Onward to the Distant Heavens is the fifteenth episode of Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-. As Cid Highwind is preparing to launch the Shinra No. 26 rocket, Avalanche attempt to sabotage it. The Turks are dispatched to stop Avalanche.
With the public's confidence in the Shinra Electric Power Company shaken due to the attacks by Avalanche, the launch of the Shinra No. 26 rocket is used as a publicity stunt to buy back public support, and Rufus Shinra takes part in a rehearsal for the event in Rocket Town. During the rehearsal the point vehicle for the air show, the Tiny Bronco, is hijacked by Shears's underlings, but with Cid Highwind's help, the Player Turk retrieves the aircraft.
As thanks for retrieving of his aircraft, Cid takes the Player Turk and Rufus on a tour of the Shinra No. 26, coming across one of Shears's underlings attempting to steal an oxygen tank, essential for the launch rockets, to sabotage the launch.
In spite apprehending the underling, the ship's oxygen tanks are stolen and have to be replaced, but the launch is continued as scheduled. The launch is aborted in midair as Cid opts to preserve the life of a mechanic caught inside the ship's rocket engines.