Final Fantasy Wiki

Porom is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-. She is a White Mage in contrast to her twin brother, Palom, who is a Black Mage. Porom focuses on healing magic.


Porom joins Cecil to help the dwarves against the monsters pouring out of the Sealed Cave. She stays as the main healer for the rest of the interlude.


Porom joins the party at level 34. This is Porom from the original Final Fantasy IV, therefore, she has the same stats table and the same level up possibilities.

Level HP MP Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
34 755 247 16 19 15 14 39


Porom returns with White Magic, Cry and Twincast, which function the same way as they do in Final Fantasy IV. She joins the party knowing all her spells up to Curaga and will continue to learn her spells at the same levels as in the original game.

Magic Level learned
Cure Known
Hold Known
Libra Known
Slow Known
Sight Known
Raise Known
Protect Known
Cura Known
Magic Level learned
Silence Known
Berserk Known
Teleport Known
Esuna Known
Blink Known
Confuse Known
Shell Known
Mini Known
Magic Level learned
Dispel Known
Curaga Known
Haste 38
Float 40
Reflect 44
Curaja 48
Holy 52
Arise 56


Porom may equip staves, bows and arrows, hats, clothes, robes, armlets and rings. She comes equipped with a Mythril Staff, a Sage's Miter, a Sage's Surplice, and a Rune Armlet.

Bows Arrows Staves
Head Body Arms