"Scream" is a recurring boss theme used in the second raid tier of Pandaemonium, Abyssos, introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch 6.2.
The theme was composed by Takafumi Imamura and Masayoshi Soken and arranged by Imamura, with lyrics written by Michael-Christopher Koji Fox. It was performed by AKINO from bless4.[1][2] The lyric concept and translation were provided by Daichi Hiroi.
The official lyrics were released on the official Developers' Blog.[3][4]
- English
- Foul child, bastard and beast
- O lost lamb, first to the feast
- Come claim if you're able
- A spot at this table
- Mild and meek, down on your knees
- For hide and seek. It's time that we feed
- Your heart is racing, blood is running cold
- Your fractured will is whispering (fly away, fly away)
- Far Away
- Here be lions
- Say goodnight
- With each bite does your sanity die
- Sucking the life out, letting the dark
- Inside
- Say a prayer as the light leaves your eyes
- Or scream all you like, your gods can't hear you
- Scream
- Now Scream
- Scream
- Pseudo suicide, don't choke on your pride
- Scream
- Now scream
- Now. Scream.
- Yeah, I'm gonna watch you bleed
- Flensed and flayed, how does it feel?
- Your pound is paid, those scars will not heal, no
- Lost in suffering, drowning in your tears
- Won't someone, somewhere tell me (where do I, where do I)
- Go from here
- Be the lion
- Say goodnight
- With each bite does your sanity die
- Sucking the life out, letting the dark
- Inside
- Say a prayer as the light leaves your eyes
- Or scream all you like, the gods can't hear you
- Dressed in rage
- Inside my cage
- My pandemonium
- Still bound to the flame that I bear
- Buried alive
- In the coffin of who I used to be
- I'll scream all I like, 'cause we're all mad here
- (Slumbering, tumbling)
- (Wandering, wondering)
- (Suffering, hungering)
- Forever falling into my mind
- Deeper, deeper down 'til I
- Say goodnight
- To the shadow I left far behind
- I'm just a stranger, we are all strange
- Inside
- You can run but there's nowhere to hide
- So scream all you like, no one can hear us
- Follow me (Follow me)
- Come follow me (Follow me)
- To Pandemonium
- Still bound to the flame that I bear (There's)
- No release (Rescue me)
- From this empty, waking wonderland (Rescue me)
- So scream if you like, 'cause we're all mad here
- Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
- Japanese translation
- 忌むべき子、出来損ない、まるで獣
- そう、お前よ、迷える子羊 饗宴へ一番乗りね
- 足を踏み出して
- 席につきなさい
- 大人しく従順に跪くの
- さあ、かくれんぼの時間よ 食事が始まるわ
- 鼓動は早まり、血は冷え切っていく
- 砕かれた理性が囁く(逃げて、逃げて)
- 遠くへ
- 此処に獅子あり
- さあ、お眠りなさい
- 牙が食い込む度、正気が失われていく
- 生が吸い取られ、代わりに闇が
- 中へと潜り込むの
- その目から光が失せたら、祈りを捧げましょう
- 好きなだけ叫べばいいわ あなたの神々は聞いちゃいないけど
- 叫んで
- そう、叫んで
- 叫べ
- プライドを喉に詰まらせていないで 死ぬつもりなの?
- 叫んで
- そう、叫んで
- はやく叫んで
- 嗚呼、お前が血を流すところを見せて
- 皮を剥がれ、脂肪を削がれ、どんな気分?
- 肉塊まで捧げ、傷跡はいつまでも癒えやしない
- 苦痛の中で彷徨い、涙に溺れているわ
- 誰かいないの、ねえ教えて(私は何処へ、何処へ)
- 此処から、私は
- 獅子へと至る
- さあ、お眠りなさい
- 牙が食い込む度、正気が失われていく
- 生が吸い取られ、代わりに闇が
- 中へと潜り込むの
- その目から光が失せたら、祈りを捧げましょう
- 好きなだけ叫べばいい、神々には決して届かない
- 激情を身に纏い
- 鳥籠の中
- 我がパンデモニウムの中
- 奥底に潜む炎に縛られている
- 生き埋めにされてしまったわ
- 「かつての私」という棺桶に
- 好きなだけ叫ぶの、どうせ皆正気を失っているのだから
- (微睡み、転がり)
- (彷徨い、悶え)
- (苦しみ、飢えて)
- 永遠に、心は堕ちていく
- 深く、深く、眠りにつくまで
- さあ、お眠りなさい
- 置き去りにした面影よ
- 此処は私の居場所じゃない、皆どうかしてるのよ
- この中へ
- 逃げても、隠れるところはない
- いくら叫んでも、誰にも届かない
- ついてきて(おいで)
- 私についてきて(おいで)
- パンデモニウムへ
- 奥底に潜む炎に縛られている(ねぇここよ)
- 逃れられない(私を助けて)
- この空っぽで醒めきった奇異の國からは(私を助けて)
- 望むのなら叫べばいいわ、どうせ皆正気を失っているのだから
- 好きなだけ叫びましょう、どうせ皆正気を失っているのだから
Game appearances[]
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]
"Silent Scream", a vocal-less rendition of the theme arranged by Takafumi Imamura and Saya Yasaki, acts as the boss theme of Proto-Carbuncle in Abyssos: The Fifth Circle. The melody, covered by a piano and a harpsichord in "Silent Scream", is replaced by vocals in "Scream", which acts the boss theme of Hegemone in Abyssos: The Sixth Circle and Agdistis in Abyssos: The Seventh Circle.
"Scream" is track 4 on the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker - EP2 digital mini album and is track 22 on the Growing Light: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack. "Silent Scream" is track 21 on the original soundtrack.
"Scream - FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas & London" also appears as an extra movie on the original soundtrack.
Arrangement album appearances[]
Forge Ahead: FINAL FANTASY XIV ~Arrangement Album~[]
"Scream (Band)" is a band arrangement arranged and performed by The Primals. It appears as an extra track on the album.
- ↑ Masayoshi Soken [@SOKENsquareenix] (2022, September 2). "パンデモニウム煉獄編、 攻略を進めると”Scream”という曲が流れますが、この曲を情熱的に歌い上げて頂いたのは、AKINOさん(@AKINO_bless4)です。 REC時もパワー全開で超カッチョよかった。 AKINOさん、一万年と二千年前からありがとうございす! #FF14 ※あ、零式4層新曲の歌は、いつもの面子です…" [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ AKINO [@AKINO_bless4] (2022, September 2). "大好きなFINAL FANTASYに 私の声が聞けるようになりました パンデモニウム煉獄編の中で流れる曲「Scream」を歌わせていただきました!めっちゃくちゃ熱くてかっこいい曲だよ レコーディングも楽しすぎました!Thank you 祖堅さん トレーラーで歌が流れてるよ https://youtu.be/G8jqlrS3E9w" [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Sicycre (2022, October 11). "Life is but a Scream". From Final Fantasy XIV: Developers' Blog. Archived from the original on 11 October 2022.
- ↑ PM T (2022, October 11). "「Scream ~万魔殿パンデモニウム:煉獄編~」の歌詞を紹介します!". From Final Fantasy XIV: Official Blog. Archived from the original on 11 October 2022.