Ozetta is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
Ozetta's Trust Master reward is the Ozetta's Armor.
4★ - No. 0850:A female knight that commands the Magitek squadron of the Zoldaad Empire. Ozetta continued diligently training even after the death of her mentor, General Wilhelm, and now boasts of the same prestigious title he once held as commanding officer of Zoldaad's Magitek forces. Although she may be underestimated by many for her lack of experience on the battlefield, the passion she has for protecting the empire and its people is unrivaled.
5★ - No. 0851:A female knight that commands the Magitek squadron of the Zoldaad Empire. Ozetta may be a bit too serious and stern for her own good at times, but the members of her squadron trust her greatly. The reason behind her choice of bulky armor that completely hides her feminine features is actually her deep admiration for General Wilhelm.
5★ - No. 0852:A female knight that commands the Magitek squadron of the Zoldaad Empire. Ozetta now commands the forces previously led by her hero, General Wilhelm, and is more dedicated to protecting the empire and its people than any of her peers. Although she doesn't have much experience on the battlefield, her instincts regarding dangerous foes are quite sharp. Some say that as a child she managed to make her way through a dangerous forest somehow completely unscathed.
Entries for different versions of Wado.
Ozetta's stats at her highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:
Ozetta can equip the following weapons: Axe, Hammer, Spear, Whip, Mace.
She can equip the following armor: Light Shield, Heavy Shield, Hat, Helm, Light Armor, Heavy Armor.
She can equip accessories.