Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki
Pravoka Region Brigade

The image of the Pravoka Region in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade.

Make your way through the wooded moors and explore the abandoned castle at the far edge of the region.

Location description.

The Pravoka Region is a region in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade, and is the third region made accessible to the player. Clearing the region grants the player access to the Berserker job.

Pravoka Region[]

South Lethe Bogs[]

  • LP per exploration: 4 (5 for boss areas)
  • EXP per exploration: 16 to 48 (20 to 60 for boss areas)
  • Progress per exploration: 2%

Abilities Found[]


Deist Moors[]

  • LP per exploration: 5 (6 for boss areas)
  • EXP per exploration: 20 to 60 (24 to 72 for boss areas)
  • Progress per exploration: 2%

Abilities Found[]


Phantom Forest[]

  • LP per exploration: 5 (6 for boss areas)
  • EXP per exploration: 20 to 60 (24 to 72 for boss areas)
  • Progress per exploration: 2%

Abilities Found[]


Dark Elf Fortress[]

  • LP per exploration: 5 (6 for boss areas)
  • EXP per exploration: 20 to 60 (24 to 72 for boss areas)
  • Progress per exploration: 2%

Abilities Found[]


Castle Cornelia PSThis section about a location in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.