Final Fantasy Wiki

Cures poison.


Poisona, also known as Antidot, is a White Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It cures poison from one target. Poisona is usable by the White Magic and Red Magic skillsets (and can be used twice with Dualcast). It is one of the spells that can be cast for free from the Wonder Wand.


Poison can be purchased at Tule, Carwen, Karnak, or Jachol for 90 gil. Tule is the earliest place Poisona can be obtained. Once it is purchased, it can be used by any of the skillsets with the spell.


Poisona is a very inexpensive spell to use. Because the poison effect deals damage over time, both during battle or on the field, it is imperative to cure the effect as soon as possible. Though it may be more pressing to heal an ally's HP first during battle, once they have good HP, poison should be cured right away; on the field, it should be used immediately.

Poisona has the same effect as using an Antidote. Though Antidotes can be used if an ally does not have Poisona, the spell is so inexpensive in MP that it is often better to simply use that rather than spend for items. As well as Poisona, a character can cure themselves of poison with Chakra, which also heals the caster; Chakra is free and a better choice to use than Poisona if available, but requires an ability slot to use.

Poisona is outclassed by the White Magic spell Esuna, which cures a variety of negative statuses including poison. However, Esuna's higher cost means that if poison is the only status that needs to be cured, it is better to still use Poisona. Esuna also cannot be used by Red Magic. Other poison-heal alternative is the Neutralizer mix that heals poison and restores some HP.



The suffix -na is derived from Japanese Naoshi ((ナオ)()?) meaning "cure".

An antidote is a substance which can counteract a form of poisoning.
