Princess of Alexandria is a Lost Chapter in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Garnet from Final Fantasy IX can be added to Mog's group of warriors.
See also: /Event
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Lost Canary:
It is recommended that you clear Ch. 7: Imber Manor before playing.
- ???: ...I don't think I've ever been here before. To what kingdom might this castle belong?
- ???: Excuse me! Is anyone home?
- ???: Um... Hello? If you're there, please answer!
- ???: ...Oh dear. I can't even ask for directions.
- ???: Zidane, Steiner... Where did everyone go?
- Kuja: What's this? It would appear a canary has lost her way.
- ???: Kuja!
- Kuja: Please accept my warmest welcome, Princess Garnet, to the Illusory Palace.
- Kuja: It must be fate that brought the two of us together. ...Heh.
- Garnet: Of course it was you who separated me from everyone...
- Garnet: Tell me! Where am I? Where is everyone else!?
- Kuja: You stand atop the palms of divinity...
- Kuja: As for your friends, they are mid-performance, acting out their tragedy on this stage of fantasy.
- Garnet: Palms of divinity? Tragedy...?
- Kuja: A disgusting tale, I assure you, written by capricious gods.
- Kuja: Although, your appearance here is also at their direction... Hm, hm, an interesting development indeed.
- Garnet: What on earth are you...?
- Kuja: Come, my precious canary.
- Kuja: Join me in the loge to see how this tragedy plays out. ...Shall we?
- Garnet: ...No, thank you!
(Garnet runs away)
- Kuja: How brave.
- Kuja: A canary prone to flight, though, needs to be kept in her cage. ...Ha ha.
During Princess of Alexandria Pt. 1:
(Wave 3: Kuja)
- Kuja: Heh... I knew you'd come. But I'm afraid I won't hand over your canary.
- Zidane: Canary? You don't mean...!?
Highness Reunited:
- Kuja: Argh... Pitiful canary. May you be tossed about by the sea of destiny.
(Kuja is sucked into a Torsion and leaves)
- Zidane: Dagger! Are you alright?
- Garnet: Yes, I'm unhurt. ...Thank you for coming, Zidane.
- Steiner: I'm so happy to see you, Your Highness! To think this day would come!
- Steiner: Oh, the sleepless nights I've spent worrying for your safety... Wahhh...!
- Zidane: He's moved to tears. ...But it really is a relief to see you safe and sound.
- Eiko: I was super, super worried about you, too!
- Garnet: Hehe. Thank you, Steiner, Eiko.
- Garnet: And you strangers from foreign lands. Thank you very much for risking your lives on my behalf.
- Garnet: I am Garnet Til Alexandros. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
- Zell: Garnet? Didn't he call you Dagger a minute ago?
- Zidane: Oh yeah, I guess she doesn't need to keep it a secret here.
- Zidane: Garnet's the princess from a big kingdom. Dagger's the alias she uses while traveling.
- Garnet: You've never heard of Alexandria? How can that be?
- Eiko: Oh, boy... Where's Mog when you need him?
- Steiner: Miss Eiko, allow me! It is a knight's duty to apprise his mistress of the situation!
- Eiko: Wow, that's helpful! Take it away, then!
- Garnet: I see... That's why Kuja called it the "palms of divinity."
- Garnet: A journey to save the world... I wonder if I can be of any help.
- Eiko: Of course you can! I guarantee it!
- Steiner: Your Highness is simply overflowing with the light!
- Hope: I thought Mog was the only one who could tell that.
- Zidane: Don't you worry, Princess. Tin can aside, I'll be right there with you.
- Zidane: Unless I'm not good enough for you.
- Zidane: Alright then, Your Highness...
- Zidane: I shall hereby do my best to kidnap you once again.
- Garnet: ...Very well. Please do.
- Zidane: Hehe.
- Zidane: If it's you calling, I'll come for you as many times and wherever you need.
- Steiner: Why you...! Zidane! Protecting Her Highness is one thing, but kidnapping is far another!
- Zidane: You're complaining about that now?
- Zell: Kidnap? Doesn't he mean escort? ...Weird.
A Familiar View:
- Zidane: Say, Garnet. I bet you're beat from all this walking.
- Zidane: How about a piggyback ride? Come on, don't be shy!
- Garnet: Hehe, thank you, Zidane, but my own feet still work.
- Garnet: I can't rely on others forever, you know.
(The rest of the party arrives)
- Steiner: Zidaaane! Carrying her Highness piggyback is the height of impropriety!
- Firion: I know he's usually in high spirits, but...Zidane sure seems to enjoy having Garnet around.
- Vivi: Hehe, right? They're all real good friends.
- Firion: Zidane and Steiner, too? I thought they're always fighting.
- Steiner: Grrr! He's been pushing his luck ever since Her Majesty joined us!
- Vivi: Yeah, look how happy he is!
- Steiner: How can you be so lenient? Master Vivi, please have a word with him!
- Zidane: C'mon, Rusty, don't be so uptight. Let's enjoy the journey.
- Steiner: Yes! My thoughts exactly! Now if you would kindly return to Gaia ahead of us...!
- Zidane: Give me a break...
- Firion: You are rather high-strung. Maybe it's a knight thing.
- Firion: Garnet strikes me as a strong princess.
- Zidane: You said it, Firion!
- Firion: You see, there's a princess I know who's in charge of an army, but it had to be such burden.
- Firion: It's really tremendous that Garnet is fighting for her country.
- Steiner: B-but still...!
