Relics of Light was a phased-ladder Challenge Event in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
Introduction to phased-ladder gauntlets[]
Relics of Light was the first event of its kind, a gauntlet ladder introducing itself in smaller progressive increments rather than all at once, as most Challenge Events had done. This being the case, the event begins with only the first three stages playable, inserting additional stages at predetermined intervals until fully released. This format would prove useful for other gauntlet runs as the game continued to develop and grow.
Players followed the Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy as he fought all bosses in his home Realm to earn a number of accessory items, plus his Memory Crystals.
- This was the first event to be formatted as a "boss rush", i.e. a series of battles in which only bosses are fought. In other types of games, the boss rush is commonly used as demonstration material and is sometimes considered a form of speed-running.