still be engaged or ignored at any time. Whether this exploit was intentionally placed in the game is unknown.

Musical themes[]

The theme that plays when flying the Setzer is "Soar", the sixth track on the third disc of the original soundtrack.

Other appearances[]

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

The Setzer appears in the Field Music Sequence for "Soar".

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]

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The ship is named after Setzer Gabbiani from Final Fantasy VI, who was known as the only man in the world to own a private airship.
