Final Fantasy Wiki

Palom is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV. He is a Black Mage in contrast to his twin sister, Porom, who is a White Mage. Palom focuses on offensive magic.


IV-palom sd

Palom and Porom join the party in Mysidia after Cecil meets with the elder. They are removed from the party after battling Cagnazzo in Baron Castle, and are no longer required party members for the remainder of the story.

In the Advance and Complete Collection versions, Palom can be swapped back into the party after the events at the Giant of Babil.


Palom is a Black Mage, with his stats being weighted toward magic.

2D stats[]

Palom (2D)( data extracted from the PSP version.)
Level HP MP Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
10 100 50 7 8 5 15 10
20 358 138 15 11 11 25 12
30 714 224 20 14 17 35 14
40 1188 304 22 17 23 45 16
50 1772 387 24 21 29 55 18
60 2400 471 28 26 34 65 21
70[note 1] 3096 557 33 30 40 75 23
80 3866 641 rdm rdm rdm rdm rdm
90 4645 726 rdm rdm rdm rdm rdm
99[note 2] 5340 804 rdm rdm rdm rdm rdm
  1. At random between 8 possibilities afterward.
  2. 7622575 exp
FFIV PSP Palom Level Up Possibilities

Level up possibilities.

Level up possibilities -Palom-( Data extracted from the PSP version.)
Possibility Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 -1 0 -1 0 -1
2 -1 0 0 0 -1
3 0 0 +1 +1 0
4 +1 +1 0 +1 0
5 0 +1 0 +1 +1
6 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
7 0 0 +2 +2 +2
8 +3 0 0 +3 0
Pixel Remaster level up possibilities -Palom-( Data extracted from the PR version.)
Possibility Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 +1 +1 0 +1 0
4 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
5 0 +1 0 +1 +1
6 0 0 +1 +1 0
7 0 0 +2 +2 +2
8 +3 0 0 +3 0

3D stats[]

Palom (3D)
Level HP MP Strength Speed Stamina Intellect Spirit
10 255 90 7 8 5 15 10
20 446 176 11 12 11 24 12
30 747 262 16 15 17 34 14
40 1149 348 20 19 23 43 17
50 1653 434 24 23 28 53 19
60 2259 520 29 26 34 62 21
70[note 1] 2965 606 33 30 40 71 23
  1. Depends on the augments in the character's battle menu afterward.


Palom (PSP).

Palom can learn every Black Magic spell in the game, and learns them at a faster rate than Rydia due to her focus on summon magic. In the 3D remake, he learns a few of his spells at different levels but still learns them faster than Rydia. Bluff boosts his Intelligence and thus the damage done by his Black Magic. In Final Fantasy IV Advance and Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection, the boost from Bluff stacks with several uses, increasing his Intelligence each time. In the 3D remakes, Bluff only lasts for the next spell.

Palom can use Twincast, which allows him and Porom to cast spells together. They can cast Pyroblast, Comet, and in the Advance and Complete Collection releases, they will cast Twin Meteor if they are equipped with the Twin Stars.

Spell Level Learned
2D Versions (SNES, PS, GBA, PSP) 3D Versions (DS, iOS, Android)
Fire Known Known
Blizzard Known Known
Thunder Known Known
Sleep Known Known
Poison Known Known
Blizzara 11 12
Pig 11 11
Fira 12 13
Thundara 13 14
Stop 14 40
Bio 19 19
Toad 22 22
Spell Level Learned
2D Versions (SNES, PS, GBA, PSP) 3D Versions (DS, iOS, Android)
Quake 23 36
Drain 26 26
Warp 29 29
Blizzaga 32 32
Firaga 33 33
Thundaga 34 34
Break 36 15
Osmose 40 23
Death 46 46
Tornado 48 48
Meteor 50 50
Flare 52 55


Palom may equip rods, bows and arrows, daggers, hats, clothes, robes, armlets and rings. He cannot equip bows in the 3D remake.

In the 2D versions, he joins with a Rod, a Feathered Hat, Leather Clothing and an Iron Armlet. In the 3D remake, he joins with a Flame Rod, a Wizard's Hat, Gaia Gear and a Silver Armlet.

Weapons 2D & 3D
Bows Arrows Daggers Rods
  1. 1.0 1.1 Advance and Complete Collection only
  2. Complete Collection only
Armor 2D & 3D
Shield Head Body Arms
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Advance and Complete Collection only