Final Fantasy Wiki

The following is a list of Record Materia that can be unlocked by using characters from the Final Fantasy VII realm.

Record Materia Description Acquired With Method of Acquisition
Deal slightly more damage when a sword is equipped. FFRK Cloud FFVII Sprite
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Chance to counterattack melee attacks. FFRK Cloud FFVII Sprite
Obtain the SOLDIER Strike Record Materia. Attain Target Score: Win the Jenova BIRTH battle in the Cargo Ship Elite dungeon without Cloud being KO'd.
Mako Might
FFRK Mako Might Icon
Begin dungeons with 2 Soul Break charges. FFRK Cloud FFVII Sprite
Break Cloud's level cap 2 times and obtain the SOLDIER Counter record materia. Chance to obtain with Cloud in your party.
FFRK Truthseeker Icon
Deal much more damage when a sword is equipped. FFRK Cloud FFVII Sprite
Break Cloud's level cap 3 times and obtain the Mako Might record materia. Awarded for raising Cloud to level 99.
Reload I
FFRK Reload I Icon
Chance to restore 1 support ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Barret
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Gun-Arm Master
FFRK Gun-Arm Master Icon
Deal significantly more damage when a gun-arm is equipped. FFRK Barret
Break Barret's level cap 2 times and obtain the Reload I record materia. Chance to obtain with Barret in your party.
Solemn Protector
FFRK Solemn Protector Icon
Deal much more physical damage when a gun-arm is equipped. FFRK Barret
Break Barret's level cap 3 times and obtain the Gun-Arm Master record materia. Awarded for raising Barret to level 99.
Pugilist's Lore
FFRK Pugilist's Lore Icon
Deal slightly more damage when a fist weapon is equipped. FFRK Tifa Sprite
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
The Zangan Way
FFRK The Zangan Way Icon
Deal significantly more damage when a fist weapon is equipped. FFRK Tifa Sprite
Break Tifa's level cap 2 times and obtain the Pugilist's Lore record materia. Chance to obtain with Tifa in your party.
Face the Past
FFRK Face the Past Icon
Deal much more earth damage. FFRK Tifa Sprite
Break Tifa's level cap 3 times and obtain the The Zangan Way record materia. Awarded for raising Tifa to level 99.
Prayer of the Cetra
FFRK Prayer of the Cetra Icon
Deal slightly more holy damage. FFRK Aerith Sprite
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Cetra's Destiny
FFRK Cetra's Destiny Icon
Restore significantly more HP with white magic abilities. FFRK Aerith Sprite
Break Aerith's level cap 2 times and obtain the Prayer of the Cetra record materia. Chance to obtain with Aerith in your party.
Planet's Salvation
FFRK Planet's Salvation Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Magic and a small amount of Mind when a rod is equipped. FFRK Aerith Sprite
Break Aerith's level cap 3 times and obtain the Cetra's Destiny record materia. Awarded for raising Aerith to level 99.
Planet Guardian
FFRK Planet Guardian Icon
Begin battle with Reflect. FFRK Red XIII
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Seto's Will
FFRK Seto's Will Icon
Gain major Regen when low on HP. (Can only trigger once per battle.) FFRK Red XIII
Obtain the Planet Guardian Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Red XIII in your party.
Survival Instinct
FFRK Survival Instinct Icon
Restore 1 support ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Red XIII
Break Red XIII's level cap 2 times and obtain the Seto's Will record materia. Chance to obtain with Red XIII in your party.
Ancient Spirit
FFRK Ancient Spirit Icon
Deal much more damage when a hairpin is equipped. FFRK Red XIII
Break Red XIII's level cap 3 times and obtain the Survival Instinct record materia. Awarded for raising Red XIII to level 99.
Gift of the Shinobi
FFRK Gift of the Shinobi Icon
Deal slightly more damage when a thrown weapon is equipped. FFRK Yuffie
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
FFRK Lickety-Split Icon
Attack has no delay. FFRK Yuffie
Break Yuffie's level cap 2 times and obtain the Gift of the Shinobi record materia. Chance to obtain with Yuffie in your party.
