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Scathe is a Thaumaturge Thaumaturge and Black Mage Black Mage spell from Final Fantasy XIV that deals damage to a single target with a chance to deal double damage.


Scathe from Final Fantasy XIV icon Scathe
ThaumaturgeBlack Mage Thaumaturge/Black Mage 15
Class action
  • Deals unaspected magic damage to a single target
  • Has a 20% chance that its potency will double
  • Activates the global cooldown
  • Enochian Enochian increases damage by 15%
  • Sharpcast Sharpcast guarantees that the next Scathe's potency will double for 15 seconds
Base direct damage formula:

Where potency can be 100, or 200 if its additional effect activates; trait can be 1.1 with Maim and Mend, 1.3 with Maim and Mend II, or 1 otherwise.
Recast time formula:


Scathe instantly deals light damage to its target. While it has a 20% chance to have its potency doubled, it is still a fairly weak ability and will be outdamaged by Blizzard Blizzard or Fire Fire on average. Sharpcast Sharpcast can be used to guarantee Scathe's potency is double, but this is a poor use of the ability compared to its Firestarter Firestarter or Thundercloud Thundercloud effects.

Scathe's main purpose is to allow the Black Mage to attack while moving, but even this niche is eventually overshadowed. Black Mages can use Swiftcast Swiftcast more freely than other jobs, and Swiftcasted spells provide better DPS than Scathe even if they clip the global cooldown (GCD). At higher levels Triplecast Triplecast and Xenoglossy Xenoglossy grant Black Mages several more instant cast options that outclass Scathe. Scathe's only advantage over these actions is its GCD recast; if all other instant cast options are on cooldown, Scathe can viably be used in their stead. Even then, Scathe's low potency makes it so weak that it's only the best option if the player has to move for the entirety of the GCD, if the player can start casting before the GCD would end, and has no other instant cast options, it is higher DPS to just not cast at all during movement.

As an instant cast spell that activates the GCD, Scathe can be used to weave abilities that are off the global cooldown (oGCD), such as Transpose Transpose, in between spellcasts.

Enhanced by traits[]

Trait Level Effect
Magick and Mend Magick and Mend Thaumaturge Thaumaturge 20
Black Mage Black Mage 20
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10% and allows for the stacking of a second Astral Fire or Umbral Ice.
Magick and Mend II Magick and Mend II Thaumaturge Thaumaturge 40
Black Mage Black Mage 40
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30% and allows for the stacking of a third Astral Fire or Umbral Ice which reduces cast times for spells of the opposite element by half.

Patch history[]

Version Changes
A Realm Reborn Added with 120 potency and 8% base MP cost, with no chance of doubled potency.
Level 24 Thaumaturge trait Enhanced Scathe Enhanced Scathe granted a 20% chance to deal double damage.
Patch 2.1 Potency reduced to 100.
Heavensward Sharpcast Sharpcast added. Guaranteed Enhanced Scathe's effect would activate on the next Scathe used.
Stormblood Enhanced Scathe removed. Effect is now part of the base ability. Sharpcast description changed to reflect this but is functionally unchanged.
No longer available in PvP.
Shadowbringers MP cost set at 800 with MP system overhaul.