Final Fantasy Wiki

Stops the passing of time for all but the caster.


Quick is a Time Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It allows the caster to take two entirely free turns with no interruptions. Aside from its prohibitively high MP cost, it is an extremely potent spell to use to gain an advantage in battle.


Quick can be purchased at Phantom Village for 10,000 gil.


Quick grants two, free, uninterrupted turns when it is cast. If cast at the right time, it can also negate an enemy's action, and while in use, it does not prevent sap from ticking down. From the 2013 version, the Quick spell no longer prevents enemy counter-attacks from activating.

Quick has a prohibitively high MP cost of 77, but this is the only downside to the ability. In granting two free turns, it allows the caster to quickly perform other actions that can change the tide of battle. When used with Dualcast, it allows four spells to be cast in a single turn. A Mime can greatly benefit from having Dualcast, Time Magic, and Black Magic enabled; this allows them to cast Quick and four spells, of which one can be Osmose to recover the immense MP spent in doing so. Miming this action can be done for free.

