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Final Fantasy Wiki

SOLDIER:3rd is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII encountered during the raid on the upper floors of the Shinra Bldg.. They are SOLDIER Third Class and have the Hardedge as a stealable item, a weapon for Cloud that considerably boosts his Attack power at this point in the game. The next place to obtain Hardedge is Junon.



# Formation
437 Row 1: SOLDIER:3rd A
Row 2: SOLDIER:3rd B
440 Row 1: SOLDIER:3rd A, SOLDIER:3rd B
Row 2: SOLDIER:3rd C
442 Row 1: Moth Slasher
Row 2: SOLDIER:3rd A, SOLDIER:3rd B
443 SOLDIER:3rd A, SOLDIER:3rd B (Back Attack)
653 SOLDIER:3rd A, SOLDIER:3rd B
655 SOLDIER:3rd A, SOLDIER:3rd B (Back Attack)


Shinra Bldg. (before Jenova escapes)
67f. 437, 437
Shinra Bldg.
68f. 440, 442, 443 (Back Attack)


Flying Sickle

Flying Sickle.

SOLDIER:3rds tend to show up in pairs. They use Split for minor damage, Bolt2, Ice2, as well as the Flying Sickle attack, where each sickle deals moderate damage to one character. Both his Split and Flying Sickle attacks may be used twice in one turn. He can use Sleepel to inflict sleep on a single character. They are weak against Fire.

SOLDIER:3rd is one of the few enemies that have weaknesses and resistances to particular status attributes. He is weak to Confusion abilities, so if attacked when in this status ailment, he takes double damage. When first encountered, he can be inflicted with Confusion by means of the Loco Weed item.


Having a character equipped with Fire-All is helpful.

AI script[]

Start of battle

Declare Attack

Declare AttackNumber

Declare Count = Random[0..3]

Declare SpecialChance = 4

Declare MagicChance = 4

Declare SelectedTarget


Attack = 0

AttackNumber = 1

If (Count == 0) Then

Attack = 1

If (Random[1..SpecialChance] == 1) Then

AttackNumber = 2

Count = 2

Else If (Count == 1) Then

Attack = 2

If (Random[1..SpecialChance] == 1) Then

AttackNumber = 2

Count = 2

Else If (Count == 2) Then
If (any opponent does not have Sleep) AND (Self MP >= 8) AND (Random[1..MagicChance] == 1) Then

Use Sleepel on random opponent without Sleep


Attack = Random[1..2]

Count = Random[3..4]

Else If (Count == 3) Then
If (Self MP >= 22) AND (Random[1..MagicChance] == 1) Then
If (any opponent has Sleep) Then

Use Bolt2 on random opponent with Sleep


Use Bolt2 on random opponent


Attack = Random[1..2]

Count = Random[0..1]

Else If (Count == 4) Then
If (Self MP >= 22) AND (Random[1..MagicChance] == 1) Then
If (any opponent has Sleep) Then

Use Ice2 on random opponent with Sleep


Use Ice2 on random opponent


Attack = Random[1..2]

Count = Random[0..1]

If (Attack > 0) Then
While (AttackNumber != 0)
If (any opponent does not have Sleep) Then

SelectedTarget = random opponent without Sleep


SelectedTarget = random opponent

If (Attack == 1) Then

Use Split on SelectedTarget

Else If (Attack == 2) Then

Use Flying Sickle on SelectedTarget

AttackNumber = AttackNumber - 1

Counter - if attacked
If (Self HP > 3/4 * Self Max HP) Then

MagicChance = 4

SpecialChance = 4

Else If (Self HP > 1/2 * Self Max HP) Then

MagicChance = 2

SpecialChance = 3

Else If (Self HP > 1/4 * Self Max HP) Then

MagicChance = 1

SpecialChance = 2


MagicChance = 1

SpecialChance = 1

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Soldier 3rd

Soldier:3rd appears as an enemy in Pictlogica Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]


Soldier:3rd appears as an enemy in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

Rampage Land Rankers[]

Soldier:3rd appears as an enemy in the Midgar dungeon.[1]

Related enemies[]

