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The Scholar is a Job in Final Fantasy XIV, introduced along with the Discipline of Magic Arcanist in A Realm Reborn. Players start as an Arcanist, and may upgrade to Scholar using the Soul Crystal obtained from the quest "Forgotten but Not Gone" after Arcanist reaches level 30 and completing the quests Sylph-management Sylph-management and Sinking Doesmaga Sinking Doesmaga. Prior to Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, players had to have Conjurer at level 15 as another prerequisite to unlock the Scholar job.

The player may also upgrade to the Summoner job using the Soul Crystal obtained from the quest Austerities of Flame Austerities of Flame after Arcanist reaches level 30. Both jobs can be unlocked on the same character and share experience points. As such leveling one job will also level the other. As Summoner is a more direct continuation from the Arcanist class, both being of the magic ranged DPS role instead of healer, details on Arcanist are covered on the Summoner page.


In an age long past, when mankind flourished under the radiance of arcane mastery, the island of Vylbrand was home to a city-state called Nym. Though the history of that age tells of countless wars waged with earth-shattering incantations, it was the brilliant strategic maneuvering of Nym's scholars that allowed their mundane army of mariners to throw back would-be conquerors time and again. These learned men and women defended the freedom of their tiny nation with their unique command over spell-weaving faeries, utilizing the creatures' magicks to heal the wounded and bolster the strength of their allies.


Scholars are accompanied by a fairy, which aids them in their duties. Unlike Carbuncle or an egi, fairies do not attack enemies; they can only heal allies instead. They are classified as a Barrier Healer, as their skillset prevent their allies to receive damages in the first place. Prior to Endwalker, Alphinaud Leveilleur is classified as Academician, a unique form of Scholar.



At the War of the Magi on the Fifth Astral Era, the nation of Nym, with its scant population of sorcerous adepts, found itself at a distinct disadvantage when pitted against the ruthless black mages of Mhach or the relentless white mages of Amdapor. Thus it was that the Nymian military relegated its few precious sorcerers to a specialized support role within its standing army. Rather than serve as simple healers, however, these men and women were expected to take command of the battlefield, and weave spells that maximized the mariners' effectiveness in combat.

Nymian mages learned to bind and control faeries that they might entrust the otherworldly creatures with a share of the restorative duties. This allowed these students of war to focus more fully upon strategy and tactics, a practice which earned them the title of Scholar. But even the most brilliant tacticians could not outmaneuver the tragedy that was to come. As befell many wonders of the era, both the military wisdom of Nym and the disciples of its teaching were lost to the floods of the Sixth Umbral Calamity.

A Realm Reborn[]

After finishing their Arcanist training, the Warrior of Light assists the Marauder Alka Zolka in his research on Nym and its military tactics. While searching for stolen Nymian artifacts, the Warrior of Light accidentally attunes to a Soul of the Scholar. With it, the they summon two aspects of the fairy within: Eos and Selene.

After Alka realizes how potent Scholars are, he wonders why the Warrior of Light only has a fraction of that power. As the fairy a Scholar summons lived in the Soul Crystal, Alka theorizes that any knowledge it could give is based on the memories of its fairy. To restore the fairy’s memory, the Warrior of Light visits the ruins of Nym in Outer La Noscea. The familiar sights help the fairy regain some memories, including the spell Succor, which the Warrior of Light learns. When they return to Alka, he theorizes that the fairy within each Soul Crystal is unique with individual thoughts, emotions, and memories.

Continuing his research, Alka finds records about Nymian Marauders. To test the synergy between Marauders and Scholars, Alka invites the Warrior of Light to help him dispose of a tonberry seen around Bronze Lake. When they confront the tonberry it mutters about "my sun." After defeating the peculiar tonberry, Alka tries to end it, but is stopped by the fairy. The tonberry escapes into Bronze Lake, the fairy appearing relieved.

With the discovery of an illustration depicting a garment Scholars used to wear, Alka designs a replicate of it and commissions the guildmasters of various crafters' guilds to create it. After the Warrior of Light gathers the garment, Alka shares information about a plague that ravaged the city of Nym. The Warrior of Light uses this knowledge to help recover more of the fairy’s memory by healing patients at Camp Bronze Lake and the fairy remembers the spell Sacred Soil.

