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Control your HP to turn your defensive strength into offensive power!


The Paladin is an Expert Job in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, available after unlocking the corresponding nodes in the White Mage and Knight Job Trees. In addition, it is available to Neon after clearing the "Scarlet Memories: The Fallen" side mission.

Paladin is a high-maintenance defensive job that excels at maintaining high HP and defense and transforming it into a powerful offense. This job acts as an evolution of the Knight job with its defensive capabilities combined with the White Mage's healing and holy damage traits.


Job Action[]

As the antithesis of the Dark Knight, the Paladin receives a damaging buff that recovers HP and greatly increases damage dealt based on maximum HP instead of HP depleted through the "Holy Fang" job action. Though powerful, it is rather taxing on the player's MP as it drains it as long as the buff is active. It is best paired with MP mitigation abilities such as the Samurai's Meikyo-Shisui to increase MP recovered with each attack.


The Paladin shares its equipment with both the Knight's swords, shields, and greatswords and the White Mage's maces and staves. Each weapon of the Paladin's arsenal is matched with a corresponding combo ability effect that further bolsters its defenses by increasing maximum HP, increasing the damage dealt based on max HP, and decreasing general damage taken.


The Paladin receives the largest stat bonus in Stamina, allowing for a larger HP pool and increasing physical defense.

Job Stat Rating and Growth by Level
Stat Rating Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 55 Lvl 80 Lvl 99 Lvl 120 Lvl 135 Lvl 150+
HP S 1527 1969 2160 2304 2425 2533 2669 2771
Strength D 18 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Agility E 17 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
Stamina A 22 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
Intellect E 17 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
Spirit C 19 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Luck C 19 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Job Tree[]

These abilities can be bought by using Job Points which are accumulated by earning EXP and leveling up the Job:

Ability Icon Type Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description
Holy Fang Holy Fang SOPFFO Job Action 1~ Recover HP when landing a hit. Deals additional holy damage based on max HP when HP is at max. You can toggle this effect on and off with [Ability].
*MP gradually depletes while active.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Paladin Affinity +10% Paladin Affinity SOPFFO Passive 1 Holy Fang Increases paladin job affinity.
All Damage -2.3% Passive SOPPFO Passive 2 Paladin Affinity +10% Decreases damage taken.
Spirit of the Sword Sword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 3 All Damage -2.3% [Weapon Type: Sword]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Staggers nearby enemies.
Holy Fang Mastery Holy Fang Mastery SOPFFO Passive 4 All Damage -2.3% Restores HP when using a soul burst while holy fang is active.
Shield Surge Shield Surge SOPFFO Mace Combo 3 100 All Damage -2.3% [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Launch the enemy into the air with your shield then smash them into the earth with your mace.
*Requires a shield.

[Link 3 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]
A True Knight Greatsword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 4 Shield Surge [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Staggers nearby enemies.
All Damage -4.9% Passive SOPPFO Passive 5 Shield Surge Decreases damage taken.
Merciless Mace Mace Buff Combo Ability Effects 6 All Damage -4.9% [Weapon Type: Mace]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Staggers nearby enemies.
Damage Dealt at Max HP +4.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 8 Merciless Mace Increases damage dealt when HP is at max.
Paladin Affinity +25% Paladin Affinity SOPFFO Passive 7 All Damage -4.9% Increases paladin job affinity.
Radiant Aura Radiant Aura SOPFFO Sword Combo 9 100 Paladin Affinity +25% [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash][Element: Dia SOPFFOHoly]
[Stat Bonus: Spirit Stat SOPFFOSpirit]
Perform a holy-imbued area attack. Hold [Ability] for successive attacks.

[Link 1 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Ability].
HP +60 Passive SOPPFO Passive 1 Holy Fang Increases HP by 60.
Exalted Spirit Greatsword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 2 HP +60 [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Heavy Bash Heavy Bash SOPFFO Mace Combo 3 100 Exalted Spirit [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Charge forward with your shield and then smash the enemy with your mace.
*Requires a shield.

[Link 2 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability].
Sentinel Sentinel SOPFFO Command 3 200 HP +60 Nullifies a limited amount of damage.
*Higher max HP will increase the amount of damage that can be nullified.
Mystical Mace Mace Buff Combo Ability Effects 4 Sentinel [Weapon Type: Mace]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Paladin Affinity +15% Paladin Affinity SOPFFO Passive 5 Mystical Mace Increases paladin job affinity.
Spectral Sword Sword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 6 Paladin Affinity +15% [Weapon Type: Sword]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Shield Charge Shield Charge SOPFFO Sword Combo 5 100 Mystical Mace [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash/Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Charge forward with your shield at the ready to deliver a striking blow, then finish with an upwards slash. Knocks enemies back.
*Requires a shield.

