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1-4 Rites for a Goddess is the fourth leg of the main quest in Luxerion in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. After deciphering the cultists' passcode, Lightning is able to crash their nighttime ritual at the Forsaken Graveyard.

Quest log[]

Entry 1
The gate to the Forsaken Graveyard where the heretics gather stands open. It now seems clear that the Children of Etro are behind the calls for the savior's death.
The rites have already begun, and the heretics may be murdering another young woman at this very moment. Lightning cannot afford to delay. It is time to bring an end to the heretics' deadly games.
Entry 2
Just as Lightning arrives at the site of the heretics' gathering, Noel appears. Although the Children of Etro hail the Shadow Hunter, he wants nothing to do with them and their murders. Just like Lightning, he has come to put an end to their grim rites.
But this does not make him Lightning's ally. He still wants to fight her, just as the Oracle Drive prophesizes. He issues a challenge, then slips into the night as the Order security forces arrive.


Lightning can now cross the Forsaken Graveyard, picking up a Stormbane Choker (halves Wind damage) and a Zirconia Brooch (HP +10%) on the way from treasure spheres. Near where the Stormbane Choker is found, a Chaos infusion appears on a hill if the player walks towards it. Player can collect soul seeds from there and fight Zomoks.

A useful strategy to quickly stagger Zomok is to guard the initial Storm Front attack while approaching the beast, then attack with Beat Down or Heavy Slash as the dragon returns to its normal stance. The Zomok will be knocked down and be unable to retaliate. Keeping distance from Zomok mitigates damage from Storm Front and Heavenly Storm. The Stormbane Choker found at the graveyard halves these attacks, and an ordinary Guard blocks the damage resulting in a slow but pain-free kill.

The quest is completed upon approaching the Children of Etro's gathering in the middle of the graveyard, starting the next and final leg of the Luxerion main quest, "Hunter in Light and Shadow".
