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The following is a list of Record Materia that can be unlocked by using characters from the Final Fantasy IV realm.

Record Materia Description Acquired With Method of Acquisition
Gore-stained Blade I
FFRK Gore-stained Blade I Icon
Attack deals more damage, but costs HP. FFRK Dark Knight Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Dark Knight)
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Gore-stained Blade II
FFRK Gore-stained Blade II Icon
Attack deals significantly more damage, but costs HP. FFRK Dark Knight Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Dark Knight)
Obtain the Gore-stained Blade I Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Cecil (Dark Knight) in your party in FFIV dungeons.
Pride of the Red Wings
FFRK Pride of the Red Wings Icon
Deal significantly more damage when a sword is equipped. FFRK Dark Knight Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Dark Knight)
Break Cecil's level cap 2 times and obtain the Gore-stained Blade II record materia. Chance to obtain with Cecil (Dark Knight) in your party.
Cursed Power
FFRK Cursed Power Icon
Deal much more damage with darkness abilities. FFRK Dark Knight Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Dark Knight)
Break Cecil's level cap 3 times and obtain the Pride of the Red Wings record materia. Awarded for raising Cecil (Dark Knight) to level 99.
Indomitable Spirit
FFRK Indomitable Spirit Icon
Gain Protect when low on HP. (Can only trigger once per battle.) FFRK Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Paladin)
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Holy Blade
FFRK Holy Blade RM Icon
Attack also restores HP. FFRK Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Paladin)
Obtain the Indomitable Spirit Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Cecil (Paladin) in your party in FFIV dungeons.
Paladin's Devotion
FFRK Paladin's Devotion Icon
Chance to regain a small amount of HP after taking physical damage. FFRK Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Paladin)
Break Cecil's level cap 2 times and obtain the Holy Blade record materia. Chance to obtain with Cecil (Paladin) in your party.
Azure Blade
FFRK Azure Blade Icon
Deal much more holy damage. FFRK Cecil Sprite
Cecil (Paladin)
Break Cecil's level cap 3 times and obtain the Paladin's Devotion record materia. Awarded for raising Cecil (Paladin) to level 99.
Heart of the Dragoon
FFRK Heart of the Dragoon Icon
Deal slightly more jump damage. FFRK Kain Sprite
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
FFRK Brainwash Icon
Gain a bonus to Attack and Defense, but begin battle with Confuse. FFRK Kain Sprite
Obtain the Heart of the Dragoon Record Materia. Attain Target Score: Use Kain's Jump to break Barbariccia out of Whirlwind in the Tower of Zot Pinnacle - Top Floor Elite dungeon.
Illustrious Dragoon
FFRK Illustrious Dragoon Icon
Deal significantly more jump damage. FFRK Kain Sprite
Break Kain's level cap 2 times and obtain the Brainwash record materia. Chance to obtain with Kain in your party.
Heights of Honor
FFRK Heights of Honor Icon
Deal much more jump damage. FFRK Kain Sprite
Break Kain's level cap 3 times and obtain the Illustrious Dragoon record materia. Awarded for raising Kain to level 99.
Eidolon's Gift
FFRK Eidolon's Gift Icon
Gain Shell when low on HP. (Can only trigger once per battle.) FFRK Child Rydia Sprite
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Eidolon's Bond
FFRK Eidolon's Bond Icon
Deal significantly more summon magic damage. FFRK Child Rydia Sprite
Obtain the Eidolon's Gift Record Materia. Chance to obtain in FFIV dungeons with Rydia in your party.
Summoner of Mist
FFRK Summoner of Mist Icon
Gain a small amount of Magic when a whip is equipped. FFRK Child Rydia Sprite
Break Rydia's level cap 2 times and obtain the Eidolon's Bond record materia. Chance to obtain with Rydia in your party.
Child of the Feymarch
FFRK Child of the Feymarch Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Magic and a small amount of Resistance when a whip is equipped. FFRK Child Rydia Sprite
Break Rydia's level cap 3 times and obtain the Summoner of Mist record materia. Awarded for raising Rydia to level 99.
Archer in White
FFRK Archer in White Icon
Gain a small amount of Mind when a bow is equipped. FFRK Rosa
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Artemis of Baron
FFRK Artemis of Baron Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Mind when a bow is equipped. FFRK Rosa
Break Rosa's level cap 2 times and obtain the Archer in White record materia. Chance to obtain with Rosa in your party.
