Reraise is a magic spell in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. It grants the Auto-Life status to one target, which means that they will automatically be revived at partial HP after being KO'd. The effect when granted lasts until they are KO'd or until battle ends
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the first entry in the Final Fantasy VII series with a Reraise spell.
Reraise can be cast by party members with reraise materia, or by Phoenix with a mastered Phoenix materia, and has a hefty 35 MP cost to cast. The spell grants the Auto-Life effect to one party member that will last throughout battle until they are KO'd and instantly revived. It can be re-applied an infinite number of times after it is used up.
The spell is precautionary rather than reactive, and can be very useful in battles where the player expects party members to be KO'd often, particularly to revive crucial party members (such as ones with a Revival Materia equipped to revive others when needed).
The biggest drawback to the spell is its high MP cost. It should be cast infrequently and ideally only used by party members with MP to spare. The Magic Efficiency Materia can be a crucial pairing with reraise materia to allow Reraise to be cast more often. The player can use synergy abilities that grant MP-free casting and use this window for specifically casting Reraise.
Alternatives to casting Reraise are equipping Revival Earrings, but this uses an accessory slot, and the Reprieve weapon passive, but not all party members have access to it. Multiple instant-revive safeguards can be active concurrently.