The Marauders' Guild dispatches Alka and the Warrior of Light to dispose of more tonberries that have emerged from Bronze Lake. The pair reencounters the peculiar tonberry from the first sighting. It begs the fairy to stay away before jumping into Bronze Lake and swimming to the Wanderer’s Palace. When they corner the peculiar tonberry, the fairy stops Alka from attacking it. Despite Alka's frustration, the Warrior of Light heals the peculiar tonberry with the fairy's help.

The tonberry wakes up far more coherent than it had been before due to the fairy's healing. After being apprised of the situation, the tonberry introduces himself as Surito Carito, a Nymian Scholar who fought the plague that turned the afflicted into tonberries. The afflicted had lost their minds due to the abandonment they faced after being quarantined in the Wanderer's Palace and the Soul Crystal the Warrior of Light had attuned to was originally Surito's, along with the fairy inside, whose name was Lily. Moved by Surito's story, Alka escorts him and Lily out of the dungeon. The Warrior of Light experiences a vision of Surito in his original form walking side by side with Lily.

When the group returns to Bronze Lake, Alka leaves for the Marauders' Guild, unsure of how to explain the situation to his superiors. Surito gives the Warrior of Light a traditional Scholar's gown, the spell Lustrate, and his blessing to keep the Soul Crystal. He explains that the Soul Crystal no longer responds to him due to his affliction, and how he sees the Warrior of Light as a fit inheritor of its knowledge.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward[]

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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

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Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]

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An elezen scholar with the Physica and Arbatel artifact armor.

Scholars wield books as their weapons, some of which they share with arcanists and summoners at lower levels. Their armor is primarily made up of "Healing" gear, armor with low physical defense and high magic defense that they share with other healer classes.

The primary attribute for scholars is mind, which boosts their attack and healing magic potency, and should always be prioritized over other attributes. As a healer discipline, they have access to the healer-exclusive piety attribute, which improves their MP regeneration.

Lists of scholar equipment

Scholar's Arms Scholar's Arms

Head Head
Body Body
Hands Hands
Legs Legs
Feet Feet

Earrings Earrings
Necklaces Necklaces
Bracelets Bracelets
Rings Rings
Soul Crystal Soul Crystal

Job Gauge[]

FFXIV SCH Aetherflow Gauge

Aetherflow Gauge

The Job Gauge was introduced in 4.0 Stormblood. Arcanist and both of its jobs use Aetherflow Gauge and the Scholar uses the Faerie Gauge.

The Aetherflow Gauge indicates how many Aetherflow stacks are available. Using the Aetherflow command grants a maximum of three stacks. A stack is consumed when executing certain actions such as Energy Drain or their instant cast healing spells. Aetherflow stacks are also represented by the Aetherflow Aetherflow status on the Scholar.

FFXIV SCH Faerie Gauge

Faerie Gauge

The Scholar's Faerie Gauge indicates the current amount of fae aether within a faerie. Certain actions, such as Excogitation, allow the accumulation of fae aether. The gauge is spent by using the action Aetherpact, linking the fairy with a target, healing them over time.

In Shadowbringers, the Aetherflow Gauge was slightly changed visually, but retains the three charges. After reaching Level 80, Scholars can summon Seraph, which runs on her own unique timed gauge.


Class and Job Actions[]

When changing from Arcanist/Summoner to Scholar, most abilities that are shared between the two jobs have different effects. These changed abilities are marked by the game as Scholar abilities instead of Arcanist.

Action Level Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Ruin from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 1 Spell 1.5s 2.5s 300 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150.

Broil Mastery Upgrades to Broil.

Bio from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 2 Spell Instant 2.5s 300 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 20
Duration: 30s

Corruption Mastery Upgrades to Bio II.