Rose of Baron
FFRK Rose of Baron Icon
Gain a large amount of Mind when a bow is equipped. FFRK Rosa
Break Rosa's level cap 3 times and obtain the Artemis of Baron record materia. Awarded for raising Rosa to level 99.
Royal Song I
FFRK Royal Song Icon
Chance to restore 1 bard ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Edward
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Royal Song II
FFRK Royal Song Icon
Restore 1 bard ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Edward
Obtain the Royal Song I Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Edward in your party.
Frail Prince
FFRK Frail Prince Icon
Gain a bonus to Defense and Resistance, but begin battle with Sap. FFRK Edward
Break Edward's level cap 2 times and obtain the Royal Song II record materia. Chance to obtain with Edward in your party.
Spoony Bard
FFRK Spoony Bard Icon
Deal much more damage when an instrument is equipped. FFRK Edward
Break Edward's level cap 3 times and obtain the Frail Prince record materia. Awarded for raising Edward to level 99.
Ascetic Journey
FFRK Ascetic Journey Icon
Chance to restore 1 monk ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Yang FFIV
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Tough Love
FFRK Tough Love Icon
Attack hits all targets, but deals slightly less damage. FFRK Yang FFIV
Break Yang's level cap 2 times and obtain the Ascetic Journey record materia. Chance to obtain with Yang in your party.
Feat of Fabul
FFRK Feat of Fabul Icon
Attack hits all targets, but deals only moderate damage. FFRK Yang FFIV
Break Yang's level cap 3 times and obtain the Tough Love record materia. Awarded for raising Yang to level 99.
Black Magic Adept
FFRK Black Magic Adept Icon
Deal slightly more black magic damage when a dagger is equipped. FFRK Palom
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Black Magic Prodigy
FFRK Black Magic Prodigy Icon
Slight chance to gain double EXP. FFRK Palom
Obtain the Black Magic Adept Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Palom in your party.
Black Magic Marvel
FFRK Black Magic Marvel Icon
Gain a large amount of Magic when a rod is equipped. FFRK Palom
Break Palom's level cap 3 times and obtain the Black Magic Prodigy record materia. Awarded for raising Palom to level 99.
White Magic Adept
FFRK White Magic Adept Icon
Very slight chance for white magic abilities to trigger twice. FFRK Porom
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
White Magic Prodigy
FFRK White Magic Prodigy Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Mind when a staff is equipped. FFRK Porom
Obtain the White Magic Adept Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Porom in your party.
White Magic Marvel
FFRK White Magic Marvel Icon
Gain a large amount of Mind when a hat is equipped. FFRK Porom
Break Porom's level cap 3 times and obtain the White Magic Prodigy record materia. Awarded for raising Porom to level 99.
Sage's Sigil
FFRK Sage's Sigil Icon
Attack has a slight chance to deal light magic ice damage instead of physical damage. FFRK Tellah
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Sage's Monograph
FFRK Sage's Monograph Icon
Gain a small amount of Magic and Mind when a rod is equipped. FFRK Tellah
Break Tellah's level cap 2 times and obtain the Sage's Sigil record materia. Chance to obtain with Tellah in your party.
Sage's Reverie
FFRK Sage's Reverie Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Magic and a small amount of Mind when a staff is equipped. FFRK Tellah
Break Tellah's level cap 3 times and obtain the Sage's Monograph record materia. Awarded for raising Tellah to level 99.
Secrets of Eblan
FFRK Secrets of Eblan Icon
Chance to restore 1 ninja ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Edge
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Smoldering Fury
FFRK Smoldering Fury Icon
Deal significantly more fire damage. FFRK Edge
Break Edge's level cap 2 times and obtain the Secrets of Eblan record materia. Chance to obtain with Edge in your party.
Sacred Tradition
FFRK Sacred Tradition Icon
Deal much more damage with ninja abilities. FFRK Edge
Break Edge's level cap 3 times and obtain the Smoldering Fury record materia. Awarded for raising Edge to level 99.
Moon's Grace I
FFRK Moon's Grace I Icon
Chance to restore 1 black magic and 1 white magic ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Fusoya
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Moon's Grace II
FFRK Moon's Grace II Icon
Restore 1 black magic and 1 white magic ability use at the start of battle. FFRK Fusoya
Obtain the Moon's Grace I Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Fusoya in your party in FF IV dungeons.
