Time magick that hastens the localized passage of time, causing the target's turn to come more quickly.
Final Fantasy Tactics description

Quick in Final Fantasy V (Pixel Remaster).
Quick (クイック, Kuikku?), also known as Quicken, is a recurring Time Magic spell in the Final Fantasy series. It speeds up time around the target, allowing them to have an extra turn or two.
Final Fantasy V[]
Quick is used by the Time Mage. It allows the caster to take two additional turns, and can negate an enemy's action if it is cast at the right time. It can be bought in the Phantom Village for 10,000 gil. It is a level 6 spell and takes 77 MP to cast.
Casting Quick will not prevent sap from dealing damage; this can be used to kill any enemy, albeit very, very slowly.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Quick is an effect spell learned from Raiden and Gilgamesh, the latter only appearing in the Advance and 2014 versions. The spell can only be used on the caster, giving them two turns right away, and stops other party members and enemies from acting until they have taken their extra turns.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
Restore lost time in the spiral line... Quick!
Upon casting (PlayStation)
Quick is learned by Time Mages, and can be cast on any character. It sets the target's CT to 100, letting them take their turn immediately after the spell is cast. It costs 24 MP. It has a speed of 25 and costs 800 JP to learn.
This effect can also be given to an ally through the Bard's ability Finale and the Critical: Quick reaction ability.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
Slides time, allowing target to take turn early.
Quicken is learned by Time Mages, and can be cast on any character. It sets the target's CT to 1000, letting them take their turn immediately after Quicken is cast. It costs 24 MP, has a range of 3, and is stealable through the ability Steal: Ability.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Quicken is learned by Time Mage and can be cast upon any character. The Juggler ability Smile Toss and has the same effect as Quicken.
Quicken is learned from the Thor Rod for 400 AP and costs 12 MP to cast, while Smile Toss is learned from the Orichalcum Dirk for 450 AP and requires no MP.
Quicken, when cast on a stopped unit, will have a 0% chance of working.
Quicken grants another turn, with the unit's CT staying the same. Thus, a unit who is under the effect of Quicken acts instantly, but their next turn will be delayed.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Explorers[]
Reduce ability cooldown for allies within range of you.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Bravely series[]

In Bravely Default, Quick is a level 5 Time Magic spell. It raises one target's number of attacks by 50% for four turns. The upper limit for hit count is 200%. It costs 20 MP to use. It can be bought Eternia for 3200 pg.
In Bravely Second: End Layer, Quick is a level 2 Time Magic for the Time Mage. It raises one target's hit count by 50% for four turns. The upper limit for hit count is 200%. It costs 20 MP to use. It can be bought in Grandship and Chompshire for 800 pg.