Master of Shadows
FFRK Master of Shadows Icon
Gain a small amount of Attack and Magic, and avoid one physical attack. (Effective against most physical attacks. Can only trigger once per battle.) FFRK Yuffie
Break Yuffie's level cap 3 times and obtain the Lickety-Split record materia. Awarded for raising Yuffie to level 99.
Lucky Slots
FFRK Lucky Slots Icon
Attack has a slight chance to deal sonic damage instead of physical damage. FFRK Cait Sith
Cait Sith
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Moogle Ward
FFRK Moogle Ward Icon
Begin battle with major Regen. FFRK Cait Sith
Cait Sith
Break Cait Sith's level cap 2 times and obtain the Lucky Slots record materia. Chance to obtain with Cait Sith in your party.
Hidden Burden
FFRK Hidden Burden Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Magic and a small amount of Mind when an instrument is equipped. FFRK Cait Sith
Cait Sith
Break Cait Sith's level cap 3 times and obtain the Moogle Ward record materia. Awarded for raising Cait Sith to level 99.
Flesh Undying
FFRK Flesh Undying Icon
Gain a small amount of Magic when a gun is equipped. FFRK Vincent
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Unerring Shot
FFRK Unerring Shot Icon
Deal significantly more damage when a gun is equipped. FFRK Vincent
Break Vincent's level cap 2 times and obtain the Flesh Undying record materia. Chance to obtain with Vincent in your party.
Lingering Nightmare
FFRK Lingering Nightmare Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Defense and Resistance when a gun is equipped. FFRK Vincent
Break Vincent's level cap 3 times and obtain the Unerring Shot record materia. Awarded for raising Vincent to level 99.
Deal slightly more damage when a sword is equipped. FFRK Zack
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
SOLDIER's Resolve
FFRK SOLDIER's Resolve Icon
Chance to take slightly reduced damage from melee attacks. FFRK Zack
Break Zack's level cap 2 times and obtain the SOLDIER's Pride record materia. Chance to obtain with Zack in your party.
Worthy Hero
FFRK Worthy Hero Icon
Begin battle with Haste, and gain a small bonus to Attack and Defense. FFRK Zack
Break Zack's level cap 3 times and obtain the SOLDIER's Resolve record materia. Awarded for raising Zack to level 99.
FFRK Loner Icon
Gain a bonus to Attack and Defense for each KO'd ally or empty party slot. FFRK Sephiroth Sprite
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Heroic Stance
FFRK Heroic Stance Icon
Deal significantly more damage when a katana is equipped. FFRK Sephiroth Sprite
Break Sephiroth's level cap 2 times and obtain the Loner record materia. Chance to obtain with Sephiroth in your party.
Argent Hero
FFRK Argent Hero Icon
Deal much more physical damage when a katana is equipped. FFRK Sephiroth Sprite
Break Sephiroth's level cap 3 times and obtain the Heroic Stance record materia. Awarded for raising Sephiroth to level 99.
FFRK Fury Icon
Begin battle with Berserk. FFRK Cid Highwind
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Ace Pilot
FFRK Ace Pilot Icon
Slight chance to gain double EXP. FFRK Cid Highwind
Obtain the Fury Record Materia. Chance to obtain in FF VII dungeons with Cid (VII) in your party.
Air Raid
FFRK Air Raid Icon
Deal significantly more wind damage. FFRK Cid Highwind
Break Cid's level cap 2 times and obtain the Ace Pilot record materia. Chance to obtain with Cid (VII) in your party.
Star Dreams
FFRK Star Dreams Icon
Deal much more damage with dragoon abilities. FFRK Cid Highwind
Break Cid's level cap 3 times and obtain the Air Raid record materia. Awarded for raising Cid Highwind to level 99.