- Garnet: Oh, you come from royalty, too, Edge?
(The party notices Edge talking to Garnet)
- Edge: Yes, ma'am! You're talking to the heir of the royal ninjutsu of the Kingdom of Eblan!
- Garnet: Ninjutsu, you say? I do so enjoy hearing stories about other kingdoms.
- Edge: Oh ho? How about we go someplace private where I can tell you more?
(Edge and Garnet leave together)
- Steiner: Gahhh! Lord Edge! You are standing too close to Her Majesty!
(Steiner runs after them)
- Zidane: Hold it right there, Edge!
- Zidane: Going after Garnet is crossing the line!
(Zidane runs after them)
- Vivi: See? I told you they're friends.
- Firion: Ha ha ha, I certainly see the princess is a popular one.
Choral Bonds:
- Garnet: This...reminds me of that song... Those melodies...of life...
(Vivi arrives)
- Vivi: It was her! Over here, guys!
(The rest of the party arrives)
- Jecht: Yo, Garnet! 'Preciate the recital!
- Ace: It's a beautiful song. Where did you learn it?
- Garnet: I heard it often when I was little.
- Garnet: When I sing this song, it warms my heart...
- Garnet: It reminds me that I'm not alone, and gives me the strength to go on.
- King: A favorite song from your childhood...? Sounds a lot like Ace.
- Vivi: That's right, you sing a lot, too, don't you?
- Ace: There's only a small bit I can remember...
- Ace: But I also feel a mysterious comfort when I sing it.
- Tidus: Hmmm, I get it. Songs from memory that calm you down...
- Jecht: ...Songs, huh. S'pose you'd find something like that in every world.
- Tidus: ...You always liked that song.
- Garnet: People everywhere have such memories.
- Garnet: Sir Jecht, I do so wish to hear your song. Might you sing it for me?
- Jecht: Yeah, well, I'd love to.
- Jecht: ...If it were that easy.
- King: ...Sounds like it has a complicated backstory.
- Vivi: You look a little lonely, Mister Jecht.
- Jecht: Naw, nothing like that. It's a song everyone loved in our world. Anyone hearin' it'd feel at ease.
- Ace: As we did, led here by Garnet's voice.
- Ace: There's some invisible power songs may have. Even in different worlds, that power doesn't change.
- Jecht: ...Maybe. Even if your world changes... Even if you change, ya can still hear it...
- Tidus: It feels like we're a lot closer after hearing people outside of Spira have songs to support them.
- Vivi: I wanna hear your song again! Would you sing it one more time?
- Garnet: It would be my pleasure.
- Garnet: Ahem... Haha, I'm a little nervous.
Friends of the Royal Family:
- Garnet: ...So you also asked to be kidnapped to escape your kingdom?
- Ashe: There was no other way for me to protect my homeland.
- Garnet: I understand how you feel... Painfully so.
- Cecil: Why, if it isn't Ashe and Garnet?
(Cecil and Edgar arrive)
- Edgar: Two flowers blooming in the desert... Hm, a lovely view indeed.
- Garnet: Blooming...? There's not a flower in sight, is there?
- Edgar: That innocence suits you all too well, Your Highness.
- Ashe: Edgar, you are royalty as well, yes?
- Edgar: That is correct. I'm honored you remembered.
- Garnet: Do you worry for your subjects back home?
- Edgar: I'd be lying if I said I didn't.
- Edgar: But the people of Figaro are made of sturdy stuff. They supported their country marvelously whilst I was away battling Kefka.
- Cecil: There was never unrest or threat of invasion during your absence?
- Edgar: Not once. We ran into a bit of engine trouble with the castle, but civil issues...
- Edgar: Well, I suppose it'd also be a lie to say there were never any of those...
(Sabin arrives)
- Sabin: Haha, you got that right. Things were...complicated.
- Sabin: ...Thanks, Edgar.
- Edgar: Come, now. Bygones are bygones. And we could get through that because of all the good help we had.
- Edgar: A king can only be king with the support of the people around him. I'm sure you feel the same.
- Ashe: ...Yes, I am deeply indebted to my retainers and associates.
- Garnet: I, too, feel it's thanks to Zidane, Steiner, and the others that I can continue on.
- Cecil: ...Thinking ever of your people and blessed with reliable allies... The citizens of your kingdoms must be happy ones.
- Cecil: How different from the country I served. The King of Baron was great...but military might changed him.
- Garnet: Yes... Power will change even the finest person...
- Palom: Heeey! Cecil!
(The party spots Palom and Yang)
- Palom: What're you doing? Get your butt over here!
- Yang: We are soon to depart! Please make your preparations!
- Edgar: ...Heh. You have your own reliable allies, I'd say.
- Cecil: Huh?
- Garnet: And a gentle heart. It seems being king might suit you, Cecil.
- Cecil:, king? Please, do not even jest. I have no intention of instigating a coup d'état.
- Garnet: Ah, no, I only meant you have the makings of a fine king. Forgive me.
- Cecil: What a be king. A dark knight, not true royalty like you, has no place above others.
- Cecil: But...why does something about it ring familiar...?
- Cecil: A groggy feeling...of some fragment of a memory...
Spoilers end here.
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 1[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 2[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 3[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 4[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 5[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 6[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 7[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 8[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 9[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 10[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 11[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 12[]
Princess of Alexandria Pt. 13[]

Behind the scenes[]
Coincidentally, Final Fantasy IX went multiplatform on the same day this Lost Chapter was released in Global.