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Purobolos, also known as Byurobolos, is a boss in Final Fantasy V. The party encounters a group of six at Walse Meteorite, and are forced to battle them. In the Finest Fantasy for Advance and discontinued 2013 Matrix Software versions, the group of them will also appear in the Sealed Temple's Cloister of the Dead. The trick to the battle is that all Puroboloses need to be defeated simultaneously.



Six Puroboloses attack at once. They mainly use normal physical attacks, but have a chance to use the Blue Magic Self-Destruct every turn. This deals their current HP as damage to one party member, but the Purobolos dies. When one dies by anything other than its own Self-Destruct, they will cast Arise on all other dead Purobolos to revive them at full health. This can make the battle long and tedious for an unprepared party.

When they are hit by Summon magic, they will cast Cura on themselves.

Purobolos have no elemental resistances or weaknesses. They are vulnerable to many status effects, such as silence and stop.


The best strategy is to kill them all simultaneously using multi-target magic or other abilities that target every enemy. Possible options include:

Summon magic is inefficient unless paired with silence, as otherwise the Purobolos will heal. A Summoner who can defeat all Puroboloses at once is valuable though; a Summoner with Gaia Gear calling forth Titan may succeed.

Status effects can also be used to better manage the Purobolos before they begin attacking. Options include:

  • White Mages can single- or multi-target Silence to prevent Cura and Arise. This doesn't stop Self-Destruct. A single-target Silence can be timed just before a Purobolos dies for better success at preventing Arise.
  • Bards can sing Romeo's Ballad to inflict stop on all Puroboloses, preventing them from attacking or self-destructing. On the 2013 version, this does not stop the Arise reaction when a Purobolos is killed.
  • Blue Mages can use Flash to inflict darkness status to make their physical attacks miss. They can also use Magic Hammer to reduce their MP so that they cannot cast Arise.

Another method is to allow the Purobolos to self-destruct so that they won't cast Arise. Characters with single-target physical-based jobs should attack each one separately until their HP is low, minimizing the damage from Self-Destruct. The Blue Magic spells Missile and Death Claw are also excellent ways of damaging them without killing them. In this scenario, Beastmaster's Control allows them to control the timing of Self-Destruct.

In the event of a worst-case scenario (i.e. a completely unprepared party), it is possible to constantly kill them until they run out of MP for Arise.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Pyrobolus is the Latin word for "Bomb".

Related enemies[]
