Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Sentinel (デフェンダー, Defendā?, lit. Defender), abbreviated as SEN, is a recurring job in Final Fantasy series. It is a job specializing in drawing enemy attacks and reducing incoming damage.


Final Fantasy XIII[]

Sentinel is a paradigm role with enhanced defense that can shield allies, and has some offensive capabilities. Snow specializes in the role and excels from having the highest HP and access to all Sentinel abilities. Fang specializes in the role as well, learning all of the abilities, but has lower HP.

Although Sazh has high HP and can use Challenge, he only has two guard abilities, cannot evade and counter attacks, and is the only character that does not learn Reprieve. Vanille likewise cannot evade and counter, and only learns Reprieve as a passive ability. Hope and Lightning, while having less HP, can use the Elude ability instead of Steelguard. Lightning notably does not learn any other guard abilities, but learns every passive ability.

Cid Raines can use a Defensive Shift when fought as a boss, granting him access to a Guard ability.

Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

Serah and Noel start with Sentinel unlocked, with Serah learning Steelguard and Vendetta, and Noel learning Mediguard and Entrench. Evade, Counter, and Elude are replaced with Element Guard.

Numerous Paradigm Pack monsters serve as Sentinels, and the Challenge ability is exclusive to them.

Lightning in the "Lightning's Story: Requiem of the Goddess" DLC scenario has a role based on the Sentinel called Knight that allows her to conserve any buffs done to her.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]

Although no longer having access to the role, Lightning can still use Sentinel abilities. Fang can also use Mediguard.


A sentinel is a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching.

Other languages[]

Language Name Abbreviation English translation
Spanish Protector PRO Protector
Italian Sentinella Sentinel
French Défenseur Defender
German Verteidiger VRT Defender
Chinese 防禦者