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Final Fantasy Wiki

For the Final Fantasy III enemy, see Sea Lion.

The Sealion a boss alongside the Black Waltz 1 in Final Fantasy IX. The battle occurs towards the end of the events in the Ice Cavern area, when the party falls asleep due to an artificial blizzard. Zidane awakens and confronts Black Waltz 1, who then summons the Sealion. Both must then be defeated to win the battle. In this battle, Zidane fights alone.

The Sealion's attacks depend upon the color of the jewel on its chest, which changes as its health is depleted. When it is blue, it uses Wing or Blizzard. When it is yellow, it uses Blizzara. When it is red, it uses Tsunami. Sealion's Tsunami was made to deal less damage in the overseas versions than in the original Japanese version. It is difficult to kill the Sealion while the Black Waltz is still alive, as the Black Waltz will continuously heal it.






Enemies Frequency AP
Can't escape.
Sealion, Black Waltz 1 100% 5

AI script[]

Using global variable blackwaltz
Using global variable sealion

Function Sealion_Init
   set attacklist = [ Wing ; Wing ; Blizzard ]

Function Sealion_Loop
   if ( !initflag )
      set initflag = 1
      set SV_FunctionEnemy[ATB] = SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_ATB]
      set SV_FunctionEnemy[MODEL_SIZE] = 8192
      set SV_FunctionEnemy[DISAPPEAR] = 1
      set sealion = SV_FunctionEnemy
      set hplimityellow = SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP] / 3 * 2
      set hplimitred = SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_HP] / 3
      set colorstate = 3
      set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 5
   Wait( 1 )

Function Sealion_ATB
   set selectedattack = RandomAttack( attacklist )
   if ( selectedattack == Wing )
      set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
   elseif ( selectedattack == Wing )
      set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
   elseif ( selectedattack == Blizzard )
      set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
   Attack( selectedattack )

Function Sealion_CounterEx
   if ( colorstate == 1 )
      if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] >= hplimitred )
         if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimityellow )
            set colorstate = 2
            set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 6
            set colorstate = 3
            set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 11
   elseif ( colorstate == 2 )
      if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimitred )
         set colorstate = 1
         set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 7
      if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] >= hplimityellow )
         set colorstate = 3
         set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 8
   elseif ( colorstate == 3 )
      if ( #( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimitred ) )
         set colorstate = 1
         set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 10
         if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimityellow )
            set colorstate = 2
            set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 9

Function Sealion_Counter
   if ( colorstate == 1 )
      if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] >= hplimitred )
         if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimityellow )
            set colorstate = 2
            set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 6
            set colorstate = 3
            set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 11
   elseif ( colorstate == 2 )
      if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimitred )
         set colorstate = 1
         set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 7
      if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] >= hplimityellow )
         set colorstate = 3
         set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 8
   elseif ( colorstate == 3 )
      if ( #( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimitred ) )
         set colorstate = 1
         set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 10
         if ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] < hplimityellow )
            set colorstate = 2
            set SV_FunctionEnemy[PLAY_ANIM_ONCE] = 9
   if ( colorstate == 1 )
      if ( !tsunamiflag )
         set tsunamiflag = 1
         set SV_Target = ( SV_PlayerTeam | SV_EnemyTeam )
         Attack( Tsunami )
   elseif ( colorstate == 2 )
      if ( !blizzaraflag )
         set blizzaraflag = 1
         set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
         Attack( Blizzara )

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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In heraldry, the term sea-lion (sometimes called a morse) refers to a legendary creature that has the head and upper body of a lion, but with webbed forelimbs and a fish tail.
