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Quest Sync
Nananji appears to be in deep thought.Quest description
Remembering the Past is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.
- Making your way through Ul'dah, you encounter a budding writer named Nananji Nononji, who tells you that he seeks to write a biography of the late Archon Louisoix. To that end, he has arranged to interview a member of the Immortal Flames, and asks that you accompany him as an assistant. Upon agreeing to his request, you are directed to join him at Camp Drybone ahead of the interview.
※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. - After arriving at Camp Drybone, Nananji leads you to a nearby graveyard, where he explains his motivation for writing the biography. The Calamity had destroyed his village and killed his parents, and he struggles to move forward in a world where ever fewer people spare the event any thought. In learning about Louisoix and his part in Eorzea's salvation, it is his hope that he will attain closure, and having reviewed what is widely known of the subject, you set off for the interview at Highbridge.
- The interviewee, Flame Lieutenant Hollin Aubrey, arrives shortly after you do, and he proceeds to give an account of his dealings with Louisoix. Thanks to the Archon, the forces of Eorzea were made aware of the Meteor project, which Legatus Nael van Darnus sought to utilize to purge all life from the realm. At this juncture in his tale, the lieutenant offers to introduce you to someone who is better suited to recount what follows, and Nananji happily accepts. Thus is it decided that you will next take yourselves to Apkallu Falls in Gridania for another interview.
- As you wait in the tranquil surrounds of Apkallu Falls, your interviewee appears in the form of Serpent Lieutenant Syro Fulke. The lieutenant speaks of how Louisoix had secured external support for the Order of the Twin Adder as it sought to vanquish the rampaging Garuda. And when it subsequently came to light that the VIIth Imperial Legion had constructed a lunar transmitter─the device that would pluck Dalamud from the heavens─within their new castrum, the three nations responded by reforming the Eorzean Alliance, and appointed the Archon their tactician. For that which comes after, the operation to destroy the lunar transmitter, the lieutenant directs you to a soldier who actually took part in it. To that end do you make your way to Maelstrom Command in Limsa Lominsa, where the individual may be found.
- Entering Maelstrom Command, you are warmly greeted by Storm Commander R'ashaht Rhiki. The commander takes you through the details of the operation, which saw the main force of the Alliance lay siege to the castrum while an elite band of adventurers destroyed the lunar transmitter. Although the operation failed to halt Dalamud's descent, it served to demonstrate to the people of Eorzea that, by standing together, they could oppose even the might of the Empire. And at Louisoix's behest, they stood together once more at the Carteneau Flats, where they fought desperately to secure the area for the ritual to cast the red moon back unto the heavens. To the shock of all present, however, Bahamut burst forth from Dalamud and proceeded to unleash his fury upon the realm. While it is held that Louisoix had defeated the dread being, all memories of the Calamity were shrouded in haze, and no one remembers what actually happened. Curious as to events prior to that moment, Nananji asks R'ashaht if someone was near Louisoix during the battle, but she regrettably does not know. There the tale ends, and you thank the commander before taking your leave.
- While Nananji has learned a great deal about Louisoix, there is still more that he wishes to know. If you are willing, he asks that you accompany him for a little longer.
- Speak with Nananji at Camp Drybone.
- Wait at the designated location.
- Speak with Nananji at Apkallu Falls in Gridania.
- Speak with Nananji near Maelstrom Command.
- Speak with Nananji again.