Wizard's Beard
FFRK Wizard's Beard Icon
Deal slightly more black magic and white magic damage when a rod is equipped. FFRK Fusoya
Break Fusoya's level cap 2 times and obtain the Moon's Grace II record materia. Chance to obtain with Fusoya in your party.
Waxing Moon
FFRK Waxing Moon Icon
Gain a small amount of Magic and Mind. FFRK Fusoya
Break Fusoya's level cap 3 times and obtain the Wizard's Beard record materia. Awarded for raising Fusoya to level 99.
Devil's Pact
FFRK Devil's Pact Icon
Gain an increasing amount of Magic as HP drops. FFRK Golbez
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Brooding Darkness
FFRK Brooding Darkness Icon
Deal significantly more dark damage. FFRK Golbez
Break Golbez's level cap 2 times and obtain the Devil's Pact record materia. Chance to obtain with Golbez in your party.
Sorceror in Black
FFRK Sorceror in Black Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Magic and a small amount of Defense when a rod is equipped. FFRK Golbez
Break Golbez's level cap 3 times and obtain the Brooding Darkness record materia. Awarded for raising Golbez to level 99.
Baron Airshipwright
FFRK Baron Airshipwright Icon
Deal slightly more damage with machinist abilities. FFRK Cid FFIV
Cid (IV)
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Stubborn Ox
FFRK Stubborn Ox Icon
Deal significantly more physical damage when a hammer is equipped. FFRK Cid FFIV
Cid (IV)
Break Cid's level cap 2 times and obtain the Baron Airshipwright record materia. Chance to obtain with Cid (IV) in your party.
Grizzled Veteran
FFRK Grizzled Veteran Icon
Attack has a small chance to Silence. FFRK Cid FFIV
Cid (IV)
Break Cid's level cap 3 times and obtain the Stubborn Ox record materia. Awarded for raising Cid (IV) to level 99.
Hero's Progeny
FFRK Hero's Progeny Icon
Attack has a moderate chance to remove certain debuffs from an ally instead of dealing damage. FFRK Ceodore
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Conqueror of Trials
FFRK Conqueror of Trials Icon
Gain a small amount of Defense and Resistance when heavy armor is equipped. FFRK Ceodore
Break Ceodore's level cap 2 times and obtain the Hero's Progeny record materia. Chance to obtain with Ceodore in your party.
Vigor of Youth
FFRK Vigor of Youth Icon
Gain a small amount of Attack and Mind. FFRK Ceodore
Break Ceodore's level cap 3 times and obtain the Conqueror of Trials record materia. Awarded for raising Ceodore to level 99.
Lord of Flame
FFRK Lord of Flame Icon
Deal slightly more fire damage. FFRK Rubicante Player
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Master of Fire
FFRK Master of Fire Icon
Attack becomes a group magic fire attack that deals light damage. FFRK Rubicante Player
Break Rubicante's level cap 2 times and obtain the Lord of Flame record materia. Chance to obtain with Rubicante in your party.
Honorable Foe
FFRK Honorable Foe Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Magic and a small amount of Mind when light armor is equipped. FFRK Rubicante Player
Break Rubicante's level cap 3 times and obtain the Master of Fire record materia. Awarded for raising Rubicante to level 99.
Fabul Princess
FFRK Princess of Fabul Icon
Deal slightly more physical damage when light armor is equipped. FFRK Ursula
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Flirting with Power
FFRK A Girl Admiring Strength Icon
Gain a moderate amount of Attack when a fist weapon is equipped. FFRK Ursula
Obtain the Fabul Princess Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Ursula in your party.
Deadly Secrets
FFRK Unknown Ursula RM Icon
Attack has a small chance to become Gaia Rush. FFRK Ursula
Break Ursula's level cap 3 time(s) and obtain the Flirting with Power record materia. Awarded for raising Ursula to level 99.
Standout Archfiend
FFRK Unknown Barbariccia RM Icon
Gain a small amount of Magic, but lose a small amount of Defense. FFRK Barbariccia
Awarded for breaking character level cap.
Midair Combatant
FFRK Warrior Good in Aerial Combat Icon
Deal significantly more wind damage. FFRK Barbariccia
Obtain the Standout Archfiend Record Materia. Chance to obtain with Barbariccia in your party.
One With the Wind
FFRK Unknown Barbariccia RM Icon 2
Attack becomes a group magic wind attack that deals moderate damage. FFRK Barbariccia
Break Barbariccia's level cap 3 time(s) and obtain the Midair Combatant record materia. Awarded for raising Barbariccia to level 99.