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Resurrection is an Arcanist Arcanist, Summoner Summoner, and Scholar Scholar spell from Final Fantasy XIV that revives a single ally in a weakened state.


Base mechanics
  • Grants Raise Raise to a downed player for 60 seconds, giving them a prompt to accept the raise
  • Upon accepting, the player is raised with 20% of their max HP
  • Raised players are Transcendent Transcendent for 5 seconds or until they use an action, granting invulnerability to most effects
  • Raised players are inflicted with Weakness Weakness or Brink of Death Brink of Death for 100 seconds, reducing their primary attributes by 25-50%
  • Activates the global cooldown
Formulae Cast/recast time formula:

Where Time can be 8000 for cast time or 2500 for recast time.

Weakness Weakness reduces strength, dexterity, intelligence, and mind by 25%. Weakness persists indefinitely through further KOs, and if a player is revived with Weakness active it will be replaced by Brink of Death Brink of Death, increasing the penalty to 50% and refreshing the duration. Brink of Death will also persist indefinitely though further KOs, and its duration will be refreshed every time the player is revived thereafter until they can survive long enough for the debuff to fade.


Resurrection is one of the most important party support spells in instance content, due to its function of reviving allies. This is especially true for Summoners, as they are the only non-healing, non-limited job besides Red Mage Red Mages with access to a revive, and even Red Mages don't get the ability until level 64.

Resurrection has a long cast time of 8 seconds, which often requires players to pair the spell with Swiftcast Swiftcast, which will allow it to be cast instantly. Surecast Surecast can also be used to ensure the cast isn't interrupted if the user anticipates taking heavy damage or getting knocked back during the spell.

Without Swiftcast, players will need to ensure their own safety before beginning the spell, and in the case of Scholars they need to ensure the safety of their tanks as well. If several party members are downed and a level 3 Limit Break Limit Break is available, Scholars should instead use their Limit Break to execute Angel Feathers, which will fully heal and revive the entire party for only a 2 second cast time.

When partying with another healer, casting the spell without Swiftcast is generally easier to accomplish as the other healer can compensate for the downtime. Resurrection will however still consume MP even if the target has already received a revive from another player, indicated by the Raise Raise status. As such, healers should try to communicate with each other when and who they are raising to ensure their fellow healers don't waste their Swiftcast and/or MP as well. When casting Resurrection without Swiftcast, players pay should attention to their party's status bar to ensure their fellow healers aren't casting their own revive or that the target hasn't already received a revive and cancel the spell if necessary to save time and MP.

The Raise status gives the affected player a confirmation prompt in which they may accept or decline the raise, or wait before doing so. This can allow them to wait until a dangerous phase of the encounter has passed before raising. Upon accepting they will revive with 20% of their max HP and receive the the Transcendent Transcendent buff. Transcendent renders the player invulnerable to most attacks for 5 seconds or until they execute an action. Revived players may wish to refrain from acting and removing Transcendent until they have received further healing, particularly during periods of heavy area of effect (AoE) damage, lest they just get downed again immediately.

Patch history[]

Version Changes
A Realm Reborn
  • Added at 30% base MP cost and required level 22
  • Weakness Weakness and Brink of Death Brink of Death statuses reduced all primary attributes, including vitality, by 15% and 30% respectively for 120 seconds
  • There was no status indicating the period of invulnerability after being revived
Patch 2.15
  • No longer available to Arcanists and Summoners in PvP
  • Required level reduced to 18
  • Weakness and Brink of Death no longer affect vitality; attribute reduction increased to 25% and 50% respectively; durations lowered to 100 seconds
  • No longer available in PvP
  • Required level reduced to 12
  • MP cost set at 2400 with MP system overhaul
Patch 5.3
  • The period of invulnerability after being revived is now indicated by the Transcendent Transcendent status