Final Fantasy Wiki

Reflect is a status in Final Fantasy IX. Reflect bounces a compatible Black or White Magic spell, or a compatible enemy-exclusive spell, directed at the target to the opposing party, onto a random target if there are multiple. Those with Reflect sparkle with a pink effect.


A spell being reflected from FFIX Remastered

A spell being reflected.

Reflect's duration depends on the target's (not the caster's) Spirit stat, unless it is applied via Auto-Reflect.

Status duration = Spirit * 320

The status duration takes into account Battle Speed as set in the Config, as well as the unit's speed status (Stop, Slow, Normal, Haste).

Vivi has access to the Reflectx2 support ability, which doubles the damage dealt by a spell he casts when it is reflected. This coupled with Auto-Reflect makes it easy for Vivi to reach the damage limit. If the entire party has Reflect and Vivi reflects a spell off all party members, the spell will hit four times; if the battle has only one opponent, it will take the full damage, but with multiple targets, Reflectx2 bonus is halved and the damage is randomly split between the opponents.

The Reflect-Null support ability lets the caster bypass targets' Reflect status.

Reflected magic used by the player was made significantly stronger for the overseas versions compared to the original Japanese version.

The following spells cannot be reflected:


Support ability Auto-Reflect
Spell Reflect
Summon Carbuncle (Ruby Light)

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Reflect Grants Reflect to one ally. Ash, Drakan, Hades, Maliris, Maliris (Crystal), Ring Leader, Trance Kuja


Reflect from Auto-Reflect cannot be removed. Otherwise, Reflect can be removed with Dispel or bypassed with Reflect-Null support ability.


The following enemies are immune to Reflect:


Reflect status may be useful against Ozma to avoid Berserk. Otherwise, it is good with Vivi's Reflectx2, strengthening his spells. Having Vanish and Reflect on the same target is also ideal; Reflect stops spells from hitting, and Vanish prevents physical attacks.

Another way to return enemies' spells back at themselves is with Return Magic, though the player will take damage with it.
