Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Protect, also known as Safe, is a status in Final Fantasy VI. A character with the status will have physical damage reduced by approximately ⅓, except for defense-ignoring attacks. The status wears off when a battle ends. Party members with protect have a yellow outline on their battle sprite. The status's magic counterpart is shell. The player can also completely evade physical damage with invisible.


Spell Mighty Guard (Lore), Protect (Magic)

In addition, the following will put the wearer under protect, permanent or not:

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Green Cherry Grants Protect, Shell, Haste, and Regen to one target. Yeti
Magitek Barrier Grants Protect and Reflect to one target. Heavy Armor, Crane, Inferno, Guardian
Mighty Guard Grants Protect and Shell to all allies. Can be learned as a Lore. Mover, Guardian, Dark Behemoth
Program 17 Grants Protect to one target. Chaser
Protect Grants Protect to one target. Level 20 Magic, Cherry, Moebius, Gilgamesh, Kaiser Dragon, Visage, Dadaluma


Protect status is removed with Dispel. Auto-Protect cannot be removed.


The following are immune to protect:

The following have protect automatically applied to them:
