Cid Pollendina:
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Reliable Partner is a time-limited event in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Keiss from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers can be added to Mog's group of warriors. This paralogue of the main scenario may include characters not yet recruited by the player.
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Shrewd Rebel:
Depending on your progress in the story, characters you have yet to recruit may appear in these events.
- ???: ...So now I'm in a different world. Is that right?
- Materia: Yes. This world draws ever closer to danger. Won't you lend us your strength?
- ???: Haha! Are you serious?
- ???: You're asking the guy who refused a queen's request. As if a goddess would be much different.
- Materia: So you are in need of a different reason.
- Materia: I understand. I will open the way for you. Then you can judge this world with your own eyes.
- ???: Where does it lead?
- Materia: One of your comrades is ahead. He should be able to help you understand our world.
- ???: I feel like I've seen this before...
- ???: Well, no point in waiting around. Thanks, goddess Materia.
- Keiss: Never been here before... But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm in a different world.
- Keiss: If I'm going to judge this place with my own eyes, I need to get my hands on some information.
- Keiss: ...Didn't that goddess say one of my comrades would be here?
- Keiss: Could she have meant Layle? I couldn't find him anywhere, but...
(Keiss sees the Emperor setting traps)
- Keiss: (What's that guy up to? Is he setting a trap?)
- Keiss: (He looks like armed military, but doesn't appear to be a Lilty...)
- Keiss: (But judging from his demeanor, he's upper class. Perfect for getting information.)
- Keiss: (I'll trail him for a while. He won't notice me at this distance...)
(Keiss steps onto a trap, but escapes before it goes off)
- The Emperor: So you managed to evade my attack.
- Keiss: (He noticed me!? I underestimated him.)
- The Emperor: A new face, I see... Who are you?
- The Emperor: No... Tell me: who summoned you?
- Keiss: (I see... So the goddess has enemies. I had better tread carefully.)
- Keiss: You appear to be of noble blood. Could you please help me?
- The Emperor: ...What?
- Keiss: I was suddenly thrown into this place and don't know what to do with myself.
- Keiss: But it appears this world has seen better days.
- Keiss: Even if only for a little while, would you mind if I accompanied you?
- Keiss: You've seen how I can move. Why not let me work for you?
- The Emperor: ...Hmph. You bore me.
The Way of Partners:
- Keiss: Could you find it in yourself to help me?
- Maria: What is that man doing!?
(The rest of the party arrives)
- Layle: (Huh? Is that...Keiss?)
- King: Scheming something, most likely. I guess it's up to us to cut it short.
- Layle: (He's talking to the Emperor. Maybe he's trying to get information out of him...)
- Keiss: Stop right there!
- Layle: I get it. I won't go over there.
- Keiss: ...I found you, crystal bearer!
- Keiss: He's a long-time rival of mine... Why don't you leave this to me?
- The Emperor: ...So you two hail from the same world.
- Keiss: Let's settle this, crystal bearer!
- The Emperor: There's no need for that.
(The Emperor sets a trap on Keiss)
- Keiss: Wh-what!?
(Layle protects Keiss from the trap with gravity)
- Keiss: Gck...!
- Maria: But...I thought you were friends!
- The Emperor: I have no memory of such folly. He was just a worm wriggling where he didn't belong.
- The Emperor: Did you really think I would believe you? What a pathetic spy...
(The Emperor disappears)
- Celes: Then who is he...?
- Layle: A fine performance as always, Keiss.
- Keiss: Seriously? That's how you greet me after all this time?
- Keiss: Well, I owe you one, crystal bearer.
- King: I see. So Layle sent you flying before you could get caught in the trap.
- Layle: Pretty good teamwork, wasn't it? We've worked together before.
- Keiss: More importantly, Layle...
- Keiss: What are you doing here?
- Layle: It's not my fault. I was just brought here.
- Keiss: You...?
- Keiss: Don't you know how worried everyone was about you!?
- Keiss: I've had my hands full restoring the guild while looking for you!
- Layle: ...Well, at least you got one thing squared away now.
- Keiss: Wh-what!?
- Layle: Since we've got some time here, why not come with us?
