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This Maelstrom officer seems somewhat irritated.

Quest description

Prison Break Prison Break is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.



  • Rendezvous with the Maelstrom officer.
  • Speak with the Maelstrom officer.


Prison Break Prison Break script
Maelstrom02641 Ah, an adventurer. Perhaps you can help me.
Maelstrom02641 Three of our prisoners escaped from their cells during the guard change last night. Thankfully, scouts from the Twin Adders have already ascertained their location.
Maelstrom02641 They don't seem to have noticed they were being followed, and if the fates are kind, we can take them unawares.
Maelstrom02641 They are formidable combatants in their own right, however, and it was trouble enough taking them into custody in the first place. The more capable of my men are presently out in the field, and so I would ask for your assistance.
Maelstrom02641 The prisoners were last spotted heading toward a cave along the Velodyna River. Let us hurry, while we still have the element of surprise.
Maelstrom02641 ...Thank goodness you came.
Maelstrom02641 It seems the one caught by surprise was me. I was ambushed before I could even step foot near the cave.
Maelstrom02641 <sigh> None of this would have happened had changing of the guard not been handled so carelessly. No doubt it was those bunglers from the Immortal Flames, or perhaps─
Maelstrom02641 On second thought, never mind. This isn't something you need to hear. Let us return to Castrum Oriens.
Maelstrom02641 Ah, there you are. I spoke with our scouts from the Twin Adders. It turns out they were in fact discovered by the prisoners shortly after we departed.
Maelstrom02641 What's more, they claim to have laid markers along the river to warn us. The problem, however, is these markers are unfamiliar to any save the Twin Adders, lest their enemies realize what they are.
Maelstrom02641 It has become painfully clear that there is still much to be done if the Grand Companies are to function together as a single, cohesive unit. We cannot assume that one company is familiar with the stratagems of another.
Maelstrom02641 Though we could not recapture the prisoners, today will serve as a stark reminder to all of us to be better prepared and more open in communicating with one another.
Maelstrom02641 Thank you again for your aid. I should hope when next we meet, it will be under more favorable circumstances.
Quest complete.