Pandora is an insect/mimic-type enemy in Final Fantasy XII found in the Lhusu Mines and Necrohol of Nabudis. Like many mimics, they hide as treasure containers, but are easily recognizable due to their colorful markings. They have the rare and powerful Aegis Shield as a rare drop or steal depending on the location where the Pandora is fought.
Bestiary entry[]
Page 1: Observations[]
- Some boxes are made to be opened, others to remain closed. A prime example of the latter is none other than the pandora, a fiendish creature that assumes the look of a chest or coffer, granting death to any who open it. But o, the folly! For still it is whispered that the taboo upon the death-box's opening is nothing more than a rumor spread by those avaricious few who would claim the treasures inside for themselves! How many, hearing this, have opened what they believed to be a boon only to find a bane.
Page 2: A Curious Treasure[]
- Though it appears to be naught but a puppeteer's fantasy, the pandora is a crafty creature, with complex, highly developed innards that somehow harness the power of lightning. Where blood flows in our veins, lightning flows in theirs. Its heart, charged with the task of sending that lightning to the rest of its body, works much like the engine of an airship. Mechanists call this unusual organ the wrath of the gods.
Lhusu Mines
Necrohol of Nabudis

Pandora posing as a treasure in Necrohol of Nabudis.
In the Necrohol, the lone Pandora is not a threat and is easily dispatched. The Pandoras found in the Lhusu Mines, however, are a different story. Their HP is not exceptionally high, but they can do several thousand damage with normal attacks.
The Pandora in the mines are located in the Site 6 North. To get to this area, the player should go to the left side of the north section of Site 6 South and pan around until finding a hidden passageway.
Protect and Bubble help for surviving their blows. Knight (in the Zodiac versions) is proficient in taking them down fast.
Loot farming[]
The Pandoras yield Cancer Gems and Wraths of the Gods, which are needed to purchase the Orochi and Grand Bolts, respectively, at the bazaar. If the player does not have the monograph, they must poach the Pandoras to acquire the Wrath of the Gods. The player can zone two areas away and return to make the Pandoras respawn, raising their chain level and increase the odds of a drop (this does not affect monograph drops).
Pandora was the first woman created by the gods. According to the myth, Pandora opened a jar, in modern accounts sometimes mistranslated as "Pandora's box", releasing the evils of humanity leaving only Hope inside once she had closed it again. The myth is a kind of theodicy, addressing the question of why there is evil in the world.
In Greek mythology,Related enemies[]
- Mimic
- Tiny Mimic
- Battery Mimic
- Tiny Battery
- Mimeo
- Bug
- Thunderbug
- Mimic Queen (Boss)
- Killbug (Rare)
- Minibug (Rare)
- Ithuno (Rare)
- Omega Mark XII (Optional Boss)