- Layle: This is Keiss. He's an old partner of mine.
- Celes: I'm sorry for my mistake earlier. You're one of Layle's friends, then.
- Layle: He catches on quick, so don't go easy when teaching him about this place.
- Keiss: (Layle sure is friendly with these people... And they don't seem afraid of his power.)
- Keiss: (I thought something shady was going on, but I have no choice but to believe it if Layle says so... I've made up my mind.)
- Keiss: Nice to meet you guys! It looks like I'll be in your capable hands from now on!
Breaking Barriers:
- Keiss: There are only four tribes back home, so seeing this many different kinds of people is really new to me.
- Freya: Interesting, isn't it? It makes one realize how diverse the worlds out there are.
- Keiss: If there were this many races back home, I feel there would be fewer quarrels.
- Terra: There were wars in your world, too, weren't there?
- Keiss: Well...a certain tribe monopolized power.
- Keiss: So there was inequality between the four tribes. Selkies like me created a guild to survive.
- Penelo: Inequality... I guess that exists anywhere.
- Penelo: The man who looked after me was from a different tribe, but he was very popular and good at his job. So I was surprised.
- Ramza: ...But even people of the same tribe can experience inequality.
- Barret: If there weren't, the slums wouldn't exist.
- Penelo: You're right... There's disparity even among us here.
- Keiss: Right? In that case, you can't keep quiet. You need to take power back with your own hands.
- Keiss: That's why I joined the army. To pull down those on top.
- Keiss: I was able to climb the ranks that way, but the stubborn Guild Master told me never to show my face around there again.
- Barret: Hahaha! You've got guts, kid!
- Ramza: But don't you feel uneasy without that support? It's like having no one at your back.
- Keiss: Selkies tend to value our independence, so I wasn't too torn up about it.
- Terra: ...Even still, you worked hard for your tribe?
- Penelo: You're very thoughtful of your friends, Keiss!
- Keiss: Hah, that's a new one.
- Freya: Perhaps you are fit to become a guildmaster yourself.
- Barret: She's right! That's right up your alley!
- Keiss: You guys don't miss a thing. Actually, I'm doing something pretty similar now.
- Penelo: Then your world will definitely change! As long as there's one person who wants it to change.
- Terra: Right. Even if they're from a different tribe, you can join hands and work together.
- Keiss: We'll probably be alright. Our new queen is working toward harmony.
- Keiss: And she wanted me as High Commander. I don't think she has any intention of monopolizing power.
- Ramza: How nice... The beginning of a new age for your world.
- Keiss: That's why I want to show it to Layle. He helped make it all possible and still doesn't know.
- Penelo: Layle?
- Keiss: Yeah. He's the hero who saved our world.
- Keiss: And after he saved the world...
- Keiss: He disappeared without a word.
- Keiss: Almost like he was blown away by the wind. Like some kind of nomad.
- Terra: Haha. He sounds like Bartz! Exploring the world, going wherever the wind takes him.
- Penelo: That's right. I wonder why they stay here with us... They don't act like that at all around us.
- Keiss: Yeah. To be honest, I was quite surprised to see Layle staying in one place here.
- Keiss: ...Oh, and he hates talk like this, so don't tell him I told you.
- Keiss: Hehe, thanks. Well, I guess it's off to our next destination!
(Everyone leaves, except Keiss)
- Keiss: How weird...
- Keiss: Maybe it was more comfortable for him being treated like a normal human here.
- Keiss: Tch. I probably gave him too much credit to think it didn't bother him.
- Keiss: Well, he was treated like a heretic back home.
- Keiss: I wonder if he thinks the world still rejects him...
- Keiss: What an idiot. I have to drag him back home on the double and have everyone give him a piece of their mind.
Spoilers end here.
Reliable Partner Pt. 1[]
Reliable Partner Pt. 2[]
Reliable Partner Pt. 3[]
Reliable Partner Pt. 4[]
Reliable Partner Pt. 5[]
Reliable Partner Co-op[]
Reliable Partner EX[]
Reliable Partner COSMOS[]
Reliable Partner CHAOS[]
Musical themes[]