Final Fantasy Wiki

On Our Way and Abandoned Dock are quests in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, taking place in the Grasslands Region during Chapter 2, "A New Journey Begins". After leaving Kalm, Cloud Strife's party explore the grasslands for their next objective.

Optionally, the discovery quest "Coconspirator" can be completed to help further this quest, providing waypoint for the main objective.


After entering the grasslands region, following a quick cutscene, there is total freedom to explore. It is best not to do too much exploring at this step, as it will be much easier to explore after finding a chocobo later.

With this freedom, the party can be changed around. Three party combinations can be selected from the menu. Every party must include Cloud Strife , but can be a mix Cloud plus two of Barret Wallace, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, or Red XIII. Each have different strengths and weaknesses: Barret is defensive and attacks from range but is slower, Tifa is agile and can quickly stagger and defeat single targets but is less durable, Aerith is ranged and very strong at magic output but less durable, while Red XIII is a defensive but relies most on counterattacks.

The materia selection can also be changed. It is very important to equip Assess Materia Assess Materia and use it often on the enemies in the Grasslands region, as this will be crucial for intel objectives later. The enemies themselves are not particularly challenging at this point, and the opportunity can be used to learn the different party member's playstyles. The areas nearby will be revisited for more challenging fights when returning later.

For this quest, the goal is to head southwest on the map toward the Abandoned Dock. The waypoint can be found by completing the "Coconspirator" discovery quest and finding Oliver's Farm can provide a good rest point as well as directions toward the objective. On the way southwest, Bill will be encountered for a brief cutscene.

At the Abandoned Dock, a treasure chest for Cloud's Sleek Saber Sleek Saber can be found. This weapon teaches the Firebolt Blade ability, an ability which performs a double melee attack with Cloud that is imbued with Fire Fire and Lightning Lightning damage. It can easily take advantage of an enemy's weakness to either of these without expending MP or casting a spell, and thus has decent situational use particularly early on. Pick this up and at the Abandoned Dock, a cutscene will commence and lead to the next quest, "Bill's Chocobo Ranch".
