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Dmitar has exciting news to share from the southern front.

Quest description

On the Offensive On the Offensive is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.



  • Speak with Dmitar.


On the Offensive On the Offensive script
Dmitar Blade [Player Name]! We received word from the field─the Empire's forces have fallen back!
Dmitar In fact, our troops have pushed forward far enough as to claim an enemy encampment near the southern entrenchment.
Dmitar My commanding officer has instructed me to give you a brief tour of the site at your earliest convenience. I will await you there.
Dmitar Welcome to Olana's Stand. If you wish to travel between here and Utya's Aegis, feel free to use that aetheryte shard over there. I would suggest attuning to it before you leave.
Dmitar And one last thing: while we've made great strides in our fight against the Empire, there's still much to be done before we can retake Castrum Lacus Litore.
Dmitar I expect the enemy will only grow more determined as we advance forward, but we must press on. For Bozja!
Quest complete.