"Romancing Train" was used as the closing theme for Episodes 14 - 24 of the anime Final Fantasy: Unlimited. This placement is somewhat ironic, as the train featured in the program was destroyed in the fourteenth episode. It was performed by m.o.v.e. for Avex Tune, with lyrics by Motsu and with music and arrangement by T-Kimura. The title of the song was often incorrectly spelled as "Romacing Train" in the closing credits of the English dubbed series. As featured in the series, "Romancing Train" ran at a length of 1:40 whereas the full version is 4:35 long.
Romancing Train, you'll hear the whistle again,
bring all your pains, yeah, it's tonight
そして旅は始まる 君と二人どこかへ
Soshite tabi wa hajimaru kimi to futari doko ka e
Trance Euro Express 走り去る 通り過ぎる夜景に
Trance Euro Express hashirisaru toorisugiru yakei ni
もっとココロ聴かせて 瞳とじて酔わせて
Motto kokoro kikasete hitomi tojite yowasete
二人だけを連れてく 愛だけ連れて旅立つ
Futari dake wo tsureteku ai dake tsurete tabidatsu
hey come and join to the express
Romancing train, bring all the pain 疲れたそのココロを
Romancing train, bring all the pain tsukareta sono kokoro wo
Romancing train, whistle again 優しく抱いてくれる
Romancing train, whistle again yasashiku daite kureru
Ai go koko ni aru koto
(bring all the tears and pain right now bring it out)
Nemuru made mimimoto de sasayaite ite
Moonlight照らす深夜の 立ちこめる低いクラウド
Moonlight terasu shinya no tachikomeru hikui kuraudo
この手延ばせば届きそう 突き抜けて舞い上がるほど
Kono te nobaseba todokisou tsukinukete magiru hodo
Yeah柔らかに眠る キミ起こさないようにめくる
Yeah yawaraka ni nemeru kimi okosanai you ni mekeru
ペイパーバック古いコトバ 綴られたロマンス
Peipaabakku furui kotoba tsuzurareta romansu
頬を肩にうずめる 温かさがつたわる
Hoho o kata ni uzumeru atatakasa ga tsutawaru
Trance Euro Express この愛は そっと守られている
Trance Euro Express kono ai wa sotto mamorarete iru
夢のような真実 奏でられた旋律
Yume no you na shinjitsu kanaderareta senritsu
とめないでこのままで 汽笛を夜に残して
Tomenaide kono mama de kiteki o yoru ni nokoshite
hey come and join to the express
Romancing Train, bring all the pain 流れたそのナミダも
Romancing Train, bring all the pain nagareta sono namida mo
Romancing Train, whistle again 包まれ癒されてく
Romancing Train, whistle again tsutsumare iyasareteku
Ai wa koko ni ikiteru
(bring all the tears and pain right now bring it out)
Futari kiri yoake made yurarete itai
(bring all the tears and pain oh yeah romancing train)
wow wow romancing train goin' up goin' down
makes me forget my pain la-la-la
(you'll hear the endless of refrain)
wow wow romancing train goin' up goin' down
(you'll hear the endless of refrain)
makes me forget to cry my love is in express
そしてキミとふたりきり さまよう物語
Soshite kimi to futari kiri samayou monogatari
この旅路終点に 待ってるもの今忘れたい
Kono tabiji shuten ni matteru mono ima wasuretai
夢を叶える道のり その願いこそが強い輝き
Yume o kanaeru michinori sono negai koso ga tsuyoi kagayaki
さぁナミダも連れてこう Romancing Train
Saa namida mo tsuretekou Romancing Train
Romancing Train
Romancing Train, bring all the pain 疲れたそのココロを
Romancing Train, bring all the pain tsukareta sono kokoro o
Romancing Train, whistle again 優しく抱いてくれる
Romancing Train, whistle again yasashiku daite kureru
Romancing Train, Bring all the pain すすんでいく優雅に
Romancing Train bring all the pain susunde yuku yuuga ni
Romancing Train 二人は美しさをもとめて
Romancing Train futari wa utsukushisa o motomete
Ai wa yume o mite iru
(bring all the tears and pain right now bring it out)
Kono mama de tada sotto nemurasete ite
(bring all the tears and pain oh yeah romancing train)
Romancing Train, you'll hear the whistle again,
bring all your pains, yeah, it's tonight
And now the journey begins
Just the two of us going off
Riding into the distance
Trance Euro Express passes through the night
Let me hear more of your heart
Let me close my eyes and be intoxicated
Only the two of us are being taken
On this trip that we began with nothing but love
Hey, come and join to the express
Romancing train, bring all the pain
Bring your tired heart
Romancing train, whistle again
It embraces me so softly
And I know that there is love here
Whisper into my ear until I fall asleep
Clouds hang low deep in the night
as the moonlight shines through
I can almost touch it if I reach out,
Flying higher than ever
Yeah, I turn the pages of my book softly
so as not to awaken you
The old words in the paperback
tell a tale of romance
Your warmth flows into me as I bury my cheek in your shoulder
Our love is gently guarded by the Trance Euro Express
This dreamlike reality is a melody
Don't let it end like this - leave the train whistle behind in the night [2]
hey come and join to the express
Romancing Train, Bring all the pain Even your flowing tears
Romancing Train, whistle again Will be wrapped up and cured
Love is living here
(bring all the tears and pain right now bring it out)
I want to be rocked until dawn, alone with you
(bring all the tears and pain oh yeah romancing train)
wow wow romancing train goin' up goin' down
makes me forget my pain la-la-la
(you'll hear the endless of refrain)
wow wow romancing train goin' up goin' down
(you'll hear the endless of refrain)
makes me forget to cry my love is in the express
And now it's just the two of us in this wandering tale
I want to forget about what's waiting at the last stop on this journey
The journey can grant our dreams, your wish is shining strong
Come on, bring even the tears, Romancing Train
Romancing Train
Romancing Train, Bring all the pain Your weary heart
Romancing Train, whistle again Will be held gently
Romancing Train, Bring all the pain We are searching for beauty
Romancing Train In the deepening elegance
Love is dreaming
(bring all the tears and pain right now bring it out)
Just let me sleep softly, just like this
(bring all the tears and pain oh yeah romancing train)