Physick from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 4 Spell 1.5s 2.5s 400 MP 30y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 400 (Enhanced Healing Magic 450)
Summon Eos
Summon Eos from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 4 Spell 1.5s 2.5s 200 MP
Summons the faerie Eos to fight at your side. When set to guard, automatically casts Embrace on party members who suffer damage.
Resurrection from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist 12 Spell 8s 2.5s 2400 MP 30y
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Whispering Dawn
Whispering Dawn SCH from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 20 Ability Instant 60s
Orders faerie to execute Whispering Dawn. If Seraph is summoned, orders her to execute Angel's Whisper.
Whispering Dawn/Angel's Whisper Effect: Gradually restores the HP of all nearby party members
Cure Potency: 80
Duration: 21s
Bio II
Bio II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 26 Spell Instant 2.5s 300 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 40
Duration: 30s

Corruption Mastery II Upgrades to Biolysis.

Adloquium from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 30 Complete quest "Forgotten but Not Gone" Spell 2s 2.5s 900 MP 30y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 300
Additional Effect: Grants Galvanize to target, nullifying damage equaling 125% (Enhanced Healing Magic 180%) of the amount of HP restored. When critical HP is restored, also grants Catalyze, nullifying damage equaling 125% (Enhanced Healing Magic 180%) the amount of HP restored.
Duration: 30s

Effect cannot be stacked with certain sage barrier effects.

Action changes to Manifestation under the effect of Seraphism.

Succor from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 35 Complete quest "The Last Remnants" Spell 2s 2.5s 900 MP 15y radius
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 200
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 115% (Enhanced Healing Magic 160%) the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s

Effect cannot be stacked with certain sage barrier effects.

Succor Mastery Upgrades to Concitation.

Ruin II
Ruin II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 38 Spell Instant 2.5s 400 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 140 (Broil Mastery 160, Broil Mastery II 180, Broil Mastery III 200, Broil Mastery IV 220).
Fey Illumination
Fey Illumination SCH from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 40 Ability Instant 120s
Orders faerie to execute Fey Illumination. If Seraph is summoned, orders her to execute Seraphic Illumination.
Fey Illumination/Seraphic Illumination Effect: Increases healing magic potency of all nearby party members by 10%, while reducing magic damage taken by all nearby party members by 5%
Duration: 20s

Effect cannot be stacked with Seraphic Illumination.

Aetherflow from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 45 Ability Instant 60s
Restores 20% of maximum MP.
Additional Effect: Aetherflow III

Can only be executed while in combat.

Energy Drain
Energy Drain from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 45 Ability Instant 1s 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP
Additional Effect: Increases Faerie Gauge by 10
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Lustrate from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 45 Complete quest "For Your Fellow Man" Ability Instant 1s 30y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 600
Additional Effect: Increases Faerie Gauge by 10
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Art of War
Art of War from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 46 Spell Instant 2.5s 400 MP 5y radius
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150 (Broil Mastery 165) to all nearby enemies.

Art of War Mastery Upgrades to Art of War II.

Sacred Soil
Sacred Soil from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 50 Complete quest "The Beast Within" Ability Instant 30s 30y 15y radius
Creates a designated area in which party members will only suffer 90% of all damage inflicted.
Duration: 15s
Enhanced Sacred Soil Additional Effect: Regen
Enhanced Sacred Soil Cure Potency: 100
Additional Effect: Increases Faerie Gauge by 10
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Indomitability from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 52 Complete quest "Quarantine" Ability Instant 30s 15y radius
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Increases Faerie Gauge by 10
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Broil from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 54 Complete quest "False Friends" Spell 1.5s 2.5s 400 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 220.

Broil Mastery II Upgrades to Broil II.

Deployment Tactics
Deployment Tactics from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 56 Complete quest "Ooh Rah" Ability Instant 120s
(Enhanced Deployment Tactics 90s)
30y 30y radius
Extends Galvanize effect cast on self or target to nearby party members.
Duration: Time remaining on original effect

No effect when target is not under the effect of Galvanize.

Emergency Tactics
Emergency Tactics from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 58 Complete quest "Unseen" Ability Instant 15s
Transforms the next Galvanize and Catalyze statuses into HP recovery equaling the amount of damage reduction intended for the barrier.
Duration: 15s
Dissipation from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 60 Complete quest "Forward, the Royal Marines" Ability Instant 180s
Orders your faerie away while granting you a full Aetherflow stack. Also increases healing magic potency by 20%.
Duration: 30s

Current faerie will return once the effect expires.
Summon Eos or Summon Selene cannot be executed while under the effect of Dissipation.
Can only be executed while in combat.