[Link 3 Ability]
Can be set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]
HP +60 Passive SOPPFO Passive 7 Shield Charge Increases HP by 60.
Damage Dealt at Max HP +4.2% Passive SOPPFO Passive 9 HP +60 Increases damage dealt when HP is at max.
New Class: Royal Guard Paladin Evocation SOPFFO Class Unlock All Paladin Tree abilities Unlocks the Evocation Class for Paladin, Royal Guard. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC
New Class: Holy Knight Paladin Ultima SOPFFO Class Unlock All Paladin Tree abilities Unlocks the Ultima Class for Paladin, Holy Knight. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC

Class Trees[]

Introduced in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC, These classes are unlocked after visiting Bahamut's Cave and completing the "A Token of Courage and Strength" conversation with Bahamut and the abilities thereof can be bought by using Rat Tails which are accumulated by completing missions on the Bahamut difficulty onward and purchasing them from the Bahamut Exchange Shop via Dragon Treasures:

Paladin Evocation SOPFFO
Royal Guard[]
Ability Icon Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Shield of Kings Holy Fang SOPFFO Job Action All Paladin tree abilities Holy Fang
[Class Change Effect: Evocation]
Restores MP when attacking an enemy vulnerable to holy.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Stamina +4 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Shield of Kings Increases stamina.
HP +118 Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Stamina +4 Increases HP by 118.
Luck +6 Luck Up SOPFFO Passive 6 HP +118 Increases luck.
Paladin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 11 Luck +6 Increases paladin master points acquired.
Stamina +8 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 8 HP +118 Increases stamina.
Break +160 Passive SOPPFO Passive 10 Stamina +8 Increases break by 160.
Merciless Staff Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 16 Break +160 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Staggers nearby enemies.
Spirit +6 Spirit Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Shield of Kings Increases spirit.
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Spirit +6 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases resistance to status ailments.
Strength +5 Strength Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases strength.
Blade's Blessing Sword Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 14 Strength +5 [Weapon Type: Sword]
[1st Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Ability].

Restores HP based on magic damage dealt.
HP +236 Passive SOPPFO Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 236.
Paladin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 15 HP +236 Increases paladin master points acquired.
Staff Geist Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 16 HP +236 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Paladin Ultima SOPFFO
Holy Knight[]
Ability Icon Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Holy Arts Holy Fang SOPFFO Job Action All Paladin tree abilities Holy Fang
[Class Change Effect: Ultima]
While active, temporarily increases additional damage dealt and HP recovery when at near death.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Stamina +4 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Holy Arts Increases stamina.
HP +118 Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Stamina +4 Increases HP by 118.
Luck +6 Luck Up SOPFFO Passive 6 HP +118 Increases luck.
Paladin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 11 Luck +6 Increases paladin master points acquired.
Stamina +8 Stamina Up SOPFFO Passive 8 HP +118 Increases stamina.
Break +160 Passive SOPPFO Passive 10 Stamina +8 Increases break by 160.
Merciless Staff Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 16 Break +160 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[3rd Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Attack]>[Attack]>[Attack]>[Ability]

Staggers nearby enemies.
Spirit +6 Spirit Up SOPFFO Passive 2 Holy Arts Increases spirit.
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 4 Spirit +6 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Passive SOPPFO Passive 6 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases resistance to status ailments.
Strength +5 Strength Up SOPFFO Passive 8 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases strength.
Mace of Wisdom Mace Buff Combo Ability Effects 14 Strength +5 [Weapon Type: Mace]
[Rear Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Rear] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Guarantees a critical hit.
HP +236 Passive SOPPFO Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 236.
Paladin Master Points +3 Master Points Up SOPFFO Passive 15 HP +236 Increases paladin master points acquired.
Staff Geist Staff Buff SOPFFO Combo Ability Effects 16 HP +236 [Weapon Type: Staff]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Forward] + [Attack] (Weapon Skill) > [Ability]

Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.

Job Affinity bonuses[]

Most weapons and items of clothing have a certain percentage of Job Affinity for a certain job. By combining them together and raising this percentage, the character may not only gain extra EXP to that Job, but also unlock abilities and bonuses to their stats. The bonuses for the Paladin Job Affinity are:

Name Job Ability Percentages Description
Paladin's Wisdom I 20% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Paladin's Wisdom II 30% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Vigor Bonus I 50% Increases break damage dealt when HP is at max by 6.8%.
Paladin's Wisdom III 80% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Vigor Bonus II 120% Increases break damage dealt when HP is at max by 11.3%.
Paladin's Wisdom IV 160% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Bringer of Light 250% Gradually restores HP when lightbringer is active.
Purifying Light 400% Grants immunity to all status ailments.
Memories of a Tested Paladin 600% A successful soul shield increases your HP. This effect can stack up to twenty times.
Also enhances the effects of Paladin's Wisdom.
Paladin's Essence 800% Enhances the effects of Paladin's Wisdom, and also boosts stats based on your affinity.



The paladins, sometimes known as the Twelve Peers, were the foremost warriors of Charlemagne's court, according to the literary cycle known as the Matter of France.
