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This is quite a strong feeling of happiness, I could almost write a song about it. So I will tell you instead. Thank you.

Max Trust Mastery

Roy is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Roy's Trust Master reward is the Minstrel's prayer hat.



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5★ - No. 0649:

A bard that loves the ladies. With a goal in mind, he travels far and wide. He would sing his songs in taverns where it is said he charmed many a lady. Despite being a poet, he is also capable on the battlefield, and wouldn't dare step back should an enemy appear before him. He is also considered a key person in the kidnapping incident which gripped Grandshelt.

6★ - No. 0650:

A bard who, after being part of a painful incident, decided to go on a journey. He is constantly patrolling the streets, calling out at any and all girls he finds attractive. However still, he is known for being very kind, and those close to him know his observant eye isn't just for ladies.

Entries for different versions of Roy.



Roy's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check*(Maximum LB crystals drop per hit)
5★ 80 2771 (+300) 131 (+50) 78 (+20) 98 (+20) 112 (+20) 109 (+20) 3 4 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ 100 3603 (+450) 171 (+75) 102 (+30) 120 (+30) 146 (+30) 142 (+30) 3 4 FFBE Limit Burst crystal


Ability Level
Hero's Prologue 1
Hide 22
Requiem 29
Alluring Air 60
Angel's Whim 80
Auto-Regen 45
Acclimate 60
DEF +20% 73
Ability Level
Whimful Silence 31
Life's Refrain 58
Twin Blade Beauty 84
Fool's Ballad 100
Pizzicato Tonic 1
SPR +30% 15
Ability Obtained by
Victory the Brave Activated by War of the Gods, Victory the Brave


Roy can equip the following weapons: daggers, staves, rods, bows and music instruments.

He can equip the following armors: hats, clothes and robes.

He can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5★ Dragon's Madrigal Base (Level 1): Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (100%) for 3 turns to all allies while singing. Heal (1150 HP, 8x) split over 3 turns to all allies. Refresh (20 MP, 0.5x) split over 3 turns to all allies.
Max (Level 20): Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (119%) for 3 turns to all allies while singing. Heal (1150 HP, 8x) split over 3 turns to all allies. Refresh (20 MP, 0.5x) split over 3 turns to all allies.
11 14 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ Dragon's Madrigal Base (Level 1): Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (100%) for 3 turns to all allies while singing. Heal (1150 HP, 8x) split over 3 turns to all allies. Refresh (20 MP, 0.5x) split over 3 turns to all allies.
Max (Level 25): Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (124%) for 3 turns to all allies while singing. Heal (1150 HP, 8x) split over 3 turns to all allies. Refresh (20 MP, 0.5x) split over 3 turns to all allies.
15 16 FFBE Limit Burst crystal

Awakening Materials[]

Fairies' Writ x20
Rainbow Bloom x10
Prismatic Horn x10
Calamity Gem x5
Divine Crystal x5


Rarity Summoned Fused Awoken
5★ It all starts from this moment. Our story will be sung on into eternity. ...Or something like that. I know exactly how to use power. Have no worries, and leave it to me! -
6★ With each new journey, a new story is also born...right? It's a bit late to be receiving power... No, I am not lamenting over the past. The songs sung about great heroes... I wonder if one day the tale of my journey will also be sung about.