Excogitation from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 62 Ability Instant 45s 30y
Grants self or target party member the effect of Excogitation, restoring HP when member's HP falls below 50% or upon effect duration expiration.
Cure Potency: 800
Duration: 45s
Additional Effect: Increases Faerie Gauge by 10
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Broil II
Broil II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 64 Spell 1.5s 2.5s 400 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 240.

Broil Mastery III Upgrades to Broil III.

Chain Stratagem
Chain Stratagem from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 66 Ability Instant 120s 25y
Increases rate at which target takes critical hits by 10%.
Duration: 20s
Enhanced Chain Stratagem Additional Effect: Grants Impact Imminent
Enhanced Chain StratagemDuration: 30s

Enhanced Chain Stratagem Action optionally changes to Baneful Impaction upon execution.

Aetherpact SCH from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 70 Complete quest "Our Unsung Heroes" Ability Instant 3s 30y
Orders faerie to execute Fey Union with target party member. Effect ends upon reuse.
Faerie Gauge Cost: 10
Fey Union Effect: Gradually restores HP of party member with which faerie has a Fey Union.
Cure Potency: 300

Faerie Gauge is depleted by 10 periodically while HP is restored. Fey Union effect fades upon execution of other faerie actions or when party member moves from within 30 yalms of the faerie.
The Faerie Gauge increases when a faerie or Seraph is summoned and an Aetherflow action is successfully executed while in combat.

Dissolve Union
Dissolve Union from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 70 Ability Instant 1s
Dissolves current Fey Union.
Biolysis from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 72 Spell Instant 2.5s 400 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 70 (Tactician's Mastery 75)
Duration: 30s
Broil III
Broil III from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 72 Spell 1.5s 2.5s 400 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 255.

Broil Mastery IV Upgrades to Broil IV.

Recitation from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 74 Ability Instant 90s
(Enhanced Recitation 60s)
Allows the execution of Adloquium, Succor (Succor Mastery Concitation), Indomitability, or Excogitation without consuming resources while also ensuring critical HP is restored.
Duration: 15s
Fey Blessing
Fey Blessing SCH from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 76 Ability Instant 60s
Orders faerie to execute Fey Blessing.
Fey Blessing Effect: Restores the HP of all nearby party members
Cure Potency: 320
Summon Seraph
Summon Seraph from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 80 Ability Instant 120s
Summons Seraph to fight at your side. When set to guard, automatically casts Seraphic Veil on party members who suffer damage.
Cannot summon Seraph unless a pet is already summoned. Current pet will leave the battlefield while Seraph is present, and return once gone.
Duration: 22s

Action optionally changes to Consolation upon execution.

Consolation SCH from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 80 Ability Instant 30s
Orders Seraph to execute Consolation.
Consolation Effect: Restores the HP of all nearby party members
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Maximum Charges: 2
Broil IV
Broil IV from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 82 Spell 1.5s 2.5s 400 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 295 (Tactician's Mastery 310).
Art of War II
Art of War II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 82 Spell Instant 2.5s 400 MP 5y radius
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 180 to all nearby enemies.
Protraction from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 86 Ability Instant 60s 30y
Increases maximum HP of a party member or self by 10% and restores the amount increased.
Additional Effect: Increases HP recovery via healing actions by 10%
Duration: 10s
Expedient from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 90 Ability Instant 120s 15y radius
Grants Expedience and Desperate Measures to all nearby party members.
Expedience Effect: Increases movement speed
Duration: 10s
Desperate Measures Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10%
Duration: 20s
Baneful Impaction
File:Baneful Impaction from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 92 Ability Instant 1s 25y 5y radius
Deals unaspected damage over time to target and all enemies nearby it.
Potency: 140
Duration: 15s

Can only be executed while under the effect of Impact Imminent.

File:Concitation from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 96 Spell 2s 2.5s 900 MP 15y radius
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 200
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 180% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s

Effect cannot be stacked with certain sage barrier effects.

Action changes to Accession under the effect of Seraphism.

File:Seraphism from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 100 Ability Instant 180s
Gradually restores the HP of self and all party members within a radius of 50 yalms.
Cure Potency: 100
Additional Effect: Changes Adloquium to Manifestation and Concitation to Accession

Additional Effect: Resets Emergency Tactics recast timer and reduces its recast timer to 1s Duration: 20s Effect cannot be stacked with Dissipation. Can only be executed while a faerie is summoned and you are in combat.

