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A ruler who aspires to greatness, but falls apart in the presence of human males. There is no quacho king. She's a bit arrogant, and rarely addresses people in the second person, but try not to hold it against her.
Mirage Manual entry
Quacho Queen is a minor character in World of Final Fantasy.
Who's Who[]
- Notes: Young and pure of heart / Makes a fuss over everything / Always flanked by her attendants / Refers to humans in the third person / "Man-thing!" / Also, a big crybaby
- The Quacho Ruby
- A strange enchantment lies on the tears of the Quacho Queen, causing each one shed to crystallize into the fabulously rare and fabulously valuable quacho ruby. Each is said to be worth over 100,000,000 gil.
- Because of the fantastic wealth attainable by making the Quacho Queen cry, mages, treasure hunters, and other seekers of fortune have infiltrated the Sunken Temple and caused Her Quajesty undue amounts of pain and discomfort. Most of them were men, and the tortures visited upon her at their hands have caused her to come down with an acute case of androphobia. Now, the very sight of a guy puts her into a tizzy.
- Queen of the Quachos
- The Quacho Queen is, as evidenced by her name, the undisputed ruler of the quachos. In their community, only the most worthy quacho may transfig into royalty.
- Lann, the Special Case
- Although the queen has a fear of men, she's more than strong enough to defend the Sunken Temple from nearly any corner. (That tonberry king was the exception rather than the rule.) Even while sobbing in panic and terror, she has nevertheless sent man after man packing with a Quacho Queen-sized footprint on his back.
- Thus, when Lann (and Reynn) defeated her, she found herself inexplicably drawn to Lann's courageous (?) and noble (?) form. To sum it up, this little queen is smitten. However, her romantic experience level is currently at -1. Unable to understand the strange sensations boiling in that quacho heart of hers, she descends into a confused fluster whenever Lann walks through the door—which makes her rather human...in a manner of speaking.

Base stats[]
Mirage Board spaces[]
Abilities | ||
Active Ability | SP Required | |
Blizzaga | 5 | |
Watera | 2 | |
Waterga | 5 | |
Cura | 2 | |
Sweet Breath | 2 | |
Passive Ability | SP Required | |
Enhanced Cure | 3 | |
Extreme Bomber | 3 |
Miscellaneous Spaces | ||
Blank Space | SP Required | |
Blank Space | 2 | |
Blank Space | 2 | |
Blank Space | 2 | |
Mirajewel | SP Required | |
Waterga Mirajewel | 4 |
Miscellaneous Information | ||
SP Total | SP | |
Mirage Board | 77 | |
Level Requirement | Level | |
Mirage Board Mastery | 58 |
The following is a list of quotes uttered by the Quacho Queen, after the player has already completed Chapter 18.
Huh? Oh, Lann. Wh-wh-what're...
Chowaaa! This sensation...is simply too much for me to enduuure!Intro, with Lann as the leader
Oh, Reynn! How delightful to see— Ah!
L-Lann, don't take another step closer! I might lose control again if you do!
So, uh, Reynn, what brings you here today?Intro, with Reynn as the leader
Ah. Splendid. Go on then. Make yourselves right at home.
That includes Lann-person as well. Lann-person also makes me feel right at home—I mean—blast it, what do I mean?After selecting "Just dropping by."
Quacho Queen: Is that so? How very...courageous...
Challenge accepted!
Ho ho ho! I've been waiting for a chance...to let my quachos and I hone our battle prowess.
The two of you...should make for worthy opponents!
Now! Quachos, attack!
Miney: Kee-achoo!
Mo: Quacho-cho-cho-cho!After challenging her to a fight
Well fought, I say...
I...think I'll take a nap now...After defeating her
While asleep
Mmmnnn... Lann... I forbid you to fiddle with my crown...
While asleep
While asleep
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]
Quacho Queen appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as a Water-elemental Backup card.