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Omniscient is one of the bosses guarding a spell in the Fork Tower in Final Fantasy V. This being guards the Flare spell. In the Finest Fantasy for Advance and the now-discontinued 2013 Matrix Software versions, Omniscient is also fought in the Sealed Temple's Cloister of the Dead.

One of the items that can be stolen from Omniscient is the Kornago Gourd, an item a wizard figure gave the party in Quelb earlier in the game.



Physical attacks will cause Omniscient to cast Return, resetting the battle. The player can prevent him from casting anything by attacking him with a weapon enchanted with Silence. This effectively prevents Omniscient from doing anything, as he does not use physical attacks unless he is Berserked. When Omniscient is defeated, he casts Flare as a final attack.


An efficient method to defeat Omniscient is to summon Carbuncle, so Omniscient's spells are reflected back at him. Another method is to cast Berserk on him and then summon Golem. This way, he cannot use Return to restart the battle, and the party will not suffer damage from his physical attacks. Provided the party is under reflect, or Omniscient is berserked or silenced, Omniscient's final attack should not pose a threat.

Another strategy is to use two Mystic Knights, one equipped with Blue Magic and other with Summon and use Silence Blade constantly, or one Mystic Knight can attack with Silence while the other will use Aeroga or summon Syldra. He is also susceptible to Magic Hammer; if he lacks MP at the end of the fight, he cannot cast Flare. If his MP is drained to 0 by Magic Hammer before attacking him, that will also prevent him from countering with Return.

A simple method is to give both characters Reflect Rings. The player can then use magic. The Magic Lamp is helpful when low on MP.

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]


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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Omniscient FFV
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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Mobius Final Fantasy[]

MFF Omniscient
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Omniscience (from Latin omni, omnis: all/everything and scientia, scientiae: knowledge) is the state of knowing everything, often interpreted to include perfect foresight, or knowledge of future events. Many gods are omniscient and sometimes (as in the case of Odin from Norse paganism) had to undergo a difficult trial to gain omniscience.

Related enemies[]