File:Manifestation from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 100 Spell Instant 2.5s 900 MP 30y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 360
Additional Effect: Grants Galvanize to target, nullifying damage equaling 180% of the amount of HP restored. When critical HP is restored, also grants Catalyze, nullifying damage equaling 180% the amount of HP restored.
Duration: 30s

Effect cannot be stacked with certain sage barrier effects.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Seraphism.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Adloquium changes to Manifestation when requirements for execution are met.

File:Accession from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 100 Spell 2s 2.5s 900 MP 15y radius
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 240
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 180% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s

Effect cannot be stacked with certain sage barrier effects.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Seraphism.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Concitation changes to Accession when requirements for execution are met.

Pet actions[]


Action Level Type Cast Recast Range Area
Embrace Eos from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 1 Spell Instant 3s 40y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 150 (Enhanced Healing Magic 180)

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Whispering Dawn
Whispering Dawn Pet from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 20 Ability Instant 15y radius
Gradually restores the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 80
Duration: 21s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Fey Illumination
Fey Illumination Pet from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 40 Ability Instant 30y radius
Increases healing magic potency of all nearby party members by 10%, while reducing magic damage taken by all nearby party members by 5%.
Duration: 20s

Effect cannot be stacked with Seraphic Illumination.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Fey Union
Fey Union from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 70 Ability Instant 30y
Gradually restores HP of party member with which faerie has a Fey Union.
Cure Potency: 300

Faerie Gauge is depleted while HP is restored. Fey Union effect fades upon execution of other faerie actions. Party member must be within 30 yalms.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Fey Blessing
Fey Blessing Pet from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 76 Ability Instant 20y radius
Restores the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 320

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Seraphic Veil
Seraphic Veil from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 80 Spell Instant 3s 30y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 150 (Enhanced Healing Magic 180)
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Angel's Whisper
Angel's Whisper from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 80 Ability Instant 15y radius
Gradually restores the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 80
Duration: 21s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Seraphic Illumination
Seraphic Illumination from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 80 Ability Instant 30y radius
Increases healing magic potency of nearby party members by 10%, while reducing magic damage taken by nearby party members by 5%.
Duration: 20s

Effect cannot be stacked with Fey Illumination.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Consolation Pet from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 80 Ability Instant 30y radius
Restores the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Action Description
Away from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Order pet to leave the battlefield.
Heel from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Order pet to follow behind you.
Place from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Order pet to move to a specific location.
Stay from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Order pet to remain where it is.
Guard from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Order pet to refrain from attacking until you attack or are attacked.
Steady from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Order pet to refrain from attacking until ordered to do so.

Role Actions[]

Action Level Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Repose Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Healer 8 Spell 2.5s 2.5s 600 MP 30y
Afflicts target with Sleep
Duration: 30s

Cancels auto-attack upon execution.

Esuna Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Healer 10 Spell Instant 2.5s 400 MP 30y
Removes a single detrimental effect from target.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming from Final Fantasy XIV icon
HealerMagic Ranged DPS 14 Ability Instant 60s
Gradually restores own MP.
Potency: 55
Duration: 21s
Swiftcast Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
HealerMagic Ranged DPS 18 Ability Instant 60s
(Enhanced Swiftcast 40s)
Next spell is cast immediately.
Duration: 10s
Surecast Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon
HealerMagic Ranged DPS 44 Ability Instant 120s
Spells can be cast without interruption.
Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 6s
Rescue from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Healer 48 Ability Instant 120s 30y
Instantly draws target party member to your side. Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.


