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Outburst is an Arcanist Arcanist and Summoner Summoner spell from Final Fantasy XIV that deals damage in an area of effect.


PvE version
  • Deals unaspected magic damage with a potency of 100 to target and nearby enemies
  • Activates the global cooldown (GCD)
  • Potency is increased by 20 during Aethercharge Aethercharge
Formulae Base damage formula:

Where Potency can be 100 normally or 120 during Aethercharge; Trait can be 1.1 with Maim and Mend or 1.3 with Maim and Mend II.
Cast/recast time formula:

Where Time can be 1500 for cast time or 2500 for recast time.
PvP version
Base mechanics


Outburst deals damage to a target and nearby enemies, providing steady area of effect (AoE) damage. It is the baseline AoE spell for Summoners, having a low MP cost and a global cooldown (GCD) recast. While Summoners have access to stronger AoE abilities, they all require specific conditions, limiting how frequently they can be used. When none of these actions are available to use, Outburst is the spell to fall back on.

Outburst should only be used in encounters where it will hit 3 or more enemies. Any less, and a simple Ruin Ruin will provide better damage output.

Aethercharge Aethercharge will increase Outburst's damage by roughly 20% while active. When Aethercharge is upgraded to Dreadwyrm Trance Dreadwyrm Trance and later Summon Bahamut Summon Bahamut, these effects will instead upgrade Outburst to Astral Flare Astral Flare, roughly an 80% increase.

Outburst's cast time is slightly shorter than the 2.5 second global cooldown (GCD), allowing players a short window in which they can use off-global cooldown (oGCD) abilities such as Energy Drain Energy Drain between spellcasts.


Outburst behaves nearly identically in PvP, but no longer interacts with Dreadwyrm Trance, instead being upgraded to Brand of Purgatory Brand of Purgatory during Firebird Trance Firebird Trance.

Patch history[]

Version Changes
Patch 5.1
  • Tri-disaster and Bane no longer inflict Ruination
  • Level 76 trait Enhanced Outburst Enhanced Outburst added to replace Enhanced Tri-disaster, increasing Outburst's potency to 90
  • Required level reduced to 26; now available to Arcanists; no longer obtained from a quest
  • Base potency increased to 100
  • Cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds
  • MP cost reduced to 300
  • Aethercharge added, increasing Outburst's potency by 20 while active
  • Dreadwyrm Trance and Summon Bahamut now replace Outburst with Astral Flare while active
  • No longer replaced by Brand of Purgatory due to level difference
  • Enhanced Outburst removed
  • Level 74 Summoner trait Outburst Mastery upgrades Outburst to Tri-disaster Tri-disaster
PvP version
Version Changes
  • Added with a 2 second cast time
Patch 5.3
  • Cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds

Behind the scenes[]

FFXIV ARR Tri-bind

The original Tri-Bind spell in version 2.0.

Outburst uses the same graphical effects as Tri-bind Tri-bind, a long-standing Summoner spell which Outburst replaced in the Shadowbringers expansion.
