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Final Fantasy Wiki

An undead skeleton born from a coalescence of hatred. Petrifies enemies with its Dread attack.

Final Fantasy VI PlayStation Bestiary entry

The Oversoul (or Over-Mind in the SNES version) is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI fought aboard the Phantom Train.



It has a 33% chance of using Dread Gaze every other turn when it is accompanied by other monsters, and when alone, has a 33% chance of using Insanitouch. The two attacks Petrify Petrify and confuse a party member, respectively. It is recommended to deal with Oversouls first. Blitzes, such as Aura Cannon and Rising Phoenix, do heavy damage against them.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
075 Oversoul x2 Y Y Y Y Sides, individual Battle 1
078 Oversoul, Living Dead x2 Y Y N Y Sides, individual Battle 1

AI script[]

If monster is by itself: Attack (66%) or Insanitouch (33%)

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (100%)
2nd Turn: Dread Gaze (33%) or Attack (33%) or Nothing (33%)

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Oversoul FFVI

Oversoul from Final Fantasy VI appears in Final Fantasy Record Keeper as an enemy.

Final Fantasy Portal App[]

112a Oversoul

Oversoul from Final Fantasy VI appears as a Triple Triad card.


In New England transcendentalism, oversoul is a spiritual essence or vital force in the universe in which all souls participate and that therefore transcends individual consciousness. Oversoul can also be the universal mind or spirit that animates, motivates, and is the unifying principle of all living things. It's a concept in the transcendentalist philosophy of Emerson and others.

In science fiction, an overmind is the leading or controlling mind in a group mind.

Related enemies[]