Name Level Description
Maim and Mend
Maim and Mend from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist 20 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%.
Corruption Mastery
Corruption Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 26 Upgrades Bio to Bio II.
Maim and Mend II
Maim and Mend II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist 40 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 30%.
Broil Mastery
Broil Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 54 Complete quest "False Friends" Upgrades Ruin to Broil and increases the potency of Ruin II to 160, and Art of War to 165.
Broil Mastery II
Broil Mastery II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 64 Upgrades Broil to Broil II and increases the potency of Ruin II to 180.
Corruption Mastery II
Corruption Mastery II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 72 Upgrades Bio II to Biolysis.
Broil Mastery III
Broil Mastery III from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 72 Upgrades Broil II to Broil III and increases the potency of Ruin II to 200.
Enhanced Sacred Soil
Enhanced Sacred Soil from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 78 Adds an additional effect to Sacred Soil that grants healing over time.
Broil Mastery IV
Broil Mastery IV from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 82 Upgrades Broil III to Broil IV and increases the potency of Ruin II to 220.
Art of War Mastery
Art of War Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 82 Upgrades Art of War to Art of War II.
Enhanced Healing Magic
Enhanced Healing Magic from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 85 Increases the healing potency of Physick to 450, Embrace to 180, and Seraphic Veil to 180.
Increases the barrier potency of Adloquium to 180% the amount healed and Succor to 160% the amount healed.
Enhanced Deployment Tactics
Enhanced Deployment Tactics from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar 88 Reduces Deployment Tactics recast time to 90 seconds.
Enhanced Chain Stratagem
File:Enhanced Chain Stratagem from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 92 Grants Impact Imminent upon using Chain Stratagem.
Duration: 30s
Tactician's Mastery
File:White Magic Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 94 Increases the potency of Biolysis's damage over time effect to 75 and Broil IV to 310.
Succor Mastery
File:Succor Mastery from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 96 Upgrades Succor to Concitation.
Enhanced Recitation
File:Enhanced Recitation from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Scholar 98 Reduces Recitation recast time to 60 seconds.

Role Traits[]

Name Level Description
Enhanced Swiftcast
File:Enhanced Swiftcast from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
HealerMagic Ranged DPS 94 Reduces Swiftcast recast time to 40 seconds.

PvP Actions[]

Action Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Broil IV
Broil IV PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Spell 1.44s 2.4s 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000.
Adloquium PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Spell Instant 12s 30y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 4,000
Additional Effect: Grants Galvanize and Catalyze to target
Galvanize Effect: Absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 4,000 potency
Duration: 12s

Barrier potency is doubled when you are under the effect of Recitation.

Catalyze Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10%
Duration: 12s
Maximum Charges: 2

This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

Biolysis PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Spell Instant 16s 25y
Afflicts target with Biolysis and Biolytic.
Biolysis Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 3,000
Duration: 12s

Potency is increased by 50% when you are under the effect of Recitation.

Biolytic Effect: Reduces target's HP recovered by healing actions by 20%
Duration: 12s

This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

Deployment Tactics
Deployment Tactics PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 12s 30y 15y radius
Extends Galvanize and Catalyze effects cast on self or target to nearby party members.
When targeting an enemy, extends Biolysis and Biolytic effects to other nearby enemies.
Duration: Time remaining on original effect

No effect on targets not under effects applied by you, players riding machina, or non-player combatants.

Maximum Charges: 2
Chain Stratagem
Chain Stratagem PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 20s 25y
Increases target's damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 10s

Halves the defensive bonus of Guard when targeting enemies under its effect.

Expedient PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 30s 15y radius
Grants Expedience and Desperate Measures to self and all nearby party members.
Expedience Effect: Increases movement speed by 25%
Duration: 10s
Desperate Measures Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Recitation
Recitation Effect: Increases the potency of Galvanize, Biolysis, and Biolytic effects
Duration: 20s
Summon Seraph
Summon Seraph PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 60s 30y 1y dot
Summons Seraph to fight at a designated location.
Duration: 20s

Automatically casts Seraphic Veil on party members within 30 yalms.
Automatically grants Seraphic Illumination to party members within 15 yalms.

Seraphic Illumination Effect: Increases HP recovery via healing actions on self by 10%
Seraphic Halo
File:Seraphic Halo PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Spell Instant 2.4s 25y 5y radius
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 9,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Seraphism.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
File:Accession PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Spell Instant 20s 15y radius
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 8,000
Additional Effect: Grants Consolation
Consolation Effect: Creates a barrier that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 8,000 potency
Duration: 20s

Can only be executed while under the effect of Seraphism.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Seraphic Veil
Seraphic Veil PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Spell Instant 2.5s 30y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 6,000
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equivalent to a heal of 6,000 potency
Duration: 10s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

File:Seraphism PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Limit Break Instant 10s 30y radius
Grants Seraphism.
Seraphism Effect: Broil IV is upgraded to Seraphic Halo and Seraphism is upgraded to Accession
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Seraph Flight to self and all nearby party members
Seraph Flight Effect: Creates a barrier that will nullify the next status affliction that can be removed by Purify
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Recitation
Recitation Effect: Increases the potency of Adloquium and Biolysis effects
Duration: 20s

Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.

