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You aren't alone! You have many friends that would risk their lives for you, and I'm one of them!

Max Trust Mastery

Orran from Final Fantasy Tactics appears as a character and summonable vision. His job is listed as Astrologist.

Orran's Trust Master reward is the Heaven's Guidance special ability.


4★ - No. 0570:

A young man who appears in the tales of holy stones known as auracite in the distant world of Ivalice. An astrologer affiliated with the Knights of the Southern Sky, Orran excels at gathering information and analyzing it, as well as at devising highly efficient tactical plans. The adoptive son of Thunder God Orlandeau, he was ordered by his father to conduct an investigation of the Church's corruption. As he makes his way through the Mining Town of Gollund, he is saved by Ramza after being cornered by several thieves.

5★ - No. 0571:

A young man who appears in the tales of holy stones known as auracite in the distant world of Ivalice. Orran is investigating the power of the auracite, as well as the motives of the Knights Templar at his father's request. Although Orran serves the Knights of the Southern Sky, who are enemies of House Beoulve, Ramza confides in him and shares his knowledge of the cardinal's evil plot, creating a common cause between them. When Orlandeau is accused of treason and taken captive at Riovanes Castle, Orran enlists the help of Ramza to rescue his imprisoned father.

6★ - No. 0572:

A young man who appears in the tales of holy stones known as auracite in the distant world of Ivalice. After losing his real father to the Fifty Years' War, Orran was raised by Orlandeau, his father's brother in arms. Years later he is eventually labeled an accomplice to his adoptive father when news claim that Orlandeau has assassinated Duke Goltanna. This accusation destroys Orlandeau's name and reputation, but he is ultimately able to escape the sentence attached to the crime. Orran then decides to seek Princess Ovelia in order to appeal for his father's innocence.

Entries for different versions of Orran.


The 4★ version of Orran is holding the Bestiary weapon, while the 5★ and 6★ versions are holding the Veil of Wiyu artefact.


Orran's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check*(Maximum LB crystals drop per hit)
4★ 40 1927 (+210) 103 (+35) 68 (+14) 70 (+14) 81 (+14) 83 (+18) 1 8 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ 80 2506 (+240) 135 (+40) 89 (+16) 91 (+16) 106 (+16) 109 (+24) 1 10 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ 100 3258 (+390) 176 (+65) 116 (+26) 119 (+26) 138 (+26) 142 (+34) 1 12 FFBE Limit Burst crystal


Ability Level
Gravity 1
Cura 21
Entrust 1
Ability Level
Meteor 80
Song of Life 13
Magickal Refrain 61
Nameless Song 80
MP +20%*(Passive) 41
MAG +20%*(Passive) 73
Ability Level
Graviga 1
Protectga 92
Shellga 92
Reflect 100
Battle Chant 33
Angelsong 52
Manipulator of Fate 98
Durai Papers 100
Writer of History*(Passive) 1


Orran can equip the following weapons: daggers, staves, rods and music instruments.

He can equip the following armors: hats, clothes, light armors and robes.

He can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
4★ Celestial stasis Base (Level 1): Magic damage (2.3x) to all enemies. Inflict stop (40%) for 5 turns to all enemies.
Max (Level 20): Magic damage (3x) to all enemies. Inflict stop (54%) for 5 turns to all enemies.
6 12 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ Celestial stasis Base (Level 1): Magic damage (2.5x) to all enemies. Inflict stop (50%) for 5 turns to all enemies.
Max (Level 20): Magic damage (3.45x) to all enemies. Inflict stop (69%) for 5 turns to all enemies.
7 14 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ Celestial stasis Base (Level 1): Magic damage (2.7x) to all enemies. Inflict stop (60%) for 5 turns to all enemies.
Max (Level 25): Magic damage (3.9x) to all enemies. Inflict stop (84%) for 5 turns to all enemies.
10 16 FFBE Limit Burst crystal

Awakening Materials[]

5★ 6★
Rainbow Needle x25
Bizarre Box 13
Sacred Crystal x15
Brilliant Ray x8
Holy Crystal x8
Calamity Writ x20
Fairies' Writ x10
Prismatic Horn x10
Calamity Gem x5
Divine Crystal x5


Rarity Summoned Fused Awoken
4★ My name is Orran Durai. Where is it you are headed to? As long as the enemy strikes at us, the fight will continue. That is how war goes. -
5★ You think there's value in using me? Well then, let us see what you've got. For the sake of my foster father's honor, I mustn't take part in clumsy fighting. Entrust the fate of the heavens to me. If I can become you, and you can become me...
6★ Do you have an interest in astrology? It's just about looking up and interpreting the movements of the stars in the sky. No one knows if or when the fighting will stop. Still, this doesn't mean we can let those evil-doers continue with their plans... What is it that humans look to for happiness? For what reason are we all alive? And what is it we should leave behind?

