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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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The adventurers of Revenant's Toll have an initiation rite involving smelly seedkin, a proud tradition that only Aganbold appears to know about.

Quest description

Passing the Smell Test Passing the Smell Test is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • Aganbold insists that in order to be recognized as an adventurer at Revenant's Toll, you must pass the test. This is news to you, but since your schedule allows it, go west into the Tangle and slay three morbols.
  • The ill-tempered seedkin are dead and Eorzea is better for it. Speak with Aganbold, who will no doubt be satisfied, and cease holding forth in a manner most theatrical.
  • Your hopes are dashed. If anything, Aganbold grows louder and more florid as he declares that you must now slay the mortal enemy of Revenant's Toll. Lurk at the ambush point and slay this Morbolger when it appears.
  • The Morbolger is dead, as is possibly your sense of smell. Lest your sensory sacrifices be in vain, report your success to Aganbold and bring this trial to an end.
  • Aganbold declares you one of the adventurers of Revenant's Toll, and returns to speaking in a normal tone of voice. Your relief outweighs any suspicion you may entertain that you have been cozened in some way...


  • Slay morbols.
  • Report to Aganbold.
  • Lurk at the ambush spot and slay the Morbolger.
  • Report to Aganbold.


Passing the Smell Test Passing the Smell Test script
Aganbold I speak for the confraternity of 'venturers who call Revenant's Toll home. Take heed, [Player Name]. We have a common foe! A hated enemy! A fierce adversary! And its name is─morbol!
Aganbold Sister/Brother [Player Name]! You hate this enemy!? Does your heart yearn to slay it!? Then do so, sister/brother! Go and slay three!
Aganbold This is a rite of passage, Sister/Brother [Player Name]! If you're to be part of Revenant's Toll, we must know: do you ring true?
Aganbold Hear ye, hear all! The morbols are slain...and [Player Name] has passed the first test of Revenant's Toll 'venturers! What, you didn't think it would just be one test, did you?
Aganbold The next trial combat! Face our nemesis─the enemy to sing our threnody, the foe to tag our big toe! See you where I placed the mark on your map? Return alive, sister/brother.
Aganbold Aaand the fearsome Morbolger falls to the newest brave of the Revenant's Toll 'Venturers' Guild─[Player Name]! Welcome to the confraternity, sister/brother!
Aganbold Seriously, how'd you kill that thing? That Morbolger was something else. They say it started off as an escaped pet. Guess that's what you get when spoiled rotten meets red in tooth and claw.
Aganbold That thing slew more 'venturers with its charnel breath than a whole parade of gigas. Not that I wanted you dead exactly, you understand, but folk have been known not to come back.
Aganbold Well, that's all in the past, eh, Sister/Brother [Player Name]! You're one of the Revenant's Toll 'venturers now. Death to morbols!
Quest complete.