Crimson Lockdown
FFRK Crimson Lockdown Icon
Attack has a slight chance to become Stop. FFRK Reno
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Ace Turk
FFRK Ace Turk Icon
Deal significantly more physical and black magic damage when a rod is equipped. FFRK Reno
Break Reno's level cap 2 times and obtain the Crimson Lockdown record materia. Chance to obtain with Reno in your party.
Turks' Technique
FFRK Turks' Technique Icon
Attack has a small chance to become Tempest Snipe. FFRK Reno
Break Reno's level cap 3 times and obtain the Ace Turk record materia. Awarded for raising Reno to level 99.
Heroic Stride
FFRK Heroic Stride Icon
Very slight chance to gain Protect after taking physical damage. FFRK Angeal
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Pride's Sigil
FFRK Pride's Sigil Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Defense when a sword is equipped. FFRK Angeal
Break Angeal's level cap 2 times and obtain the Heroic Stride record materia. Chance to obtain with Angeal in your party.
Rightful Pride
FFRK Rightful Pride Icon
Gain a large amount of Defense when a bracer is equipped. FFRK Angeal
Break Angeal's level cap 3 times and obtain the Pride's Sigil record materia. Awarded for raising Angeal to level 99.
Savage Shots
FFRK Savage Shots Icon
Deal slightly more damage with sharpshooter abilities. FFRK Rufus
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Master of Fear
FFRK Master of Fear Icon
Deal significantly more damage with sharpshooter abilities. FFRK Rufus
Break Rufus's level cap 2 times and obtain the Savage Shots record materia. Chance to obtain with Rufus in your party.
Ambitious Scion
FFRK Ambitious Scion Icon
Gain a large amount of Attack when a gun is equipped. FFRK Rufus
Break Rufus's level cap 3 times and obtain the Master of Fear record materia. Awarded for raising Rufus to level 99.
Forever Young
FFRK Forever Young Icon
Moderate chance to restore 1 celerity ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Shelke
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Invisible Soldier
FFRK Invisible Soldier Icon
Deal significantly more damage with celerity abilities. FFRK Shelke
Break Shelke's level cap 2 times and obtain the Forever Young record materia. Chance to obtain with Shelke in your party.
Double Destruction
FFRK Double Destruction Icon
Attack has a moderate chance to become Double Cut. FFRK Shelke
Break Shelke's level cap 3 times and obtain the Invisible Soldier record materia. Awarded for raising Shelke to level 99.
Strong and Silent
FFRK A Silent Giant Icon
Deal slightly more damage with earth attacks. FFRK Rude
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Quiet Determination
FFRK Quiet Fighting Spirit Icon
Begin battle with Shell and Regen. FFRK Rude
Obtain the Strong and Silent Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Rude in your party.
Turk Muscle
FFRK Arms of the Turks Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Attack and Magic when a fist weapon is equipped. FFRK Rude
Break Rude's level cap 3 time(s) and obtain the Quiet Determination record materia. Awarded for raising Rude to level 99.
Elbow Grease
FFRK Strength Effort Icon
Small chance to begin battle with a full ATB gauge. FFRK Elena
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
New Recruit
FFRK Turks Newcomer Icon
Deal significantly more physical damage when a gun is equipped. FFRK Elena
Obtain the Elbow Grease Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Elena in your party.
First Fist
FFRK Elite Fighter Icon
Gain a large amount of Attack when a fist weapon is equipped. FFRK Elena
Break Elena's level cap 3 time(s) and obtain the New Recruit record materia. Awarded for raising Elena to level 99.
FFRK Unknown Genesis RM Icon
Gain a small amount of Attack. Amount gained increases as HP drops. FFRK Genesis
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Gift of the Goddess
FFRK Goddess's Gift Icon
Deal significantly more fire damage. FFRK Genesis
Break Genesis's level cap 2 time(s) and obtain the Rebel SOLDIER record materia. Chance to obtain with Genesis in your party.
Twisted Creation
FFRK Distorted Creator Icon
Deal much more physical damage when a sword is equipped. FFRK Genesis
Break Genesis's level cap 3 time(s) and obtain the Gift of the Goddess record materia. Awarded for raising Genesis to level 99.