Final Fantasy Wiki
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Ribbit Jiggle Panic is the twelfth chapter in World of Final Fantasy.


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The Windswept Mire[]

Fen 1

REYNN: I hope we're not stuck in the muck... Search the area for clues.

After talking to the grey toad
LANN: All I have to do is nab that golden toad...

After reverting Snow back to normal
TAMA: Hurray! We're gonna the-help Snow butt-kick the Big Jiggle!

Fen 2

REYNN: Oh, how I have missed sweet, solid ground. So long, swamp!

Post-Chapter content unlocked[]

The Coliseum matches
  • The Usual Nuisances 1
  • The Usual Nuisances 2
Champion Medals and Jewels

The following Champion content unlocks in this chapter if the player has already visited The Girl's Tearoom beforehand.

Theater Mode cutscenes[]

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