Gauge Charge Time: 90s

※Action changes to Accession upon execution.

Standard-issue Elixir
Standard-issue Elixir PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability 4.5s 5s
Restores your HP and MP to maximum.
Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.
Recuperate PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 1s 2500 MP
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Purify PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 24s
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Deep Freeze, and Miracle of Nature.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify, as well as knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 3s

Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.

Guard PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 30s
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 5s

Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.

Sprint PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Ability Instant 1.5s
Increases movement speed.
Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.

Removed actions[]

The following actions are no longer usable. Removed actions will still appear on a hotbar, their icon greyed out icon with a red strikethrough. They will have no effect and must be removed by the player. The given statistics represent their last form before their removal.

Action Level Type Cast Recast MP Cost Range Area
Summon Selene
Summon Selene from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar4 Spell 1.5s 2.5s 200 MP
Summons the faerie Selene to fight at your side. When set to guard, automatically casts Embrace on party members who suffer damage.

Replaced with using the /petglamour command in combination with Summon Eos in patch 6.4.

Sustain from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist18 Spell 1s(Base value; The higher the player's Spell Speed, the lower the cast time will be) 2.5s(Base value; the higher the character's Spell Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be) 500(Current datamined value; ability was removed before current MP system was introduced and actual MP cost may vary.) 30y
Continuously restores 8% of pet's HP.
Duration: 9s

Removed in patch 5.0.

Virus from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist12 Ability Instant 90s 25y
Reduces target's STR and DEX by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Grants target immunity to the same effect for 1 minute after effect ends.

Arcanist28 Supervirus: Adds 15% INT and MND enfeeblement to virus.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Eye for an Eye
Eye for an Eye ACN from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist34 Ability Instant 180s 25y
Erects a magicked barrier around a single party member or pet.
Duration: 30s
Barrier Effect: 20% chance that when barrier is struck, the striker will deal 10% less damage
Duration: 20s

Arcanist34 Enhanced Eye for an Eye: Shortens recast time to 120 seconds.

Replaced by Eye for an Eye Role Action in patch 4.0.

Leeches from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist40 Spell 1s 2.5s 30y
Removes a single detrimental effect from target.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Rouse from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist42 Ability Instant 60s 25y
Increases healing magic potency and damage dealt by pet by 40%. While roused, pet will be immune to Stun, Sleep, Bind, and Heavy.
Duration: 20s

Removed in patch 5.0.

Miasma II
Miasma II from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Scholar46 Spell Instant 2.5s(Base value; the higher the character's Spell Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be) 1400(Current datamined value; ability was removed before current MP system was introduced and actual MP cost may vary.) 5y radius
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 25
Duration: 12s

Removed in patch 5.0.

Shadow Flare
Shadow Flare from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Arcanist50 Ability Instant 60s 25y 5y radius
Envelops a designated area in a veil of magicked shadows, dealing damage with a potency of 50 to any enemies who enter.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Slow +5%
Cannot be used with any other area-creating actions.

Removed in patch 5.0.

Limit Break[]

Scholars' Limit Breaks focus on restoring the HP and MP of their allies. Scholars have the same Level 1 and Level 2 limit breaks as other Healers.

Ability Level Description Image
Healing Wind 1 Restores 25% of HP of all nearby party members. Healing Wind
Breath of the Earth 2 Restores 60% of HP of all nearby party members. Breath of the Earth
Angel Feathers 3 Restores 100% of HP of all nearby party members. Revives any KO'd allies with full MP and no weakness. Angel Feathers XIV

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Scholar appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Ice-elemental Backup cards.


Artworks and screenshots
Arms and Gear sets
PvE actions
Pet only actions
Role actions
Removed Actions